Causing a misunderstanding

He then left saying he had work to finish and wished her luck in solving the letter.

Tanya went back to making the writing system for the language she was working on. In a few hours they all finished the writing system of all the Kajar languages and then they began decoding attempts, using the frequency analysis method Tanya had taught them.

 It was at the end of the day that they finally made a breakthrough. "I got something, I think I've got something!" Maurice, one of Tanya's former scribing department workmates yelled out.

Tanya rushed to him.

"I decode using the Ranath language typically spoken in the eastern part of the empire and got a message that makes sense."

Tanya looked at the work Maurice had done going through the methods he had used to decrypt the message. She then read the message he had decoded.

"Norfork and Keanev will be attacked simultaneously on the 4th day of the coming week."