Forgive him he's just a man

"Let him in," Tanya told the servant to let her brother in.

After a moment Taron rushed into the room and went to Tanya's side. She lay in her bed.

"Tanya oh my goodness! Are you alright?" he asked worriedly.

 "Yes, I am fine, Taron" she replied.

He then hugged her glad to see she was alright. "I was so scared, a received a letter yesterday saying you had suddenly collapsed and could've died."

"I'm sorry for making you worry."

"Why are you apologizing?" he asked. "I just want to understand what exactly caused this?"

"The physicians said they can't identify exactly what caused me to collapse but they think I may have been tired or something but I'm not sure," Tanya tried to explain.


"I had always been worried about you ever since you started working closely with the emperor and started investigating all of this