Surprise gifts

Frozen by the door she saw countless bouquets of flowers, elegant dresses and jewellery laid out in the room. She hadn't ordered anything neither and she hadn't been informed that she was going to receive anything, so what was with all this doing in her room.

"What is all this?" she asked a servant in the room.

 "They are gifts from His Highness the crown prince, my lady," the servant responded.

"Gifts?" Tanya said in surprise.

"Yes," the servant responded. "His message is they are for you to enjoy."

'To enjoy?' Tanya thought to herself as she snorted in annoyance.

The other servants around Tanya began to gush excitedly at Malek's romantic gesture towards Tanya.

Tanya sighed as she thought to herself 'what is that man doing?' she asked to herself. Did he think he could win her heart with something like this? She felt insulted if he thought that was going to work on her.