An illicit affair


She stood up from the seating area and left her room to make her way to the library. Luckily, she wasn't with the large group of knights that followed her around anymore. With the mole finally caught the order to have her overly protected was called off. Now it was only Miguel who followed her around from a distance.

Upon arriving at the library, she aimlessly looked around like the last time. She went through the books she didn't find Hardik anywhere. Her heart faltered for a moment. "It's okay, she told herself. It was probably for the best. It was risky for them to see each other anyway.

She couldn't return to her room though she still wouldn't be able to focus, so instead she decided to stay for at least an hour or two before she returned. So, she looked around the library looking for something interesting.

"I see you've returned," she then heard a familiar voice say from nearby. She looked up from the shelf aisle she was standing in to see Hardik.