A deal

In front of her father's vintage car, Phina took a seat. She fixed her gaze on the house before her. The house in front of her was unlike any she had ever entered. It resembled the homes she had seen in movies. The mansion was enormous and exquisite. She was unaware that her father was employed there. Mr. Patrick, as he was known, was a rich guy. 

"Remember what I told you? He has a somewhat quick fuse and detests biting the bush," her father told him. 

"I understand, Dad." She addressed him. 

"All right. I'm hoping he gets you a better job." He wished. 

"Me too. Now, let me leave. We don't want to enrage him." She said to her father.. 

With a loving gaze on his daughter, the guy nodded. He hoped she wouldn't act in this way. What other option do they have, though? They needed the cash. 

"Good luck, dear." 

"Thanks, Dad." Thanking him, she got out of the car. 

She approached the door and rang the bell. An older woman came to open the door. Before speaking, she gave her a thorough examination. 

"Who are you? Who would you like to see? Exasperated, she questioned. 

"My name is Phina Wallace…Seraphina Wallace. Please I want to see Mr. Patrick." She spoke to the woman calmly. 

She gave her another thorough examination. 

"Are you sure he wants to see you?" With a snarl, she asked. 

Phina gave a nod in response. "Yes." 

Finally, she threw open the door and allowed herself inside. She led the path to the living room. Because of the air conditioner in the house, the chilly air hugged her skin the instant she went in, making it feel like paradise. Not only that, though, the home gleamed. 

Every room in the house was lovely and fascinating. It was made of gorgeous floor tiles, windows, and chandeliers. You could practically envision yourself on it. In addition, the color was calming and hospitable. The armchairs, which came in several tones of brown, were exquisitely simple, elegant, and unique in and of themselves. They looked costly and were hardly used. The significant, glossy brown polished setter held the TV, which was so big and bright that one could practically see themselves on it. 

Everything about the house was fantastic! 

"Take a seat here. I'll inform Mr. Patrick of your presence." With that, she turned to leave. 

After glancing over the chair, Phina sat and took in her surroundings, appreciating the place. 

Patrick descended the stairs with a file and an iPad. He wore a sky blue shirt, tie, and a fitting navy blue suit. On his feet, he had polished black shoes on. She followed him down to her seat, staring at him the entire time. It was the first time I saw him walk. 

She took in his height. He was handsome, she told herself. His legs were long, and he had big shoulders. He had well-groomed hair and a cleanly-shaven beard, making him attractive. 

When he reached her, she got up to meet him. 

"Good morning." She said hello. 

"Morning." Gazing at her from head to toe, he murmured in a bland tone. Although she wasn't happy with how he handled that, she wasn't upset either. 

Patrick paid attention when he saw his visitor dressed in faded trousers and a yellow polo shirt with the word "sassy" emblazoned. 

"You can sit." He spoke, taking a seat at the exact moment. 

Following his instructions, she waited for him to strike up a discussion. 

"This morning, I requested that you come. I appreciate your punctuality; similar to your Dad." He made a statement. 

He finds at least one aspect of her appealing. She pondered in her head. 


"I asked about the available jobs, and the most decent one for your qualifications is a waitress at the hotel." 

"A waitress?" She enquired. 

He gave a nod. 

That's a noteworthy fact. It's an initial step. It could assist in covering some expenditures and is decent enough. It doesn't bother her to do it. The thought occurred to her as soon as she comprehended Patrick's remarks. 

"You will be paid twenty-five thousand monthly," he stated. Phina let her eyes drop open. The salary exceeded her expectations—superior to working as a waiter in her neighborhood. It was almost as if they felt sorry for the employees there. 

Patrick went on. "You work from seven in the morning to seven in the evening." He explained. 

Looking up, Patrick saw her response. It was evident to him that he saw the expression on her face. She looked skeptical as she processed what he had said. 

Phina trusted the man in front of her to give her a job in a good place, even though the job was OK, and she hoped it was in a respectable place. But timing was the problem today. 

Who was going to assist with the twins' care? She was aware that Samuel dislikes babysitting and that he is getting ready for his exams, which is why he will be coming from school late. Additionally, the woman assisting with their after-school care has acted oddly during the past few days. With the twins, she didn't trust that kind of person. As she sat across from Patrick, those were her thoughts. 

"But if you would agree, I have another offer, and it's your choice," Patrick added, observing her every move. "I want to make a deal with you." 

"What deal?" It caught Phina's attention. 

With more comfort, Patrick crossed his legs and fixed his gaze on Phina. He talked with assurance: "You will act as my girlfriend for a month." 

"What? Why do you think I am ready for such or I will agree to it? Frustrated, Phina questioned. She glanced at him. She wanted to slap him. She thought. 

Although things didn't go as planned, she just said it and didn't apologize because that was how she felt. That was the first thought that entered her head. She would nonetheless inform him. 

She was direct all the time. She doesn't always keep her emotions to herself. 

Patrick considered how daring it was of her to question him. She was gutted. 

"Will you listen to me, Miss Wallace?" He stated firmly. 

She nodded after shooting him an angry glance. 

As I said, it's a decision, and I'm not pressuring you to make it. After the agreement, I will give you ten million dollars." 

Her jaw dropped wildly in shock. 

Is that what he just said? Ten thousand or ten million. He made her a 10 million dollar offer. She then slapped herself inside for having such a terrible opinion of herself. 

"Are you trying to buy me Mr. Patrick?" With some anger, she asked. 

He grinned. 

"Buy you? Why? This is a business world. It is only business. You need the money, and I need someone to be my girlfriend for thirty days. Miss Wallace, you are aware of your financial need. You won't be able to find another opportunity. You could solve a lot of problems with the money." Patrick sulked after saying so with assurance. 

"The choice is all yours." He repeated himself. 

Glancing away, Phina considered what he had just said. He was correct. Numerous issues in the family may currently be resolved with the money. She may purchase a new sewing and weaving machine and pay her brother's exam fees. She may even utilize the funds to cover her grandmother's medical expenses. With enough money, she may fill out another form and get ready to return to college next year. 

He was giving her access to something that would greatly benefit her. She could not make one-third of that amount in a year from her combined clothes sales and waitressing jobs. However, he was making it available to her in just thirty days. 

"Why me? Why give me this kind of... deal? You have no idea who I am. You may hire someone else to complete the deal on your behalf." Confused, she said. 

How come he needed an acting girlfriend at all? 

That, however, is not her issue or worry. 

Miss Wallace, that's a decision I have to make. Furthermore, no prior knowledge is required. All you need to understand is that... You seem like a reliable person. Additionally, I know your Dad. Here, I'm attempting to assist you. Thus, as I mentioned, it's all business." He responded. 

Refusing to roll her eyes, Phina battled the impulse. Is everything a means for wealthy men to make or spend money? Rhetorical, she asked herself inwardly. 

He saw a range of emotions on her face, from rage to perplexity to uncertainty and vexation. 

"You can look through the file to know more about it." He spoke as he threw the files he held onto the center table, separating them. 

She looked at him as she picked up the file and opened it to see what was inside. 

She proceeded to read the book. He had some expectations for her, and some he did not. He provided her with guidelines to abide by and made what would not occur apparent. 

She thought it would be alright. If he can fulfill his half of the agreement, that is. 

"How do I know I can trust you?" Phina enquired. 

He said, flashing that goofy smile. 

"I am a man. An entrepreneur. It's similar to closing a deal in business. You can rely on me. If I can't keep them, I won't write them. I honor my promises." He said, highlighting the final sentence. 

She gave a nod. 

"Can I think about it?" She enquired. 

"Alright." With a shrug, he remarked to her. 

"I will give you feedback." Standing to her feet, she said. "Can I take this?" 

He said, "Of course." He was already tapping on his iPad after picking it up. 

Phina shot one final look at the house before leaving. The dude exudes a certain arrogance. He felt so pleased with himself. She wouldn't be here if it weren't for her condition was. As she walked out of the mansion, she thought. 

She didn't tell her father about it but vowed to do so when he got home. She wants him to be unconcerned. Additionally, she will have enough time to consider Mr. Patrick's offer after that. 


"Ten million dollars?" Avery let out a cry. 

"Are you deaf Avery?" Mia inquired. 

"No, it's unexpected. To pretend to be his girlfriend, the man wants to give you 10 million dollars. How rich is he?" Avery enquired once again. 

Phina let out a sigh. She regretted telling Avery what had happened in her meeting with her father's boss. He had invited her to come today, and she had mentioned the initial meeting to them. 

They were good friends of hers. Despite her refusal to acknowledge it, Avery was her closest friend. Since they were little, they had been together. She is friend indeed and vice versa. 

"So, have you told your Dad?" The more reasonable of the two, Mia, inquired. 

"Not at all. He should return from work first because that will allow me ample time to consider my options." She answered. 

"That's good. He could become enraged. Daddys don't enjoy things like that. Their daughters with men." She says. 

"What do you mean by it, Mia? Is this the appropriate thing to say? Our friend is getting an opportunity to turn her life around. He's willing to give her 10 million dollars merely to play girlfriend. She won't get half the money if she works as a waiter for two years. "Phina," Avert turned to face Phina. "You need to give this a lot of thought. This is an opportunity of a lifetime. Make sure to take it. He's already stated unequivocally that he is not imbuing it with sentiment. He approaches it like a business. You need the money, and he needs the acting. Consider carefully. Avery gave her friend advice. 

"I'm scared, but I know Avery. Why should I believe him? And will I spend a month with a man I know nothing about after leaving my father and siblings?" With a troubled expression, Phina spoke. "Who is going to look after them? In addition, he works for my father." 

"Phina, they'll be alright. The man will know what to do, I'm sure of it. The thirty days will end in less than a few days, and you will get the money. Think about it. That is the deal. 

"Phina, Avery is right. We all understand how much money you need. With it, you can return to school. Uphold your moral standards and trust the man to follow his commitments. He doesn't seek a romantic relationship with you. He must have girls in his class and standard falling in love with him. He is aware that nothing can ever happen to you two. He is aware that you need the money. It's nice of him to give it to you. Other females will grab it. Mia went on. 

"Like me." Avery shot back. Her friends gave her a sidelong glance. Phina furrowed her brow. But they are all aware of its integrity. Avery never admits to having limitations. And they knew full well that Avery would seize the chance without even looking twice. "That is the actuality. My boyfriend won't bother me. Who did I assist previously? Whom does he assist? Is it possible for him to give me even five hundred thousand out of ten million?" She says. However, the truth was within. 

Her companion, aware of and sympathetic to her candid demeanor, grinned. 

"Dearie, thank you. I'll give it some thought." She informed them. 

"Have you spoken with Ethan?" Mia inquired. 

"Mrs. Ethan. Why?" Avery rolled her eyes at her pal and muttered. 

Phina merely laughed. They both know Mia has been crushing on Ethan, Phina's best buddy and closest male friend since high school. 

"Shut up, Avery." She pouted, causing everyone to chuckle at her adorable expression. 


Phina was sitting in the same restaurant as Patrick about a week ago. She had been anticipating Patrick. That morning, his PA called her to arrange a meeting with him. 

After she instructed him to ask when he would be available to meet, it took her father three days to locate a suitable time to speak with her. 

For now, she was unable to speak. He had her at his mercy. He was presenting a massive chance with the deal. 

As she continued reflecting on her life, she heard footsteps approaching. Pulling the chair back, Patrick took a seat across from her. She could see his PA conversing on the phone a short distance from them out of the corner of her eye. 

"Good day." She said hello. 

"Good morning. Can you say something? My time here is limited to a few minutes. I have a meeting in less than fifteen minutes." He spoke fast. 

She exhaled before continuing. "I'm accepting your deal." With a questioning brow, he lifted his own. "The thirty-day deal."