The confrontation

DAY 13

The gift box was the first thing Phina noticed when she woke up and got out of bed. Then she recalled that Patrick had come to buy the gift and apologized.

She also intended to return it that day. A present she is unable to use is something she cannot accept. It also needed to be cheaper.

She bathed following her daily ritual of changing bed linens and tidying her chamber.

She went downstairs dressed in a white sleeveless top and a black skirt. When she heard Patrick's voice outside the house, she was startled. She had forgotten that he wouldn't be going to work on a Saturday.

She decided now would be an excellent moment to talk to him about the gift he had purchased for her. She then proceeded to meet him outside the house. Even so, she was happy that his mother was still asleep and wouldn't overhear them talking.

When Jack came outside, he was speaking with her. He returned her greeting before making his way to his post. Patrick was tapping on his phone when she greeted him.

He answered, keeping his eyes fixed on his phone, "Morning."

That's when Phina noticed what he was wearing. He's got a pair of shorts and a tight black body top. He was still wearing a canvas and had a white towel around his neck.

Because of how noticeable his stomach and muscles were beneath the tight, thin material he was wearing, she had no idea he worked out. It also gives him a substantial, manly appearance. He's had his biceps traced. She had no idea he had such a fantastic physique. Perhaps it is a result of his ubiquitous six-piece suit or the baggy sweatpants and polo shirt he wears to bed.

She had never seen him dressed differently than in his pajamas, casual clothes, and suit. And those were all rather loose-fitting garments. Had he previously hidden his body? She pondered.

Patrick said, "Phina," realizing that Phina had remained silent and was still standing on the balcony. It dawned on him that she had been gazing at him. Then he awoke her from her daze by calling her name.

He gave her a sly little smile and shook his head, amused. "Oh... Sorry," she replied.

The sneer on his face disgusted her. She must be thinking something weird within his thick skull because he noticed her gazing over his flawless body. He doesn't think highly of her already. He does not want him to believe that she is considering him.

He truly irritated her, and that's what he needed to know—not what he was contemplating.

Then he returned to his phone and asked, "Do you have something to say?"

She spoke almost too hastily when she said, "Thank you for the gift, but I can't accept it." She doesn't want him to believe she is fascinated with his body.

And he looked away from his phone this time, giving her his whole attention.

He said bluntly, "Why?"

"It's too expensive. I can't use it, and I don't need it." She responded. She said calmly, "So I can't accept it. Maybe you should return it."

Patrick laughed. "You are quite funny, you know. Is a gift too expensive? It's not your money, right?"

"Patrick." She said, pausing to maintain her composure. She wants to strike the prick in the face. He gives her a look. "I don't want it. It's not my money, but I can't accept it."

"Well, what do you want me to do with it? Do I look like I wear a necklace? It's yours now. If you don't like it, do whatever you want with it. You can sell it or give it to your friends. They will appreciate it better. Whatever it is, I don't care."

"What? I....."

"Look, Phina, it's quite early, and I am busy..."

She interrupted him. She detests using foul language but can't stop the rage from rising inside her. "Do you know you are crazy?" she asks. She was pissed out at the guy.

"Excuse me!"

She was brave enough to call him out. She's upset because he bought a gift, and he gives her ideas about what to do with it even though she explicitly states she doesn't want it.

Does she wish for him to retract it? And what precisely do you do? Who was he, in her opinion? So, was telling her what was on her mind or getting her a gift a bad thing? Why is she acting this way?

"You bought a gift of almost a million dollars. I appreciate it, but I told you I can't accept such a gift."

"And I told you what to do with it if you don't want it!" He exploded.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me? You open your mouth and tell me to do whatever I want with it or sell it if I want to. What do you take me for? Uhh? Some cheap thing? Some desperate being? Is that how horrible I am to you? That's not quite the problem. The problem is your stupid pride and extravagance. That money you spend on such an expensive material that seems important to you can feed a whole family for at least six months. And you talk so casually that I should give it to my friend. Is that how you see people like me? Do you have so much money that you want to waste it? If you are short on what to do with your money, give it to charities, care homes, or orphanages. They are people who need that money to eat. Some don't even have enough money to buy meals. And they will be very grateful if you give them one-third of the money. So think of me as anything you like, it's your fucking thought. And I don't care. I don't care who you are, Patrick. So let this be the first and the last time you throw my poverty on my face." She yelled at him and stormed away.

Patrick was stunned and confused. He was shocked by what he had just heard. Phina stated that she was open to him. She didn't even consider the repercussions. The funniest thing was when she declared that it didn't matter who he was. After that, she threatened him.

Those were unimportant. What counts is what she stated about how little he valued her and how he wasted his money on unimportant things.

He acknowledges his low opinion of her. He believed that she was a money-hungry individual. And he doesn't care about her motivations. However, he had been second-guessing himself. However, she needed more authority to dictate how he should spend his money.

Was it wrong of him to buy a gift for her?

She is just amazing!


Phina charged up to her chamber. She was crying and didn't even realize it. This is not the kind of thing that weakens her. However, she had always detested hearing others speak poorly of her or her family. She then shut herself in her room.