I need air


They went into the space. Though smaller than the previous one, it had an intricate design. The bar served costly wine, and a few individuals were seated on a couch in the room.

She observed a few women touching and rubbing their hips against males while they sat. Some were cuddling up with elderly males on the couches.

She would never do that to get money. Unfortunately, some women will go to such lengths to accomplish such goals, she thought as she walked past them.

She is unable to hold them responsible, though. Some people struggle to make ends meet and provide for their families without support, and the world isn't happy for them. The wealthy are only inclined to lend a hand if they expect something in return. For them to live comfortably and compare their kids to others, they don't know how they become who they are; some of them feel that their families are pushing them out into the world.

She looks away from it and finds herself at a table with a semi-round couch. Three men and four women are seated on the circular couch. On the center table are glasses and bottles of wine. She is unaware of plates on the table with barbecued chicken, fish, and other culinary items.

Phina wondered if she would overindulge in the variety of meats in the bowl of peppered steak that one of the ladies held. After eating it, she thought she might need the restroom a lot.

As Henry said, one of the males she recognized was eating a piece of chicken in his mouth. "Ricky. At last, you came."

"Yes. He finally came."

The man she didn't recognize flashed his teeth and said, "That's the CEO of Patrick Empire."

Patrick shrugged. "Hi," he said, sitting beside a woman who had been grinning since they had entered.

Henry remarked, "Never thought you would bring your girlfriend, Patrick," shocked that they had now noticed Phina.

With a charming smile, she said, "Hi everyone."

The other one, munching a piece of steak and feeling a woman's hand over his breast, said, "Good evening, Mrs. Patrick."

"We thought Patrick wouldn't listen to us. It's good to see you again." The other said.

"So this is the beautiful girlfriend of our friend. So, your girlfriend is this beautiful, Ricky. Are you hiding her from us?" Charles responded to Patrick.

He is also a friend of theirs. He practices law and is employed by his father's firm.

Patrick asked, "Why will I do that?" "You've met her now. She is Seraphina. Phina meets Charles. He is one of my friends." He introduced her.

"Hi. It's nice meeting you."

"Same here, Sera. How are you doing?"

She grinned and said, "Great."

"Sorry, I'm just curious, but you don't use Sera. Is there any specific reason for it?" He inquired.

And Patrick groaned to himself. He still has time to complete the interrogation, regardless of where or what he is doing. He asks too many questions. He is a lawyer.

Phina grinned." No. I prefer Phina. All my friends know me as Phina. I wouldn't say I like Sera, even though it is part of my name.

He was about to respond when Henry interrupted, saying, "Yes, some of us feel that way about our names. We don't have a choice but to accept them since we couldn't decide our names when we were little. But that is good."

He asked Phina, "How was your day?"

"It was good."

The other guy, Alan, chewing on the stick of barbecued chicken in his hand, added, "Hope he is treating you well. If he is not, just come and report him to us. He will receive his punishment."

"Of course."

"He is right. Do come to us any time. We all know Patrick can be very, very annoying sometimes. And it can make you want to kill him." Charles replied with a serious face.

Phina nodded and smiled. They are right in that regard. Knowing that he displays his obnoxious demeanor to his friends is relieving. They're not going to lie to him about him.

Patrick stated, "You are not OK, Charles."

The well-dressed waiter approached them to inquire about what they would be having.

Patrick remarked, "A bottle of wine is OK." He asked Phina, "What do you want?"

"Anything," Phina uttered quite awkwardly. Patrick glanced at her.

He responded calmly, "There are a lot to order. Pick one."

"Chicken barbecue and non-alcoholic wine or drink are OK."

She wondered if they would be the ones to put all of that in their stomachs as Patrick gave her another command. The waiter smiled and nodded before leaving to deliver their order.

The waiter had just left their table when Phil and Eva entered. When she met Eva, they greeted each other and, for the first time since she had entered the club, she felt at ease.

"What about Rose?" inquired Phina.

"She is doing fine," Eva answered. "She is with my mom at home."


As they sat, they conversed. Phina observed Patrick easily mingling with his friends. Watching him joke about and laugh with his friends would make you believe he is entirely different. His demeanor at home was different from his attitude.

She could identify his friends' personalities just by observing them. He appeared to be the quietest of them, but he was free with them.

They conversed, laughed, and drank. She was even more envious of Eva's conversational style and the way she and the woman she had heard were called Immaculate blended in with the men.

And she felt uncomfortable again. Even just observing made her miss her friends. She chewed her chicken and smiled softly while seated.

Later on, when things started to get sensual, Patrick's friends were occupied with kissing the women they were with while conversing. It seemed normal and enjoyable to them. The women appear to be cool with it. Eva appears unaffected as well. Her spouse is standing next to her, occasionally kissing her. Patrick also seems to think little of it.

However, it was directed against her. Because Patrick wasn't her actual boyfriend, she had to watch other people do those things to their boyfriends, and it felt strange. There would have been restrictions on what she could have done, even if Patrick had been her boyfriend.

Looking around, she saw people freely having sex on the chair in their respective spaces; some were even engaging in fellatio. She feels as though the place is suddenly oppressing her.

She whispered to Patrick, preoccupied with hearing what Phil said about a stranger, "Excuse me."

She got up and attempted to find a bathroom. Along the hallway, she discovered a door that led to a balcony. After opening the door, she proceeded to the balcony. Though it was dark outside, the stunning skyscrapers and buildings below were illuminated by light. The lighting even illuminated the route.

Gazing at the scenery was breathtaking. And her skin felt comforted by the night's cool air. At last, she felt as though she could breathe.

As she stands there, taking in the breathtaking scenery, someone else stands beside her.

The voice said, "Hi." She looked over at the individual. He looked like a man in his mid-thirties with a thick beard. He wore tees and fitted pants. A glass of wine was in his hand.

She said, "Hello."

"I hope I'm not bothering you," he inquired.

He smiled as she said, "Of course not." His smile gets more significant as he says, "It's not my building." She then caught a glimpse of his face. He had good looks.

He sipped from his glass and muttered, "That is a relief."

He looked at her and said, "Do you come here to look at the view like me?"

Patrick saw that Phina had yet to return. He assumed she was heading to the bathroom when he heard her words just before she got up. However, she had been absent for about forty minutes. Ever since she had left, he had been checking his time.

He was not watching her but thought she should have returned a few minutes earlier. She wouldn't be far because, as far as he knew, she didn't know anywhere in the hotel.

Henry inquired, "Where is Phina?"

He said, "She's probably in the bathroom." And they resumed their conversations.

Phil gave him a familiar expression. He is aware that he has no idea where she is.

Before they could respond, Patrick remarked, "Excuse me, guys," and got up.

When he went to check the female restroom, she wasn't there. Some of the women's eyes didn't bother him, but most of them were staring at him. However, he appeared unaffected.

Frustrated, he left and went to the balcony through the brightly lit, deserted hallway, expecting to see her.

She was, too.

He noticed her standing behind a laughing man. She remarked something that caused the man to chuckle as well.

They appeared to have been close friends for a long time. However, he is more aware. Men who approach Phina like this will expect something in return. At first, he'll come across as a lovely friend, but they have ulterior motives.

He felt angry and balled his hand into a fist for an unknown reason. After opening the door, he went over to them.

They pivoted to confront their trespasser. While the man stared at him and gave him an unwelcome, invading look, he could see Phina's surprised expression.

He turned his head away and stood next to Phina, bringing her up to his waist. The man became very open-eyed.

Patrick remarked in a gentle voice, "You are here. I thought you wanted to use the restroom." He then slid his hand around her waist and gently brushed her hair out of her face.


He snipped her off too soon. She nodded and said, "You are here for the view." He drew her in closer.

The man beside her said to Phina, "I didn't know you were here with your boyfriend." Despite being dissatisfied and angered, he instantly fakes a little smile.

"Sorry, I didn't mention it."

Patrick saw that he was pretty disappointed and holding back a wave of wrath. He turned to face Patrick, who was staring at him expressionlessly.

He said, "Don't mind me. It's OK. Sorry, dude." and turned to leave.

He took his hand from her waist once he was out of sight.

He yelled, "What are you doing here?" with anger.

She replied, "I needed air." He sighed.

He silently observed her for a time before turning around and leaving. Phina followed him back into the club to prevent needless arguments.