Heartfelt discussion

DAY 17

Patrick got ready for work in the morning and knocked on Phina's door. He had trouble falling asleep. He was worn out, but the weight of what he had uttered the previous evening remained heavy in his heart. Furthermore, he believes he will not be at peace if he does not apologize.

"Phina. Phina. It's me. At the door, he said. He last knocked a while ago and hasn't heard anything from the room.

He did not hold her responsible, and he did not anticipate instant forgiveness.

"I sincerely apologize for my remarks. They were detrimental to me. I apologize. Don't be angry, please," he said.

However, no one responded.

He bit his bottom lips, drawing blood, and sucked them in. With a sigh, he tapped one foot on the ground, hoping she would respond.

Before it was time for him to leave for work, he stood there for a while. Then he turned and left grudgingly.

The tap on Phina's door startled her awake. She wasn't overly shocked to hear Patrick's voice, either. He had apologized earlier, but this wasn't the same. He cannot appear and act apologetic. And now, more than ever, his comments hurt.

He should anticipate pardoning people later.

She was startled that he had stood there apologizing for over fifteen minutes. She had waited for him to go by sitting in bed and resting her head on her pillow. But after his standard opening apologies, he stayed put.

After some thought, she chose to stay last night. She refuses to go. She is only going to be in Patrick Mansion for two weeks. After staying in his home for over two weeks, she has already experienced his haughtiness and conceit, as well as the boredom and anguish of having to leave her family.

It will be fine if you wait another two weeks. The money was the reason she agreed to the contract. Her family is reliant upon it. When she returns to school, her father's guilt will go. With the money from the deal, he will be free of debts and medical expenses for his mother. All she needs to do is swallow her ego and maintain her modesty. She will give Patrick her last day of patience before leaving.

All she needed to do was maintain her distance and shut her eyes and ears to his arrogance and rudeness.


Through the intercom, Susan stated, "Sir, Mr. Harper is here."

Patrick responded, "Let him in," he kept scrolling while keeping his eyes glued to the desktop before him.

"Patrick. "Good morning." Phil came up to his desk and greeted him.

"Good morning, Phil. Please allow me a few minutes so I can complete this task." Without averting his gaze from the monitor, Patrick spoke.

"OK." After saying that, he sat before him and placed his bag on the table.

While he waited for his friend to finish his task, he opened the bag and took out his laptop and other files.

Subsequently, Patrick raised his head from the screen and shifted his chair slightly to catch a glimpse of his friend.

"Sorry for that." As he said, he looked at his pal. His face lit up with a smile as he realized Phil was dressed in a suit.

He was aware of his friend's dislike of suits. He would much rather wear pants and a shirt. But that day, he was donning one. It was a step forward.

It's alright. Shall we begin?" He inquired.

He had promised to visit Patrick's office, so he was in his office because they were working on some significant business together. Patrick is his first choice when building a company, as his brother also needs one.

Alright," Patrick replied. Phil then gives him a file. Taking it, he started to scroll through it.

They continued their meeting for some time. After they were finished, Phil stated.

And then there's the boat club that we discuss. It had been determined by the government to sell you the land. However, there are a few requirements." Phil exclaimed with pride.

"I'm certain that I'll prevail eventually. I'll speak with the overseeing minister, so don't worry. Thank you, too." He was grateful.

It is OK. That is now resolved." stated Phil.

Indeed. Next week, we'll schedule a meeting." Patrick said.

"That's fine with me." He gave a nod. "Our dreams are coming to reality, best man."

Patrick grinned. "Yes, we are going to do it." He reclined back in his chair.

Phil saw his friend and sensed that something wasn't quite right. His eyes were not meeting his smile, and he had been hoping for something like this. There was no cause for him to be unhappy. However, a solution needed to be found. He attempted to appear normal.

"Is anything the problem Ricky?" He inquired.


"Are you certain about that? You have an odd appearance." Phil spoke his thoughts aloud. "It appears that you had a restless night. You appear to have thick eyes. Did you feel the effects of last night's clubbing? "You know it doesn't mean much." He answered. And he thought about telling his friend what was happening. "I fought with Phina yesterday."

"Is this the usual fight or what?" By the way, he looked at him; Phil knew the answer before he ever asked. What shocked him the most was Patrick's sense of guilt.

It was impossible not to see him looking guilty. He hardly ever felt bad about whatever he did. He believes he is right most of the time. That had been the obstinate aspect of him he had long since come to terms with. To others, it felt novel and bothersome.

"What took place? Do you start the altercation?"

"Yes," he whispered. "I had said some things I was not supposed to say." He also gave his friend an explanation of what had transpired and his poor word choice. And Phina says she's going to call it quits.

Phil gave him a long look. He wasn't content to merely meddle the night before. He knew Patrick was acting strangely last night, as Phina had excused herself from the group.

"Talk to me, Phil. Are you also ignoring me when I ask?" He inquired of his friend.

Phil could see he was hurt and enraged at the same time. He also had anxieties in his eyes, which was highly uncommon. It had been a long time since he had seen him that emotional.

"I told you this would happen, Phil, so you didn't have to inform me. Yes, I am aware. It has happened. I'm at a loss on what to do right now." He acknowledged it. "This is harder than it seems."

"Is it not better if you end the deal?" Phil asked, coolly observing his friend's response. Patrick scowled.

"What? Phil, I can't back out of the deal. I must have this. And... I am aware that she needs the money. If she chooses to go, I will have nothing to offer her. I ought not to have uttered those words."

Phil remarked, "Yeah, he shouldn't have said it," to which Patrick gave him a fierce look. "You must hear those words, even if I know you don't want to. I tell you to learn to trust other ladies; how many times is that enough? Not every woman can be both Lily and Raya. You shut out the outside world. You see all women as being like Raya. They weren't the right ones. Only compare them some at a time. It would help if you got over your conceited mindset. Phil said an angry word.

He remained silent. Phil was right. He has no faith in women and hesitates to commit. He considers each of them to be his former flame, a betrayer, and an extortionist.

"Keep in mind that she isn't my partner. It's not real." Silently, he spoke without glancing at his pal.

"I understand, but you need to act quickly. How will you handle a real girlfriend if you can't handle a fake? There will inevitably be disagreements. Since we are only human, we are fallible. Our perspectives are divergent. But Ricky, you have to exercise patience. You must believe in them and put your trust in them. I frequently have to apologize to Eva for seemingly insignificant things, for circumstances that are not my fault. But since she is my wife, I am forced to do it because they need love, attention, and care. After all, they are women.

"However, I'm already sorry. Before I come home today, she might even have left."

"Well, you must continually apologize. That ought to be a small penalty for you. You have to take care of your pride. And it appears that you have one." Phil grinned and said.

When he first saw Phina at Henry's sister's dinner party, he didn't like her. It didn't take Patrick long to persuade her since he had imagined her as one of those girls who could be bought with money. At the dinner, she looked radiant, which made most other ladies envious and started a conversation. Eva even complimented her outfit. Also, he believed that she may have had to extort him heavily to obtain that dress.

However, she was not the person he had imagined. She was courteous, laid back, and polite. She knew her place, too, even as she pretended to be his attractive girlfriend and fooled everyone. She stayed put after that. She only speaks when necessary. She avoids engaging in pointless small talk with the women, acting like she knows her station. She is also right.

When we went to his house, she made a pleasant hostess. He knew Patrick had not alerted her about their visit on purpose, but she wasn't even upset that he hadn't done so. She also treated him and his wife nicely. She even gave him a warning and an oblique insult while they were together, something that most women would not even attempt.

Patrick may not express it, but he was aware that Patrick had a rival. The deal gave him what he didn't expect: a test.

He desired a puppet that would submit to his wealth. Instead, he faced a formidable obstacle that he was unable to overcome. In addition, his feelings are beginning to align.

Phina is the right woman. He won't tell him that, though. His friend had to learn that the hard way. All he can do is silently hope that Phina will decide to back out of the agreement and leave the house. He wished for it with all his heart.

Patrick averted his gaze from his companion. However, as Phil knew well, he hated being talked to. He still does. He is self-truthful and honest at all times. He will still say it if it hurts him and his feelings. And he'll crack a joke to wrap it off. But the words had served their purpose already.

He will not deceive him. To his face, he will tell it how it is. He is his best friend because of this.

Susan entered the office and went up to her supervisor's desk. She gave Phil a nod of greeting, and he returned the favor with a grin.

The time you have left with your friend, Mr. Ricky. You ought to be en route to the location at D.R. The other branch sent the weekly report on warehouse development and cargo entries." To her employer, she said.

Patrick ran a finger across his temple. It was the first time he'd been bored with work.

Once Mrs. Jakes has reviewed the reports, please forward them to me. Direct the driver to get the car ready. I'm going to be down shortly." He responded.

"Alright." With that, she walked out of the office.

"It's hard, right?" Watching his companion, Phil inquired. Patrick needed help to get his meaning. He then arched a curious brow. "Dealing with personal stuff and work."

"I always do it," Patrick declared.

"No, you don't. This is not about your grandmother or mother. This is more intimate, your personal life. You are interacting with a woman for the first time in a long time. Additionally, it appears intricate." Phil said as though he was familiar with the emotion. Upon witnessing his friend's face, he grinned. He is aware of his accuracy.

"Don't worry, you will get used to it."

He gets up and grabs his briefcase.

"Ricky is not a newbie. Everyone experiences it. With time, things will improve." He continued.

"You are talking like she is my girlfriend."

"Is it fake or not? Deal or no deal. For now, she is. Everyone believes that, including your mother. You should work on becoming a better boyfriend.

"Why do I feel there is another meaning in that sentence?" Patrick's eyebrows quirked up as he asked.

Phil shrugged. "I'm not sure. However, an actual date with Seraphina won't be too horrible. She is attractive. I also think she's cute. But only if she's still interested in seeing your behind."

After selecting a pen, Patrick tossed it at Phil, who gave a hearty laugh. He was compelled to accompany his friend. That day, for the first time, he felt relieved. He felt happy and appreciative when his closest friend showed up that day.

"I'll set everything right. Still, it's only a transaction." Patrick stated decisively.

With a bow, Phil answered, "If your royal highness says so," to which Patrick laughed. Then, the two left the office.