
DAY 19

Phina visited her folks back home. Patrick had left for work, and Sara was not at home. She was, therefore, by herself in the house. She also needs their presence. She was homesick for her relatives. And even though it was only for a brief visit, she wanted to see them.

It made her father very happy to see her. Since the contract started, she had visited him twice a week. She also notices his excitement upon seeing his daughter, especially after she has cooked dinner for everyone.

She even traveled to pick up the twins at school, talking endlessly about everything that happened in the neighborhood and at home when she wasn't there. Cassie never stops gushing about her better meal than Samuel's. She also talks about how he assured them that they were now big girls by letting them take their baths. They want her to admit it, too.

She laughed uncontrollably. She became aware of how much she missed them. She was happy she had visited them. Though she wishes she could, she is unable to return home. She can't remain in her comfort zone forever. She had to go through more to fulfil her aspirations.

And she was remaining with the conceited billionaire Patrick.

She left in the evening after spending time with them before Patrick got home.


With Sara gone, Phina made Patrick's dinner when she arrived home. Since it was a Friday, she knew he would be arriving late. After seeing a movie for some time, she started to feel drowsy and exhausted from the drive, the job she had to do at her father's house, and the trip back.

She had grown so accustomed to doing nothing from dawn until dusk. She assisted Sara with some cleaning, but it was less work than she did while living at home. Furthermore, everything she does matters little. A few visitors arrive to perform various cleaning tasks in Patrick's house. Some come to clean the blinds and windows. And those who clean the toilets and bathrooms every weekend shine the doors. A few people tidy the compound and the garage. A few assist him in polishing his tiles. They also visit once every week. Thus, Sara's only responsibilities are cooking and caring for the house until the cleaners arrive.

She must understand, though, that this is temporary. She'll soon be going back to her regular life. She will only sometimes live in the billionaire's home, where he has employees to assist him in his business. And who helps him with housecleaning? She shouldn't grow accustomed to the current state of affairs because it won't endure.

She put Patrick's lunch in a cooler and arranged the plates and tray on the dining table next to the silverware he would be using. She set his wine glass down next to it on the table. She jotted something on the small notepad Sara used to write the shopping list for her employer, which she stored in a kitchen cabinet drawer.

She made sure the door was shut before heading to her room. Patrick's key to his home is with him. She then proceeded to get dressed for the night and lay down on the bed. It was ten o'clock at night already. After arriving late and working through the night, she questioned how the guy managed to wake up early.

She gives him credit for that. Despite his arrogant and haughty demeanor, he was industrious. He works hard for all that he owns. Furthermore, she doesn't hold it against him if his pride is soaring. She assumed that being a billionaire was more complex.

She continued to ponder about Patrick as she drifted off to sleep.


Patrick came back sometime after midnight. He'd brought his closest friends, top employees, and directors to his uptown private club to celebrate their recent contract win and the success of their official approval in Japan—a significant cause for celebration.

He spent time with his friends, who appreciated how far he had come in his career. Now, he was going to Asia.

He can't help but smile as they give him praises and compliments.

Because of his pride, his hard work, and their belief that he would succeed in the future, he was welcomed into their group of friends eleven years ago. Because Phil liked him, too. Like none of them, he was not born into wealth. He didn't go to the top school, but he made his advancement. And he had evolved into someone more than them in every way.

He realized Sara wasn't home when she didn't arrive as usual to take his bag. He didn't even call her to check on her arrival in Miami. He planned to do that as soon as he woke up.

Sara was more than simply his maid. She resembles a close friend. She is the relative of a lady who greatly assisted his family when he was a young boy. When things were callous, she provided them with food and money. He will never be able to count the number of times the woman fed him when his mother could not find money to buy food for them. When his old and damaged uniforms were getting on for him, she got him a new one.

He will never forget the woman for whatever. However, she left when he started college, and he heard from her again seven years ago.

He got to know her last child, a girl who was two years younger than him, and he reached out to her again. She called him five years ago and asked for a favor. She encouraged him to look for work at her cousin's in the city. Sara was among them. His following requirement was housekeeping.

He assisted in getting Sara's sister back to school and got her a job as a receptionist. Her brother, who had a Diploma, was appointed warehouse manager. Sara, however, preferred to work over returning to school. She consented to assist him around the house, and he paid her a good salary. He also assisted her in receiving catering-related vocational training, but she appreciated working for him. He gets along well with her because they are well acquainted.

He tripped over his suit, lost his tie, and dropped his luggage. He was worn out. When he entered the spacious dining room, the lights came on. He placed his lunch on the table. A smile crept up his face when he saw how Phina had packaged his dish. It was amazing that she would consider cooking for him in the wake of their relationship. He felt relieved that she had forgiven him unless she wouldn't have done it.

He thought it was great. Her capacity for forgiveness. That's not what he has. Not even close.

He wasn't hungry, though. He was full. At the club, he'd had enough food and drink. The next day, he would reheat the food and consume it. He then strolled to the dining area and returned to the kitchen with the plates and cooler. He took out a recently refrigerated wine and left only the cup. He intended to have a victory party at his home. He then took it outside and into the dining room.

Taking his suit jacket and briefcase, he headed up to his room. After washing his clothes, he changed into pajamas. After gathering his iPad and a few other essentials, he went downstairs.

There's stuff for him to do. It was too early to go to bed. He proceeded to the dining room. Though he was meant to go to his office, he felt that his job needed a change of scenery. He could work anywhere in the home because it was peaceful everywhere.

He studied the hallway leading to Phina's room for a long time. He is aware that she will be sound asleep at this moment. He can almost see her face as it sleeps. It reminded him of the first time he'd seen her curled up on the living room armchair. Something changed in him, and he began to appreciate her beauty.

He dismisses the idea and concentrates on the tasks he needs to finish in the next two days.

He then proceeded to the eating area, where everything he needed was set out on the table. He switched on his laptop, uncorked his wine, and filled his glass with a drink. After that, he switched off the light and got to work on his task.


Phina shifted in her sleep, her thirst and pressure increasing. It was not new. She gets up in the middle of the night to go to the restroom and sip water. She got off the large bed and used the restroom. She returned to the room, drowsing, and reached up to her drawer to retrieve her bottle and cup of water, only to find it empty. She scowled and sighed. Before returning to her room, she had forgotten to grab a fresh bottle of water from the refrigerator. She also experienced thirst and realized that she wouldn't be able to sleep if she didn't hydrate herself.

Reluctantly leaving the room, she tiredly pulled her leg across the marble floor to the corridor and down the staircase, which was illuminated by a lovely little lamp that was turned on in the center of the staircase. When she had first seen them, she had been astounded and shocked, but now, as she walked down the steps, all she could do was appreciate them.

She knew her way around the house and walked silently in the dark without looking up. However, as soon as she stepped on the mat that activated the light, the dining room's lights came on. The sight before her nearly made her heart stop beating.