Real conversation


When they were about to walk into the building, Patrick held her hand, and for some reason, she felt her heart leap with happiness. People in the building stared at them as he led her to an empty seat. They even had the women on dates gazing at them. She recognizes the jealousy in a few of them and other people's admiration.

A female server approached, asked for their order, and gave Patrick a seductive smile while ignoring Phina.

Patrick gave her his command in a voice as cold as stone. She appeared astonished by his tone and his expression of boredom. She asked, "Are you seriously dating a guy like this?" with her gaze fixed on Phina. Phina smiled a little at her. She then turned to take their order and left.

"You've never been here?" Patrick inquired, observing her fixation on the structure.

She appeared abruptly mortified at having been discovered. However, she responded. She answered honestly, "Yes." "I always want to come here with my siblings." She beams.

He answered, "You can bring them here."

Phina looked at him. He never seems to remember that she is not as wealthy as he is. Furthermore, they need to use the money they make for significant reasons.

"It's expensive. Maybe when I get a good job later." She said.

They bought their order: a chicken dish with all the trimmings and some chilled orange juice. Patrick added a veggie salad to her order.

"Wow," Phina murmured. She inhales the chicken's aroma. If people were observing her, it didn't bother her. Their eyes are the problem. Permit them to look. She reminded herself. "It smells nice. But can we finish this?"

"When we're done with it, tell me that," he said. He observed her with a smile as she selected a fork and knife. He assisted in reducing the size of the chicken and served it to her in a dish.

"Thanks." She expressed gratitude.

Patrick started eating his vegetable salad. When Phina looked up, she saw him take something out of his food with his fork.

She lifted his plate and helped him take the green beans from the vegetable salad, saying, "Let me." She returned the plate to him when she was sure nothing was left in the dish.

Surprised that she knew that, he replied, "How do you know I don't like green beans?"

She said, hoping he wouldn't become enraged and ruin the day by saying, "Uhm... Your mom told me." He has a highly erratic temper.

He laughed. She glanced up to see his expression. He wasn't upset. All he was doing was laughing. He wonders how much Phina has heard from his mother.

He took a forkful of veggie salad in his mouth and asked, "What else did she tell you about me?"

"She told me about some stuff you did when you were little and food you don't like." She replied. She grinned as she recalled the incident when his mother told her about him.

He considered how, in the few times they had known each other, his mother had come to trust and like Phina. Even details about him are revealed to her, which demonstrates how much she likes and trusts Phina.

He said, "What about you?" "Tell me about you?"

He felt it would be best to learn more about the woman in his life for several weeks since she seemed to know little about him. As a result, they became equal. A scientific record and a personal description are not comparable.

She was astonished that he was curious about her. Perhaps he wanted to strike up a discussion, she pondered, and she also informed him.

"Well, you know my father. I have a brother and two cousins who are practically my children." She laughed. Their mother is dead, and we do not know their father, so they are my and my father's responsibility. I'm from Miami, and I learned fashion design as handwork. I dream of becoming a great fashion designer with clothing brands like Coco Chanel, Christian Dior, Gianna Versace, and Oscar de Vestas. Those people are my role models in fashion."

"That's impressive. But how do you think you can achieve that?" He inquired. He was interested to know her response.

She appears to consider it. "It's a big dream. I know that very much. But I know I can achieve it. I have to keep believing and work hard to achieve it. A forest doesn't grow in a day. It doesn't matter if it happens in five years, ten years or when I'm forty as long as I can achieve it. I will keep working hard, believing, and never giving up." She responded and turned to see what he expected from her.

The responses impressed him, so he inquired once more: "So what do you like doing?"

He was glad to hear her. It seemed as though he knew someone else.

"Sewing and watching movies. I also like talking and chatting with people. My father trained us to be free and outspoken. He built good communication in the family, so I developed my habit of talking. And I like it. It has its charm." She said.

Patrick merely gazed at her. The girl is aware that she talks too much. He pondered.

"What do you plan to do about your education?"

She tearfully stated, "I still want to return to school." She laughs pitifully, "I always dream of going to a fashion school, either in London or Italy." "But it is a big dream. My father can't afford that. It can hardly come true. I have once been admitted to the UM. However, I had to drop out because my dad could not meet the payment deadline. And they were no one to help." She groaned.

Though she had long since accepted her fate, she still gets depressed thinking about it.

He was unaware that she had previously been accepted to the institution and that her family was experiencing this. Mr. Sheldon Wallace was a man of quiet demeanor. Until you force him to speak, he remains silent. Had he disclosed his issues to him, he would have tried to support his family.

He did, however, think highly of her. She's dreaming. Now, he knew why she had accepted the arrangement.

"Now you," Phina murmured, startling him from his reverie. Although she was grinning at him, there was hope and pleading in her eyes.

Since he had finished eating, he let go of his silverware. With his arms crossed over his chest, he reclined. Then he inquired. "What do you want to know?"

She inquired, "Do you inherit your company?" She is aware that he didn't, but she is curious if he could explain how he achieved such success given his humble upbringing.

She wants to ask him some more private questions, but she doesn't want to provoke him with an insensitive question. That's why she was starting with his business, which she knows he loves.

He said, "No, I didn't." She wished he had spoken more as she nodded.

He chose to continue after realizing she was paying attention.

"I bought it."

"You bought it?"

"Yes. I bought it six years ago. I once worked as an intern at the company. Then I was at the university. I began working there after I graduated high school. I became a part-time worker as time went on. I got to meet the owner of the company. They were nice people, so they gave me extra pay. I work there, and at the same go to school, and at night, I work in the bar that Phil's elder brother owns." He replied quietly.

Phina paid close attention to what she heard. He has a tale of his own to share, as well. He did not become wealthy overnight.

"Nine years ago, the company went bankrupt after the owner's death, and the bank took it. Then, I got a nice position in a competing construction firm. I bought it years later and built it into what it is now. I always like working in the company. It was a familiar place. It just lacks a good leader. So, I built my dream from it. I always wanted to own my own company. And so I expand it. I don't only deal with construction. I deal with hotels, spas, and clubs. With my life savings and the help of my friends, I got to start my own business." He elaborated.

He felt relieved to inform her about it. Only the darn media had ever questioned him about it. Being able to speak honestly and have someone listen to you felt amazing. Many women wouldn't mind spending their money if they didn't earn it.

"You worked hard for it. I'm happy for you," she remarked with sincerity. It was nice to hear him speak. It was the first time he had spoken to her for that length of time.

"Thanks." He expressed gratitude since he was aware of her sincerity.

When his phone buzzed, he picked it up to check the new message. Phina took out her phone and started snapping selfies. When she came home, she wanted to show her siblings. In addition to sending them to her brother, she will share them on her Instagram profile.

As she studied the photos, she grinned. Patrick was staring at her when she looked up from the phone, and she felt a little ashamed.

She realized they had some observers. When she got up and sat down next to him, Patrick looked at her as if she were insane.

"Can I?"

He questioned, "Do what?"

"Take a selfie."

In no uncertain terms, "I don't take pictures."

She pleaded, "Please."

He disagrees, shaking his head. She gave him a slight arm shake and made puppy eyes. He was compelled to smile.

With a face like that, who could resist?

"Fine. But you should not post them. I don't want to be a topic for bloggers." He replied.

She swears, "Okay. I won't." He gave her his phone a nod and said, "Can I use your phone?" She whispered, "Thanks."

She snapped a few, but they could have been better. He refuses to smile. He had no expression on his face.

Phina remarked, "They are not good," as she examined them. He nodded, and she attempted to take another, but he didn't smile. "Try to smile, please," she scowled.

She teased him as she did for her friend Ethan and her brother.

She tickled him. He didn't smile despite his surprised expression.

What a stone this guy is. Phina pondered.

Just as she was ready to give up, she thought about trying his ear. Everybody possesses a sweet spot. Then it works when she tickles his ear. He attempted to take her hand away, but she persisted, and at last, he grinned.

"You're smiling now," she remarked. "It's not so hard. So will you smile, or I do it again."

He looked around and replied, "We are in public, Phina." He knew eyes were watching them.

She remarked carelessly, "It doesn't matter. Let them look. It's their eyes." She smiled as well, and he had to smile in return. The woman has a talent for simplifying complex ideas.

And she used his phone to snap a couple of photos.

Returning to her seat, she texted her phone with the photos. She intends to deliver them to Avery and Mia, who are interested in discovering who Mr. Billionaire is.

 Seeing the photos, she grinned. They appeared fantastic. Patrick was quite attractive and charming in them.

Patrick remained seated, gazing at Phina. She was quite the piece. Every time he looks at her, he experiences this peacefulness and serenity.

After glancing at his wristwatch, he spoke. He said, "Let's go."

"Oh, that's okay," she said. Their day was almost over, and that made her a slight melancholy. She finds pleasure in her time spent with him.

He paid for the dinner and summoned a waitress. They get up to go, but they are stopped in their tracks by a person named Patrick.