
Flashback begins...

Patrick asked Raya, "What's wrong Raya? You've been so quiet and distant." They were having lunch together. She didn't even nibble on any of the goodies she had requested.

Over the past few weeks, he'd noticed a change in her behavior. He would not touch her phone. She also gave him the look that he hated so much, which most people gave him.

With sympathy.

I feel sorry for him.

She smiled slightly and added, "I'm fine. Just eat your food." He looked at her for a long moment as if he wanted to know what was going through her head, but then he shrugged and returned to eating.

He devoured his food. She was the only one who understood why he was so hungry. Most likely, he hadn't taken anything since lunch the day before. Or the past night's meal of a water bottle and a sausage roll.