Brighten the day


Patrick observed Phina leaving his office. He apologized for what he said. He leans his head on his palm and puts his hand on the table. Exasperated, he moaned. Exasperated, he kicked a file off his side.

As soon as he spoke, he immediately regretted what he had said.

He meant no harm in doing that to her. He could sense the hurt and embarrassment she felt by his words despite her best efforts to suppress it. Her eyes were already welling with tears.

His remarks were harsh, and he acknowledged knowing. That's not how he meant for her to feel. He sought to convince himself that she was unimportant and that he didn't care. He would like to think that what he did with her over the weekend was unrelated to him. He would want to believe that her significance is limited to her being one of his employees.

However, everything is a lie.