Meeting with Phina

Patrick and Phil were at the golf club. They were holding out for their other friends.

They were discussing the new home that Phil intended to construct in his state.

"Don't worry; the blueprint will be ready next week."

Phil grinned, "I trust you." He griped, "Where are these guys, no?" as he glanced at his watch.

In defense of them, Patrick stated, "It's because of the traffic."

"What about Charles? His estate is just a minute's drive to this place." Phil responded.

Patrick remarked, pulling out his phone and opening his audio book while simultaneously inserting his Air Pod into his ear. "We don't have any choice. We will have to wait for them."

With a hint of frustration, Phil said, "Don't tell me you want to start reading?"

He raised his head and looked at him perplexed. "Is there any crime in doing that?"