Letting go

Since he left Phina's side, Patrick has stayed in his studies. In his study, he brooded while gazing at the water feature below.

He was hurt, and he could not deny it. He thought she would know him better than anyone, but instead, she lectured him.

How could they so casually tell him to forgive the man he detested the most? He pondered. Why was he even needed to return? Did he not state that he was not his father's son and had no relationship with his mother? So why reopen old wounds by coming back now? He thought to himself angrily.

Patrick left Phina to cool off. She let him get his rage under control. As the evening wore on and it became late, she decided to see how he was doing before heading out, hoping his anger would have subsided. It was time for her to go because she had promised her father that day she would return.