The birthday present

When Phina left them, the twins were occupied with choosing what to wear for an impromptu outing. She descended the steps to see her brother. She was certain he would be awake because it was his birthday, and she needed to go tell him a happy birthday.

Her mouth curled into a smile as she realized what had caused her to veer off course. When she witnessed her brother fall into Patrick's outstretched arms, she stopped a few steps from the middle of the living room.

Patrick had her younger brother in her arms.

She saw her brother clutch Patrick as if he were a superstar he couldn't seem to get go of, and it made her smile even more. Patrick gave him a gentle pat on the back.

She was astounded by the sight and taken aback because Patrick dislikes it when people get too close or connected to him. Even with some of his friends, he has established a physical barrier separating him from non-family members. However, he allowed Samuel to give him a strong hug.