The video

Avery entered her tiny living room and shut the door behind her. She had her AirPod play the song she was humming. She questioned Phina's actions. She was likely preoccupied with her phone.

She walked to the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of water from the little refrigerator in her apartment's tiny kitchen, and carried the water to the one room in the house that she and her friend were currently sharing.

She stopped in disbelief at what she saw. Her expression briefly shifted from one of pure amazement to one of fear. Suddenly, she felt afraid.

Phina was sobbing on the floor next to the bed, her right hand holding her phone loosely. Her face was a map of her own tears, and the other one covered her mouth and nose.

She approached and lowered herself to her level, letting go of the water sachet she was holding and taking the AirPod out of her ears.

"Phina... Phina... Seraphina, what is it?" She inquired in a worried, almost whispery voice.