Mercedes-Benz Launch Party (2)

In the northeast corner of Beijing, there is an art district named after a factory built in the 1950s. This is the 798 Art District. Located in the Dashanzi area of Jiuxianqiao Subdistrict, Chaoyang District, Beijing, it is also known as Dashanzi Art District, abbreviated as DAD. Originally, it was the site of the old state-owned 798 Factory and other electronic industries.

Starting in 2001, artists from around Beijing and beyond began gathering at the 798 Factory. With their unique artistic vision, they discovered the site's unique advantages for artistic work. They made full use of the existing factory buildings, designed in the German Bauhaus architectural style, and with minimal renovations, transformed them into distinctive spaces for art exhibitions and creation.

After artists and cultural institutions moved in, they rented and renovated the vacant factory buildings on a large scale. Gradually, the area developed into a hub of galleries, art centers, artist studios, design companies, restaurants, and bars. 798 has gradually become Beijing's most famous urban art center and fashionable community.

Murong Feng drove to the 798 Art Center, parked his car in the designated parking lot according to the signs, and walked towards the factory entrance. A woman dressed in a red suit and wearing a name badge approached with a smile. "Welcome. Are you here for the Fashion Weekly-Mercedes-Benz New Product Launch Reception? Please show your invitation." Her polite smile was impeccable.

Murong Feng noticed the words on her name badge: Zhou Li, Fashion Weekly. He smiled and said, "Hello, I'm a colleague. My name is Murong Feng, an editor for the Urban Life section." Zhou Li blushed and said, "Oh, you're new, right? I don't think I've seen you before." Murong Feng smiled, "I just started today. Editor-in-Chief Ouyang Lanruo invited me." "Oh, the editor-in-chief is already here. You can go straight in!"

As Murong Feng's tall figure walked away, Zhou Li was puzzled, "When did the company get such a handsome guy? I have to let the girls in the marketing department know!" Just then, another Mercedes drove up, and she hurried over to see which celebrity had arrived.

As soon as Murong Feng entered the factory building, he was captivated by the unique atmosphere created by the layout. Large art posters of Mercedes-Benz cars extended in an array, complemented by the distinctive gray arched ceiling design and the north-facing slanted strip skylights, creating a tunnel-like art space. The red carpet added an air of grandeur. In the wider part of the passageway, a sign-in poster board had been set up, crowded with people and photographers taking pictures and interviewing celebrities.

Not wanting to join the bustle, Murong Feng turned past the background decoration board and entered the reception hall. His view opened up immediately. The highest point of the factory's internal space was 8.6 meters, and the lowest was 4.5 meters. The high space provided an excellent open view, making him feel a lot more relaxed. The lights were on, and the decorated drapes surrounded the hall. In one corner, four new Mercedes models were displayed, with spotlights shining on their glossy bodies, showcasing their dazzling metallic paint.

The hall was dotted with white wine tables and dining tables, with various Western-style buffet items and fruits already set up. On the other side, a band was playing music, and a female dancer in a dress was dancing gracefully to the music on stage.

The hall was already filled with many people. The brightly lit scene was full of well-dressed men and women. Murong Feng casually took a glass of red wine from a passing waiter and took a sip. He looked up and met the gaze of a beautiful woman in a black low-cut evening dress. She smiled and raised her glass lightly towards him. Murong Feng elegantly raised his glass in response and took a small sip of red wine. The woman's eyes were clear, and she looked at him deeply, about to walk over, when a man suddenly rushed up beside her, exclaiming, "Janney! Long time no see! How have you been?" The woman gave Murong Feng an apologetic look and smiled as she engaged with the man.

Not fond of socializing, Murong Feng strolled to a corner wine table, set his glass down, lit a cigarette, and leaned against the table, watching the crowd. He couldn't help but ponder, "Nian Nian, is this the life you've been chasing?"

He observed the so-called gentlemen and ladies, socialites exchanging pleasantries and toasts with smiles, a cold smile forming on his lips. "Nian Nian, is this the life you're after?... It's just that."

The reception began with speeches by Morn Hinweg, Chairman of Mercedes-AMG, and Peter Lin Jingchang, President of Ming Pao Group, which owned Fashion Weekly. The host then introduced several new models released by Mercedes-Benz.

After the commotion, Murong Feng saw Ouyang Lanruo standing by the display stage. She was wearing a red one-shoulder evening gown, her hair up, exuding elegance and charm. She was one of the focal points of the reception, currently toasting and smiling with a few people.

Ouyang Lanruo's eyes finally met Murong Feng's in the corner. Her eyes lit up, and she smiled, said a few words to the people around her, and walked over to him.

"Xiao Feng, why are you hiding here? Come, let me introduce you to some important people in the industry!" Ouyang Lanruo's face was beaming with excitement. Murong Feng raised his glass and smiled, "Sister Lan, spare me, please. I'm really not good at socializing. By the way, you look beautiful tonight!" Ouyang Lanruo's face blushed with pleasure. She lightly clinked her glass with his, took a sip of champagne, and playfully chided, "I wonder if you're sincere? I'm getting old!"

Seeing her self-pitying expression, Murong Feng smiled and praised, "Nonsense! Sister Lan, you're in your prime. Who dares to say you're old? I'll slap them." Ouyang Lanruo laughed and scolded, "You're the one calling me sister and making me feel old. Slap yourself!" Murong Feng smiled silently. Tonight, Ouyang Lanruo was radiantly beautiful, making it hard for him to continue their usual playful banter.

Murong Feng changed the subject, "There are many celebrities here tonight." Ouyang Lanruo glanced at him, tilting her chin towards the hall, "Oh, Mr. Feng is star-chasing? Over there, aren't they? Huang Xiaoming, Zhou Xun, Li Bingbing, Wang Xiaoshuai, Gu Changwei, Lang Lang. Many celebrities have come. Such an event wouldn't hold without them."

Murong Feng raised his glass and took a sip of red wine, smiling, "I'm not chasing stars, but I recognized a few faces and wanted to confirm with you." Ouyang Lanruo squinted her eyes and snorted, "Listen to you, sounding so lofty!"

Suddenly noticing the Lange watch on Murong Feng's wrist, Ouyang Lanruo was surprised, "A Lange? Xiao Feng, what's been going on with you lately? You seem quite well-off now." She knew this German brand of men's dress watches, priced at 170,000 Hong Kong dollars when she saw it in Hong Kong. Recently, they had just opened a store in Beijing's Shin Kong Place.

Murong Feng smiled, "Didn't I tell you before? I came into some money recently." Ouyang Lanruo's face changed; she couldn't imagine what could have brought him such wealth. "Xiao Feng, you didn't do anything illegal, did you?"

Murong Feng laughed, "Of course not, Sister Lan! What are you talking about? Really, I won the lottery, okay?" Ouyang Lanruo rolled her eyes at him, "Lottery? If it were that easy, I would have won already!"

Seeing Murong Feng's calm demeanor, Ouyang Lanruo, though still worried, said nothing more. Watching her slight frown, Murong Feng felt a bit helpless. Sister Lan was too serious, but he was also touched. Over the years, aside from Nian Nian and Xiao Xin, few people had shown him such concern.

As they were lost in their thoughts, a voice suddenly called out, "Ruoruo, why are you hiding in this corner? If it weren't for your bright red dress, I wouldn't have found you..."

The woman in the black low-cut evening dress, who had previously toasted Murong Feng, walked over with a wine glass in hand, gently patting Ouyang Lanruo on the shoulder and smiling.

Seeing her up close, the woman had dark eyebrows, star-like eyes, and skin like creamy jade. Her straight hair cascaded down, naturally curving at the shoulders, creating an enticing silhouette. Her black hair contrasted sharply with her white skin, leaving a deep impression. She was an absolute beauty. Murong Feng suddenly understood why the man who had approached her earlier had been so excited. Such a woman, no one would be unwilling to chat with her.

Ouyang Lanruo was also delighted, "Qing'er, I turned around and you were already surrounded by a bunch of admirers. I was looking for you!" She then introduced her to Murong Feng, "This is our magazine's newly recruited talent, Murong Feng, now our film review editor." She then smiled at Murong Feng,

 "This beautiful lady is also a host of tonight's reception, the marketing director for Mercedes-Benz China, Tang Qing."

"Hello!" Murong Feng nodded slightly, feeling a bit surprised. Tang Qing looked no more than in her early twenties, yet she was the marketing director for Mercedes. Truly, one couldn't judge a book by its cover. Tang Qing also took a liking to him and said to Ouyang Lanruo, "Ruoruo, your team is growing stronger. Luring such a young talent into your company, I have to admire you!"

Given Ouyang Lanruo's tone when introducing him, Tang Qing knew they were close, so she spoke candidly. But both Ouyang Lanruo and Murong Feng felt slightly uncomfortable with her teasing. Murong Feng rarely felt embarrassed. Ouyang Lanruo, blushing, quickly hooked her arm around Tang Qing's and pulled her away, laughing, "You little rascal, don't scare our young talent away with your words!"

Tang Qing, seeing Ouyang Lanruo's reaction, turned back and smiled at Murong Feng, "Murong Feng, here's my card. Call me sometime, and we can chat!" As soon as she handed him the card, Ouyang Lanruo pulled her away, "Alright, alright, Peter just said he wanted to talk to you!"

Murong Feng looked at the light purple business card in his hand and then at the two elegant women walking away, shaking his head with a wry smile. Women...

At that moment, a wine glass was placed on the wine table beside Murong Feng. He turned to see a middle-aged man around 30 years old with a calm demeanor nodding and smiling at him.

"Hello! Zhao Feng." The man extended his hand with a smile.

"Hello, Murong Feng." Murong Feng shook his hand. Their names were homophones, making them both laugh.

Zhao Feng, with a dignified appearance, casually chatted with Murong Feng. Zhao Feng liked Murong Feng's composed demeanor and, curious, asked, "Murong, forgive my ignorance, but I don't recall a Murong family in Beijing. Are you from Shanghai? Or Jiangnan?"

Murong Feng was puzzled, "Uhmm, sorry?"

Zhao Feng pointed to his watch and said, "You know, some family circles in Beijing, though not large, are well-known."

Murong Feng was surprised. Could this be one of those legendary aristocratic families? He curiously asked Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng laughed, "There are no real aristocratic families in China now. After the Cultural Revolution, there were hardly any left on the mainland. Overseas, some branches went to Southeast Asia or the Americas, but even those have mostly faded over generations."

Zhao Feng enthusiastically counted on his fingers, "In Beijing's circles, there are children from military families, like me. Then there are the children of state-owned enterprises under the SASAC, returnees starting their businesses, and children of provincial leaders, though they mostly stay in their own provinces. These groups don't interact much but know of each other."

Murong Feng smiled and shook his head, "I'm none of those. This circle's entry threshold is too high for me. I'm just an editor at Fashion Weekly." Zhao Feng, a bit dissatisfied, said, "Since when do magazine editors have such high tastes? Don't fool me."

Zhao Feng had been observing Tang Qing and noticed her giving Murong Feng a card, piquing his curiosity. Tang Qing was known for her high standards, rarely giving out her card. Seeing Murong Feng's refined appearance and luxurious yet understated attire, especially his Lange watch, Zhao Feng assumed Murong Feng was from their circle. He didn't expect Murong Feng's honest reply, leaving Zhao Feng a bit disappointed. He decided to use his resources to investigate Murong Feng after tonight.

Murong Feng's scholarly background and inherent calmness made Zhao Feng believe he had good upbringing, unaware that Murong Feng was just an ordinary guy who had recently come into wealth.

Zhao Feng, thinking it over, nodded, raised his glass, and clinked it with Murong Feng's, "Let's chat more when we have the chance. A word of advice: Tang Qing is not simple. Best to keep your distance." With that, he smiled and left.

Murong Feng, puzzled by Zhao Feng's cryptic words, wondered if everyone talked like this in their circles.

Lost in thought, Xu Wei, whom he hadn't seen much of all night, approached with a frown, "Do you know Zhao Feng?" Murong Feng shook his head, "Not before tonight. We just chatted briefly."

Xu Wei, unable to hide a hint of concern, said, "Zhao Feng is a well-known princeling in Beijing. Be careful not to offend him." Despite her stern tone, it revealed a trace of care. Murong Feng smiled, "Got it. Thanks."

"What's there to thank? You're in my department now; I can't let you get into trouble." Xu Wei said casually, then realizing the implication of her words, blushed and took a sip of her red wine to cover her embarrassment, "I must say, you look quite handsome all dressed up."

Murong Feng raised his glass with a smile, "Thanks for the compliment, boss." He then noticed her devilish figure in a black V-neck evening gown, looking stunningly seductive.

Standing beside him, Xu Wei casually pointed out and introduced the backgrounds of various attendees, wanting him to get to know industry figures better. Standing in the corner, listening to the music, sipping red wine, with a beautiful woman softly speaking beside him, surrounded by a faint fragrance, Murong Feng felt quite content.

After the reception ended, as a member of the organizing side, Murong Feng couldn't leave early and ended up driving some colleagues who lived in the same direction home. Driving his Audi, dressed in brand-name clothes, he confirmed everyone's suspicion that he was a wealthy young man.

The department beauties had drunk a bit and were chirping and laughing in the car, making Murong Feng blush.

Back home, looking in the mirror, Murong Feng saw a lipstick mark on his face left by a playful kiss as someone got out of the car, and he couldn't help but smile wryly. The girls in the fashion circle were too open... He couldn't help but feel a bit hesitant about his choice to work in this field.