Bits and Pieces of Rehearsals (1)

Murong Feng parked his car in the parking lot in front of the Art Hall and called Ye Zi. Learning that she was still in her dorm, he casually walked toward her dormitory, planning to wait for her and have dinner together.

When Ye Zi came down from the dormitory, Murong Feng was standing in front of the bulletin board, seriously squinting at the various art festival posters and private notices about selling computers, renting rooms, and looking for tutors.

Seeing him standing there like a typical boyfriend waiting for his girlfriend, Ye Zi felt a sweet sensation in her heart. She ran over and called out with a smile, "Murong, have you been waiting long?" Her smile was radiant in the glow of the setting sun.

Murong Feng hadn't waited for anyone at the girls' dormitory at this time of day for a long time. It had been years since he waited for Nian Nian outside this very dormitory at the Guanghua School of Management...

He appeared to be looking at the posters, but his thoughts were turbulent. In this familiar environment, memories surged like waves, overwhelming him with both pain and emptiness. In this summer evening, as the sun set and night fell, he deeply felt the sorrow of losing his beloved once again.

Hearing Ye Zi's cheerful voice and seeing her joyful, beautiful face, Murong Feng managed a forced smile.

"No, I just got here too." He noticed that Ye Zi had just showered; she smelled fragrant, and her hair was still slightly damp. She wore a pure white cotton sundress, her long waistline accentuated by the light breeze, making her look ethereal.

Murong Feng couldn't help but recall a poem by Xi Murong he had read in college. He softly recited, "Your green dress sways in the wind, reflected in my heart like gentle waterweeds. With sweet pain, I look back frequently..."

It's hard to imagine the romance and emotion when, on a warm summer evening, with captivating music playing from the campus broadcast, a man you already like recites poetry to you in a soft voice. His handsome face is faintly visible in the dusk, with only his bright eyes clearly seen.

Ye Zi, just an ordinary college girl, found her heart completely enchanted at that moment.

After reciting, Murong Feng noticed Ye Zi was lost in thought and awkwardly said, "Did I scare you? Sometimes I get a bit sentimental. It's an annoying habit from studying in the Chinese Department. Don't mind it. Let's go."

Ye Zi, snapping out of the unique atmosphere, blushed slightly and waved her hand, "It's fine. That was Xi Murong's 'Youth's Dress,' right? You recited it beautifully. I really like it." She quickly stepped forward, walking beside Murong Feng toward the dining hall.

Murong Feng laughed at himself, "You know that poem too? Seeing your dress flutter just now reminded me of those lines." Ye Zi smiled softly, her heart still brimming with sweetness and emotion. Walking with someone like this on such an evening seemed wonderful. Her joy and beauty made Murong Feng's heart flutter too.

They had a quick meal at the dining hall before heading to the Art Hall for rehearsal. Entering through the back door, they both remembered their first meeting. Ye Zi glanced back at Murong Feng with a look of both shyness and joy, which stirred something in him.

Voices came from the dressing room, indicating that some people had already arrived. After that meaningful glance, Ye Zi quickened her pace and entered the dressing room first. Her long hair left a trail of fragrance in the air. Murong Feng took a deep breath of the lingering scent, pondering the meaning behind that glance as he followed her inside.

Among those who arrived early were Wang Yizhi, Du Lei, and senior members Gao Jun and Li Jia, both key members of the drama club back in the day. Many new members were also present; with no mandatory classes at night, over a dozen had come. Everyone took this drama festival performance very seriously, rehearsing daily. In comparison, Murong Feng and Ye Zi had been the least diligent, although they had devoted much effort to preparing props and costumes, which was crucial too.

As soon as Murong Feng walked in, Wang Yizhi laughed heartily and said, "See, I told you! If Ye Zi comes, Murong is sure to follow!" Du Lei, scratching his head in frustration, turned to Ye Zi and said, "Sis, you've made me lose my bet again. From now on, you should stay away from Murong. He's a six-star threat to girls!" Ye Zi, who had a great relationship with her cousin, tapped him on the head and said, "None of your business!" She then giggled and pulled Su Min, another drama club girl, aside to chat.

Murong Feng overheard their conversation as he walked in. He went up to Du Lei and gave him a light tap on the head, "Shitou, why are you slandering me again!" Du Lei, holding his head, was even more frustrated, thinking, "Why do you all have the same move?"

Soon, everyone arrived, and they moved some of the props for the evening's rehearsal to the side of the stage. Wang Yizhi then began organizing the evening's rehearsal schedule.

"Tonight, everyone involved in 'Youth' is finally here. We'll dedicate the entire evening to rehearsing this play. The main cast and crew of the other plays can use this time to familiarize themselves with their lines. Running lines with others is the quickest way to get into character. Remember, our time is tight, so put in the extra work offstage."

He kept those involved in 'Youth' while the others dispersed to the audience seats below, reading their scripts or running lines together.

Wang Yizhi addressed the group, "During our recent rehearsals for other plays, Murong Feng and Ye Zi have been busy preparing props and costumes for everyone, so they haven't been able to rehearse with us. Preparing the props has indeed been a lot of work, and both Murong and Ye Zi have performed this play many times before. They don't need to familiarize themselves with the script and movements from scratch like the newcomers."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

The campus romance drama 'Youth' tells the story of a boy and girl who meet and fall in love after a confrontation over seats in the study room. Since Murong Feng and Ye Zi had performed it many times, they had no issues with the lines and movements. The rehearsal was primarily to ensure their scenes flowed smoothly together.

Unexpectedly, Murong Feng and Ye Zi were in perfect sync. Without much direction from Wang Yizhi, their emotions were spot on, and their performance was smooth and harmonious. The new members watching from the sidelines were so impressed that they couldn't help but applaud at the end.

Murong Feng's performance was particularly powerful. His fame from performing this play during his school days was well-earned. It felt like he was leading Ye Zi through the scenes, enveloping her in his aura. After just a few lines, Ye Zi felt as if Murong Feng had become Chu Fan, and she had become Wen Hui, who deeply loved him. This state made it easy to immerse in the performance.

Wang Yizhi praised their performance but offered some advice, "Murong, your performance is a bit too intense. You might want to dial it back a bit." Murong Feng nodded, understanding. He felt he had been a bit over the top today. It had been years since he last performed in a play, and standing on stage felt strange. He looked at Ye Zi and smiled, "It's been a long time since I performed. I'm still a bit rusty. Luckily, Ye Zi was great, which made it easier for me to get through it in one go."

Wang Yizhi was also pleased with Ye Zi's performance, but she waved her hands modestly, "No way, Murong's acting was excellent. I was just following his lead! He's still my idol after all!" This offhand comment caused a stir among the others.

"Wow, Sis, did you have a crush on Murong when you first started college?" Du Lei exclaimed, only to be smacked on the head by Ye Zi, "What nonsense are you talking about!" She then looked at Murong Feng and boldly said, "But it's true. I joined the drama club because of Murong's performance. His acting made me fall in love with drama. I think it's a beautiful art form." With her straightforward explanation, the others stopped gossiping. Many of them had similar reasons for joining the drama club, inspired by the performances of senior members, keeping the club thriving with each new generation.

However, Zhu Yuchen felt the most depressed. He had previously played the lead opposite Ye Zi in this drama and prided himself on his talent and status as an artistic star on campus. Watching Murong Feng and Ye Zi rehearse, he saw Ye Zi clearly giving her best performance, her eyes filled with admiration for Murong Feng's Chu Fan. It pained Zhu Yuchen deeply.

Moreover, knowing there would be dancing and hugging scenes in the play, Zhu Yuchen was nearing his emotional limit. Hearing Ye Zi admit that Murong Feng was her idol made Zhu Yuchen's face turn pale with a sense of impending collapse.

He sat dazed in the audience, watching Murong Feng and Ye Zi perform a campus love story, feeling as if his own campus love story was ending before it even began.

A girl who was supposed to act alongside him approached, saying, "Yuchen, can you help me with my lines? I haven't performed a Greek tragedy before and can't get into character." Already feeling down, her request made him even more irritable. He suddenly snapped, "What's there to explain? If you can't find the feeling, keep trying harder!" His loud outburst stunned everyone in the hall, who turned to look at him.

The girl, shocked and hurt by his words, immediately teared up, her eyes brimming with unshed tears.