A Night When Jasmines Bloom

Murong Feng, feeling a bit frustrated, parked his car by the roadside. He used his phone to log onto the restaurant review site Dianping, searching for a restaurant with a pleasant ambiance in Beijing.

He hadn't expected the restaurants in the university area to be so popular. He initially just wanted to treat— The sound of piano music wafted across the lake, and laughter occasionally came from the rooftop garden on the third floor, suggesting a group gathering. The tables on the lake-view terrace flickered with candlelight. A post-dinner coffee, a dessert, and soft conversation made both feel serene and content, a delightful and beautiful experience.

They had shared meals together before, but this one seemed to carry a different significance. Perhaps they both understood that this dinner was special, almost like a date.

On the way back, Ye Zi didn't say much, and Murong Feng also kept quiet. Despite their individual concerns, they both clearly felt each other's goodwill and the joy of being together through this meal. This mutual understanding hinted at a potential continuation of their relationship, filled with hope.

As they naturally chatted, Murong Feng asked Ye Zi about her plans after graduation.

Ye Zi had already arranged to intern for six months in the investment banking department of Galaxy Securities, a renowned domestic company. If both parties found it suitable, she could then sign a contract to stay on. Since her major was finance, this was in line with her field of study.

Murong Feng nodded in approval. Galaxy Securities was well-known in the country, and the benefits were presumably good. He joked that he could rely on Ye Zi for future investment advice. Ye Zi laughed and promised to serve Murong the millionaire well. They continued talking and laughing, enjoying a harmonious atmosphere.

Upon returning to the university, Murong Feng dropped Ye Zi off in front of her dormitory building.

Watching Ye Zi flash a heartwarming smile, wave goodbye, and then lightly step into the dormitory entrance, Murong Feng's smile gradually faded. He turned and walked back to his car, sighing inwardly.

Ye Zi was such a wonderful girl, her pure and elegant presence like a beautiful jasmine blooming in the night.

However, the shadow of Nian Nian kept resurfacing in every familiar place and every reminiscent scene, just like this dormitory building and that turning smile.

Murong Feng was not someone who clung stubbornly to past feelings. He knew that the old feelings were gone and that he needed to face a new life. The lottery win had allowed him to easily shed the shadows of his previous life in material terms—cars, houses, new friends, and new circles. But emotionally, starting over required overcoming a hurdle within himself. He didn't dare to believe in love again, didn't want to be hurt again, nor did he want to hurt others. This was Murong Feng's current mindset. He needed time to slowly change, and perhaps Ye Zi's warm smile and understanding nature could help him move on...

Regardless, the drama performance had ended, and Murong Feng suddenly had a lot less to do. After returning all the various props, his only remaining connection with the school was the weekly research group discussions.

Of course, he would also often stay in touch with Ye Zi. The biggest gain from helping with the drama club's performance was meeting this beautiful girl with a sunshine-like smile.