Experiment Logs [1 & 2 ]

Experimentation Log # 1

Subject: Kai ("Boy Toy")

Location: Research facility within Ch domain

Minion involved: Harita


Entry #1: Initial Encounter


During an assault on a human nation alongside my father, Veldora, I encountered a peculiar boy.

Despite the chaos and imminent death surrounding him, he remained unafraid and indifferent.

Intrigued by his unique demeanor, I decided to spare him and brought him back to my domain for further study.


Entry #2: Preliminary Observations


The boy exhibits an unexplainable indifference to death and a seemingly sinless disposition.

This makes him an ideal subject for further experiments, as his unique psychological profile could reveal insights into resilience and adaptability under duress.


Entry #3: Initial Experiment - Corrupted Water Exposure


To observe the boy's reaction to a highly diluted drop of corrupted water.


Administered a very diluted drop of corrupted water to the boy. Monitored his vital signs and physiological responses closely.


The boy exhibited severe adverse reactions to the corrupted water, indicating a high sensitivity to its properties.

Symptoms included intense pain, fever, Magicule poisoning , hallucination and initial stage of tumor development


To prevent his death from magicule poisoning, I injected him with a very, very diluted drop of "spirit" blood.

This "spirit" injection is essentially a collection of very weak spirits, stripped of their elemental properties through a process I call "Ego Distillation."

This process rips away the spirits' elemental affinities, leaving behind pure, undiluted essence that can fortify the subject without overwhelming them.


Entry #4: Physical Training Regimen


To strengthen the boy physically before further exposure to corrupted substances.


Ordered Harita to engage the boy in rigorous physical training. The training included strength, endurance, and combat exercises designed to enhance his physical resilience.


The boy's physical condition improved significantly under Harita's training. Despite the harsh regimen, he showed remarkable adaptability and perseverance albeit still needing healing from it and an increased dose of spirit blood.


Constructed a small house for them to ensure the boy has a stable environment for recovery and continued training.


Entry #5: Second Exposure - Controlled Injection of Corrupted Water {Mixed with weak Spirit of water}


To test the boy's improved resilience against a slightly higher concentration of corrupted water.


Administered a marginally stronger dose of diluted corrupted water and Spirit blood.

Continued close monitoring of his physiological responses.

The addition of spirit blood mitigated a lot of permanent damage as the boy transitions into being a majin.


The boy's reaction was less severe compared to the initial exposure.

His body appears to be slowly healing and getting resilient, likely due to the combined effects of physical training and the "spirit" blood injection.


Entry #6: Behavioral Analysis


To understand the psychological resilience and unique demeanor of the boy.


Conducted a series of psychological evaluations and stress tests to gauge his emotional and mental response to various stimuli.


The boy continues to exhibit an unusual indifference to danger and pain.

Despite rigorous physical training bordering on torture and exposure to controlled stressors, he shows no signs of fear or emotional distress.

This trait, coupled with his sinless disposition, suggests a unique psychological profile that is resistant to typical human responses.


Entry #7: Elemental Property Separation Research


To separate the elemental properties from weak spirits and store them in a usable form.


Experimented with various methods to distill elemental properties from weak spirits and transfer them to different materials.

Currently, the most successful method involves transferring these properties to metals.


The current method of transferring elemental properties to metals is highly inefficient.

While it shows promise, the process requires refinement to increase its efficacy and practicality.

Continued research and experimentation are necessary to develop a more efficient method for harnessing and utilizing elemental properties.



The boy's unique attributes and resilience make him a fascinating subject for ongoing study.

The combination of physical training, controlled exposure to corrupted substances, and the fortifying effects of the "spirit" blood will continue to be explored in subsequent experiments.

It has been one month since Veldora and I attacked the kingdoms together, and this subject has already provided valuable insights.

I look forward to the potential discoveries that this unique subject might yield, not without considering any chance at making a weapon too powerful to control.

In lieu of this any further experiment with My water will be terminated.

Additionally, the research on separating and storing elemental properties is in its early stages but holds significant potential for future advancements.


The integration of weak spirits through "Ego Distillation" might pave the way for new advancements in my research, furthering my understanding of corruption, resilience, and the untapped potential within seemingly ordinary beings.

The inefficiency in transferring elemental properties to metals presents a challenge, but it also opens new avenues for exploration and innovation in my quest for power and knowledge.


Experimentation Log # 2

Subject: Harita (Minion)

Location: Research facility within Veldora's domain

Objective: To enhance Harita's abilities and create a unique path of evolution through the ingestion of high concentration Spirit blood, Charybdis's blood, and grafting of special monster cells.


Entry #1: Initial Setup


Harita, my loyal minion, is the subject of a new series of experiments aimed at enhancing her capabilities and exploring new avenues of evolution.

The process will involve three main components: ingestion of high concentration Polarized Spirit blood (Fire affinity), ingestion of my own blood, and grafting special cells made from coagulating hundreds of monsters.


Entry #2: Ingestion of High Concentration Polarized Spirit Blood (Fire Affinity)


To imbue Harita with the elemental power of fire and enhance her combat abilities.


Administered a controlled dose of high concentration Spirit blood with a fire affinity. Monitored her vital signs and physical responses closely.


Harita exhibited immediate signs of internal combustion, but her robust constitution managed to stabilize the reaction.

Her body temperature increased significantly to aproximately 170°C and she began to exhibit pyrokinetic abilities.

Her combat prowess improved, and she displayed an enhanced resistance to heat and fire-based attacks.

Exhibited hightened irrationality in fights.


Entry #3: Ingestion of Charybdis's Blood


To strengthen Harita's connection to me and imbue her with unique abilities related to my domain.


Administered a controlled dose of my own blood. Monitored her vital signs and physiological responses closely.


Harita's physical and magical attributes showed marked improvement.

Her regenerative capabilities skyrocketed, and she developed a partial affinity to curses.

The bond between us strengthened, allowing for more efficient communication and coordination in combat scenarios.


Entry #4: Grafting of Special Monster Cells


To introduce a new cellular structure that packs condensed energy and provides a unique path of evolution, akin to RC cells from the Tokyo Ghoul series.


Grafted special cells made from coagulating hundreds of monsters into Harita's body.

These cells were made from processing live bodies with high amount of spiritons till the boundary between the soul and Body blurr making a sort of semi-spiritual cells made from soul and flesh, designed to store and condense energy, offering enhanced strength and agility and a gateway to demon lord seed.


The grafting process was initially met with resistance from Harita's body, but she gradually adapted.

The special cells integrated successfully, resulting in noticeable increases in her physical strength and agility.

Harita's combat capabilities improved further, and she exhibited new abilities such as energy manipulation on a smaller scale and biological manipulation.


Entry #5: Combined Effects and Initial Results


To assess the combined effects of the three experimental procedures on Harita's overall capabilities.


Harita now possesses enhanced pyrokinetic abilities, increased physical and magical attributes, and a new cellular structure that provides a steady supply of energy and rapid regeneration.

Her combat prowess has significantly improved, and she has developed unique abilities uncommon to her tree of evolution.



The experiments on Harita have yielded satisfying results.

The ingestion of high concentration Spirit blood (Fire affinity) and my own blood, combined with the grafting of special monster cells, have created a unique path of evolution for her.

Harita's new abilities and enhanced attributes make her a formidable asset in combat and further solidify her loyalty and connection to me.

Continued monitoring and refinement of the procedures will be necessary to ensure stability and maximize her potential.


The creation of the special Rc cells provides new evolutionary paths usable for even furthering my corruptive power and growth tree.

Although for such cells to have any effect on me ill need to gather a lot of high level monsters.

But there is no need to be hasty after all if anything the past few days have taught me that time is on my side.


Different way of writing how was it ?


No seriously, this book has about 183 effective readers right now and 183 ×3 is 549 though i doubt it'll get that much but a man can hope 😭
