Chapter Four: First Encounter with Zisang

When the young man first arrived, his white clothes were already stained red with blood, as if he had just escaped from a life-and-death struggle.

Blood oozed from his palms, dripping down along the golden blade...

Though curious, many were repelled by the crimson color, unable to bear the sight of blood, covering their faces with their sleeves.

He caught the blade with his bare hands, although it didn't hit a vital spot, he forcefully blocked the delayed sword qi.

Watching his stiff posture suddenly soften, he fell to his knees, exhaustion evident in his eyes.

Recovering from his shock, the Lingxuan Emperor angrily asked, "Nan Xianyi, what are you doing? It's a demon!"

Supported by Linyi, Nan Xianyi slowly stood up, his trembling legs giving way again as he knelt down once more.

Nan Xianyi placed the sword between his palms and presented it to the Lingxuan Emperor, bowing respectfully.

"Master, this matter has nothing to do with it... It's your disciple who acted without permission... and brought it in... Please punish me."

Nan Xianyi's trembling voice faltered.

The Lingxuan Emperor felt thunderstruck.

"What did you say? You brought this demon in?"

The Lingxuan Emperor was so angry that his hands trembled, "Alright! My good disciple, you are truly my good disciple!"

The Lingxuan Emperor was so angry that he wanted to smash him with the sword, but his raised hand stopped in mid-air.

Looking at his injuries, how could he continue to strike!

Although not his own flesh and blood, he had raised him since childhood. There was an inexplicable feeling of disappointment, so he could only shake his head helplessly and leave.

Before leaving, he admonished, "You better give me a satisfactory answer to this matter, or don't call me Master again in the future. I don't need a disciple like you."

Upon hearing this reply, Nan Xianyi showed a relieved smile before fainting.

The first thing Nan Xianyi did after waking up was to place the fox under a purple wisteria tree in the shade.

This purple wisteria tree had been around for thousands of years, with thick roots, and the area around it was a sea of blue flowers.

Nan Xianyi sat under the purple wisteria tree with Pipa in his arms, taking out a dark red flower from his bosom. This flower was enchanting but also exuded a sinister aura, making one's hair stand on end.

Nan Xianyi murmured softly, "It almost cost me my life to cure you! You must get better for me."

Channeling his energy, the dark red flower instantly turned into red mist and penetrated into Pipa's body, gradually healing its wounds.

Moreover, with the abundant spiritual energy of Fusang, its wounds healed even faster. Its previously droopy ears instantly perked up, and its head transformed into a girl's appearance.

The girl wore a purple robe, with black hair cascading down her shoulders. Her closed eyes slowly opened as she looked at the man in front of her.

After looking for a long time, she said, "Are you... an immortal?"

Nan Xianyi was first embarrassed by her gaze, then confused by her question, and stuttered, "No."

"Then who are you?"

"Uh, I am Nan Xianyi," Nan Xianyi said modestly, bowing.

"Nan Xianyi?"

The girl repeated softly, feeling that the name sounded familiar, as if she had heard it somewhere before.

Suddenly, her head began to ache, and fragments of memories flashed through her mind.

His words echoed in her ears, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'll take you home now."

"How about I give you a name?"

"Then I'll call you Pipa, okay?"

"Since I've saved you, I won't abandon you. If I can't find a solution tomorrow, I... I'll give up my cultivation to protect you."

So he's the one who saved me, no wonder the name sounds familiar.

It's not my fault. At that time, I was severely injured, completely losing my spiritual power, no different from an ordinary fox.

The girl's watery pupils flickered a few times, and a faint smile appeared on her lips as she said, "I remember you, you saved me."

"So... who exactly are you?"

Nan Xianyi stared blankly at the girl in front of him, inwardly sighing: Great, I've saved another demon again. It's probably because of some karma from my past life!

"Me? Heh, listen carefully, my name is Zisang, the daughter of the Demon King, the princess of the demon clan."

"Today, you saved me, and I will remember this favor. If we meet again in the future, I will repay you."

After saying this, she tried to leave but was stopped by Nan Xianyi's outstretched hand.

"You wake up and want to leave? Who do you think I am? Moreover, you left me with a mess to clean up. Do you think you can just walk away?"

"What do you mean?" the girl sneered, looking at the man in front of her with interest.

From childhood to adulthood, even the old guys in the demon world had to give her some face, but this was the first time she had encountered someone so reckless.

"Your life was saved by me, so I am your benefactor. Before I agree, you can't go anywhere."

The girl could only sit back down, helpless.

Although the words of this person were unpleasant, they were also true.

Since he brought her back to Fusang, he had indeed caused him a lot of trouble. He couldn't just leave like that, it would be impolite. Moreover, her injuries had just recovered, and she needed time to recuperate. Fusang was a place of immortals, and those old guys wouldn't be able to find her even if they had extraordinary abilities.