Chapter Eleven: Red Leaves of the Feather Clan

Nan Xianyi retraced his steps back, but Zisang refused to leave the small stall where she bought sugar figurines.

Nan Xianyi could only reluctantly agree and instructed her to wait for him there, knowing it was futile but still necessary to say.

A mysterious atmosphere lingered in the city of Yuzhou, prompting Zisang to suspect something was amiss, so she set out to investigate.

Eventually, she found herself at a brothel called Hua Man Ge.

Ignoring all warnings, Zisang barged in, only to be surrounded by a group of women from the brothel.

A woman dressed in green stepped forward to block Zisang's path.

Glancing up, Zisang noticed an emblem of white flowers on the woman's chest.

Holding a palm-leaf fan, she spoke in a flirtatious tone, "Miss, are you aware of where you are? This is a brothel, and you, a young lady..."

She trailed off, wearing a disdainful expression.

Impatiently, Zisang glanced at her and then struck her palm, transforming the woman into a cat in an instant.

Witnessing this, the others were shocked and immediately transformed into various animals, scattering in all directions.

Suddenly, as Zisang turned back, the figure on the attic transformed into a red smoke and fled outside.

Zisang chased her relentlessly until she finally captured her in a forest outside the city.

Zisang locked her throat and pinned her tightly against a tree, glaring fiercely at her.

"How dare you cause trouble here so soon after the Demon Emperor's departure?"

The hand around her throat tightened as Zisang's emotions surged.

The woman in red groaned in pain.

"No, please..."

Suddenly, a voice sounded, and Zisang turned to look. It was the group of demons who had escaped earlier. Zisang glanced at them, then back at the woman in red.

She couldn't help but find it amusing. Were they back to rescue her?

Well, it was indeed overestimating themselves. They couldn't even protect themselves, yet they wanted to save others! Ridiculous.

Perhaps the woman in red was not heartless. Amidst Zisang's tight grip on her throat, she managed to utter two words, "Go quickly..." "Red Auntie..."

The little demons cried out in unison. Then, as if determined to fight to the death, "We'll fight you together!"

They launched an attack, but they were no match for Zisang. Zisang flicked her hand, summoning a purplish-black chain that ensnared them tightly. "...Please... spare them..."

Red Leaves tightly grasped Zisang's hand and pleaded, but Zisang merely smirked, a hint of cruelty in her eyes.

Even before she came here, she had heard rumors of demons causing trouble in the city, killing several people in the process. Given the current situation, it was likely them!

"I'm curious, how can a mere feather clan demon command the obedience of other races?"

The Demon Emperor had gone to great lengths to control the demon world, but he couldn't keep them in line. Yet she could make these demons obey her, which was indeed unexpected.

"The demon world is diverse. To facilitate management, the Demon Emperor issued the Ten Thousand Demon Order to govern the demon world. But now the Ten Thousand Demon Order is in my hands."

Zisang smirked again, "Tell me, how did you deceive them into following you?"

"Auntie Red Leaves would never deceive us."

"She is our savior, and we follow her willingly. Unlike you, who only knows how to use the Ten Thousand Demon Order to manipulate us!"

A little demon immediately retorted. "Oh? Well, if she cares so much about you, why would she put you in danger all the time?"

"And why would she risk her life for the sake of your feather clan's private matters? Have you ever thought about that?"

After hearing Zisang's words, the little demons exchanged glances, beginning to doubt. Zisang smirked.

Indeed! No matter how loyal they were, they would eventually abandon her if they didn't trust her completely!

Good! That's exactly what she wanted to see.

Killing to eliminate suspicion was something she often did. Looking at the pain and disappointment in Red Leaves' eyes, Zisang smiled again and said, "See? No matter how good you are to them, if you can't make them trust you completely, they will leave you eventually."

"Does it hurt? Well, I'll help you ease the pain!"

Zisang's lips curled slightly, then she conjured a crossbow in her hand and shot it towards the little demons. The crossbow, named Cold Heron, was forged from the mysterious ice of the iceberg. When she turned five hundred, her father gave it to her, and with one arrow, she sealed the fate of the little demons.

"No, please..." Red Leaves lay in agony on the ground, crying bitterly. The arrow seemed to pierce her heart, causing immense pain. Watching them collapse one by one, disappearing before her eyes, her heart felt like it was being torn apart by knives.

Although they saw her as their savior, she treated them like daughters. ...But now, they were dying before her, one by one.

Red Leaves clenched her fists tightly, her eyes swollen and bloodshot from crying. She stared intensely at the person before her, devoid of any emotion, the person who treated lives as mere blades of grass.

"Why did you kill them? What did they do wrong to deserve this?" "I will kill you. I will avenge them!"

Red Leaves rushed forward, but before she could reach Zisang, she was pierced by a cold arrow. Slowly, Red Leaves fell to the ground, her eyes fixed on the spot where the little demons disappeared.

She was not resigned to this fate! A tear rolled down her cheek, but there was a smile in her eyes, as if she was using her last bit of strength to speak.

"Don't be afraid... I'll be with you..." As soon as she finished speaking, her hand fell heavily to the ground.

A breeze blew gently, dispersing the red smoke of Red Leaves, along with the little demons...

Zisang picked up a green bottle, intricately designed with a bird totem, likely left behind by Red Leaves. As she opened it, a burst of heat rushed out.

Zisang instinctively reached out to block it, then exclaimed, "Oh my!" It was the voice of a girl. Zisang looked towards the source and saw a girl dressed in male attire in goose-yellow. The first thing the girl did was check if her limbs were intact. Seeing that they were, she patted her chest in relief and said, "Thank goodness, thank goodness, I'm still whole."

She leaped up from the ground, dusting herself off, then noticed Zisang nearby and smiled, saying, "Thank you for saving my life, kind lady. I am Bai Danjun of Qingqiu. I will always remember your great kindness, and I will surely repay it in the future."

Her actions were lively and amusing, with a hint of cuteness. Her smile was sweet, her eyes sparkling and lovely as they blinked. As if not hearing her, Zisang asked herself, "How did Red Leaves catch you?"

"Oh, that? Well, I just entered Hua Man Ge that day and was captured by them!"

Zisang frowned slightly, casting a strange look at her from head to toe. After a while, she slowly said, "You, a girl... why would you dress in men's clothes and visit Hua Man Ge?"

Seeing the strange look in Zisang's eyes, Bai Danjun immediately shook her head and hands like a tambourine, desperately explaining, "It's not what you think! I don't have that preference." "I went to Hua Man Ge because she killed my follower. I went to avenge him."

As she spoke, she hesitated and scratched her head embarrassedly, "Who knew that I didn't have enough cultivation to avenge him... and almost got myself killed."

Zisang shook her head helplessly, thinking, "Indeed, quite foolish."

"It's good as long as you're fine now. That demon is dead, and your revenge is settled! I have other matters to attend to. I'll leave first, and you can handle the rest yourself!"

As she turned to leave, her footsteps suddenly stopped, and she frowned, then turned back abruptly. With her movement, everything around her changed, shrouded in layers of dense fog...

Bai Danjun also panicked. Zisang had only taken a few steps, but now there was only her left in the surroundings. Danjun wandered in the dense fog for a long time, constantly calling out, "Hey, are you still there? Where are you?" But there was no response from start to finish...