Chapter Thirteen: Zisang the Heroine

The dagger in Zisang's hand was a gift from an elder of the Avian Clan to her father, as a token of gratitude. After her death, her soul found refuge in the White Phoenix. The dagger itself was the manifestation of her Heart Feathers, and after a long period of integration, it became the spirit of the dagger.

Her true form was that of a White Phoenix, and the name of the dagger originated from her. She would not tolerate any wrongdoing from the Avian Clan, just like she did in breaking this barrier.

After Danjun and Zisang emerged from the barrier, they bid farewell and went their separate ways.

Nan Xianyi, impatiently navigating through the crowd, realized that Yufu had deceived him! She had pointed him in the wrong direction, causing him much trouble.

He needed to find Zisang immediately, or else she would be in danger. However, he was unaware that Zisang had already escaped the danger.

Suddenly, someone grabbed his shoulder forcefully. At that moment, Nan Xianyi was too furious to care about who it was and kicked out instinctively.

The person, caught off guard, was struck directly by his foot and fell heavily to the ground.

Although Nan Xianyi felt a sense of satisfaction from the kick, he immediately regretted it and rushed to help the person up.

"Master, are you alright?"

The person seemed disoriented, unable to recognize where Nan Xianyi was, and began cursing loudly in a random direction.

"You... you brat! How dare you! You even dare to kick your master! I'll kick you to death!"

Despite his threat, the person stumbled and accidentally crashed into a stall selling eggs, his face covered in eggshells.

Seeing his master about to fall again, Nan Xianyi quickly lifted him up and carried him on his shoulders.

There's a saying that goes, "The most unbearable thing in the world is a woman, and even more so, a woman selling vegetables on the street." Each of them is known for being fierce and ruthless.

Because his master had broken a few eggs, they were chased by the vegetable vendor for several streets before finally shaking her off.

"Now, tell me, what's going on... Oh, this is delicious... Waiter, another portion of duck intestines..."

"What, sold out? Then bring another portion of fish head with chopped peppers... Where were we? Oh yes, why did you let her go and follow her?"

At this moment, his master was completely engrossed in eating, intermittently scolding Nan Xianyi.

"Master, eat slowly. I won't compete with you!" Nan Xianyi sat beside him, weakly speaking.

"Don't try to change the subject. I'm asking you, why did you leave Fusang without permission?"

"I... she... it was her idea to leave, and I couldn't refuse."

"What about you? Why did you leave? Don't think about lying to me, speak up quickly!"

"Master, I've lived with you for so many years, how could I not know what's on your mind?" Nan Xianyi sighed helplessly. "Master, I've been separated from her for many years. Now that I've finally met her again, she wants to leave."

"In fact, if she's willing, I... I would persuade Master to let us be together. But it seems that this is just my wishful thinking. She doesn't want to stay there; she wants to leave."

"But what about you? Why did you leave? Don't try to deceive me. Speak up quickly."

"No, I haven't told her anything," Nan Xianyi admitted. "In the past five years, I've been thinking about her every day, wondering if she's still waiting for me, if I'll still be able to see her when I get out."

"I've also been thinking about whether I can hold on, whether I can survive. And if I do get out, I want to find her and tell her, 'I've fallen in love with you, I want to marry you.'"

"To be honest, if it weren't for her promise during these five years, I might not have survived until now."

"Did you tell her? What did she say?"

"No, I didn't say anything," Nan Xianyi confessed, and then they fell into silence for a while.

"Waiter, the bill."

"Alright, sir, that'll be five taels of silver."

The waiter glanced at the master, who showed no intention of paying, and then looked at Nan Xianyi, who seemed to be hinting at him to pay.

The waiter caught the hint and straightened his posture, saying, "What's the matter, want to eat for free? Brothers..."

Afterward, the master and disciple were chased by a group of thugs for several streets, and then they encountered the egg-selling lady again and were chased for several more streets...

Meanwhile, Danjun wandered in the forest for a while but couldn't find her way out. It seemed she had encountered trouble again.

Danjun found a place to sit down, attempting to use her Summoning Art, but it was to no avail.

It seemed that she had just escaped from one barrier and entered another.

Looking around and finding no one nearby, Danjun couldn't help but wonder if she was really going to die here. Why was her life so bitter?

Danjun couldn't help but cry out in despair.

She wiped her eyes with two fingers, suddenly able to see hundreds of miles away.

After surveying the area, she noticed a person sitting under a tree in the distance.

Sitting upright, dressed in black robes, holding a ink sword in hand, the person exuded an aura of majesty, making Danjun feel both fearful and respectful.

But she summoned the courage to approach and inquire, "Who are you? How did you appear here?"

The person remained silent.

"Um... I'm lost, can you help me find a way out?"

Still no response.

"Uh... well, it's okay, I can find my way out by myself. I'll go look elsewhere. Um, you're busy, I'll leave you to it!"

Without hearing a reply from the person, Danjun could only awkwardly turn around and leave.

As she turned around, she heard the sound of a sword being unsheathed.

Turning back, she saw the person wielding the sword coming towards her with incredible speed.

Realizing that she couldn't avoid the sword in time, Danjun chose to close her eyes and face whatever was coming.

Yes, she closed her eyes...

Huh... why hasn't the sword struck yet? Danjun cautiously opened one eye and then the other, looking around.


Behind her came a painful cry.

Turning around again, she saw a group of people wearing white armor standing behind her, one of whom had already fallen.

The group wore white armor and held long spears, and one of them shouted loudly, "Monster scum, surrender now and hand over the Extinction Sword."

Wuchen remained silent for a moment, then suddenly attacked them, swift as a shadow.

In just a few moves, he subdued the group of people, and then his icy gaze swept toward Danjun. Danjun was frightened and shivered, hastily explaining, "I was just asking for directions."

Even though she didn't dare to meet his gaze, she spoke timidly, trembling.

Wuchen still didn't speak, but turned and walked towards the depths of the forest. Suddenly, he stopped and coldly uttered a sentence without looking back.

"Follow me!"

As if receiving a royal decree, Danjun quickly nodded and bowed before scurrying after him like a loyal dog.

Meanwhile, Zisang, who had just parted ways with Danjun, intended to return the way she came. However, being directionally challenged, she seemed to have taken the wrong path.

Surveying the surroundings, she realized that it might be a village, but she hadn't seen anyone along the way.


She accidentally bumped into someone and, upon looking down, saw a girl.

Zisang was about to help her up when someone suddenly shouted angrily, "Catch her, don't let her escape!"

Obviously, this wasn't directed at Zisang. She had just entered the area; how could she have provoked these people?

Zisang casually glanced at the group and then bent down to help the girl up. The girl, frightened, immediately hid behind Zisang. However, this action seemed to anger the group.

"Who are you? Mind your own business, we're here to catch her," one of them said angrily.

Zisang gave the person a faint glance and said calmly, "Has she committed a crime? Why are you trying to catch her?"

These people were clearly ordinary villagers, each wielding hoes and shovels instead of working in the fields, but instead chasing after a defenseless girl. Was there no law in this mortal realm?

A woman pushed her way through the crowd, pointing at the girl and shouting hysterically, "It's her!"

"She's in league with the demons. She brought the demon into the village and killed my child. She's the one who killed my son!"

The woman's face twisted with hatred, as if she wanted to tear the girl apart. Seeing the situation, Zisang extended her hand to shield the girl behind her.

"The demon killed your child, not her. Why are you harassing a defenseless girl?"

As soon as these words came out, the crowd became furious, expressing their anger and resentment.

"It's clearly her who brought the demon into the village. Otherwise, how could the demon come to our village?"

"Yeah, she's obviously not a good person, just a harbinger of disaster, causing nothing but trouble... Kill her... Kill her... Kill her..."

The villagers almost said all kinds of vicious words, as if they wanted to drown her in saliva.

The girl, trembling helplessly behind Zisang, began to cry.