Chapter Twenty-Four: The Heartless Man

Nan Xianyi had always wanted to buy a sugar figurine for Zisang but had never succeeded. Today, he was determined to buy one and hand it to her personally. The old man selling sugar figurines quickly crafted a lifelike sugar rabbit. These sugar figurines were much more exquisite than the ones from the previous stalls, earning Nan Xianyi's admiration.

When he turned around, Zisang was nowhere to be seen, so he called out, "I'm over here." She replied from behind him. He hadn't noticed when she had moved to that side, but he didn't think much of it and led her away.

The market was bustling with activity. Along the way, there were vendors shouting, performers, and dragon dancers—everything imaginable. At the west end of the city, a wealthy family was hosting a marriage contest for their daughter. Just as the embroidered ball was about to fall, a dog ran by and snatched it away.

The people below the stage roared with laughter, not caring about the embarrassed expressions of the family on the platform. Zisang, in particular, laughed heartily, more lively and radiant than Nan Xianyi had ever seen her, making him feel as though the person before him wasn't Zisang, but someone else entirely.

Despite having enjoyed himself at the market, Nan Xianyi was silent on the way back, walking a distance ahead of Zisang. He suddenly stopped, and she halted a few paces behind him, sensing an unapproachable coldness emanating from him.

With his back to her, she couldn't see his face, but she could imagine him frowning. After a moment's hesitation, she started, "Nan Xianyi, what's wrong—"

He cut her off, his voice icy, "Did you have fun today?"

Zisang didn't respond, thrown off by his inexplicable question. He continued, "You've used this guise for quite a while now. It's time to switch back." With a wave of his hand, Yufu reverted to her original form.

Yufu was taken aback. He had known it was her all along. She had always prided herself on her transformation skills, which she had mastered by the age of two hundred, earning her the title of prodigy. How had he seen through it so easily this time?

"Why did you do this? Do you have nothing better to do?" Nan Xianyi's frustration was clear, but he ignored her questions, focusing only on his own.

"You think I wanted to? Why did I do it? Because of you!" she snapped. "You always ignore me because your heart is full of Zisang. Can't you see my feelings for you? Why can't you make room in your heart for me, even a little?"

His words hit her where it hurt. She had hoped she could wait until he accepted her. But she was wrong, completely wrong. His heart and eyes were only for Zisang. He loved her so deeply that there was no room for anyone else. How could she expect him to be moved and accept her when he had never even given her a second glance?

"Nan Xianyi, do you know? The way you look at her and the way you look at me are completely different," she continued. "She is like a precious jade in your eyes. You want to hold her carefully, afraid she might break. But when you look at me, it's like looking at a stranger. I'm jealous of her, you know? I just wanted to feel that kind of attention, even if only once."

For the first time, she felt utterly powerless. Her first crush was because of him, and her first heartbreak was also because of him. She longed for her feelings to be reciprocated, to give her the courage to keep going. But he never gave her that chance; it was all just a pipe dream.

He looked at her coldly, without any emotion, as if she were an inanimate object. "That's your problem. I have no interest in interfering in your affairs."

His words cut through her like a knife, the pain in her heart like a thousand worms gnawing at her. She watched as he walked towards her, each step clear and deliberate—one, two, three... He didn't stop until he had walked past her.

Driven by some unknown force, she grabbed his hand, dropping her pride for the first time. "Please, don't go. I really need you. Just this once, please don't leave me."

The tears she had been holding back finally fell. "Zisang is Zisang, unique and irreplaceable. Perhaps you're right, my heart is only for her, and I can't make room for anyone else. You don't need to waste your time on me."

Her clenched fist loosened and fell, striking the ground heavily. The young man in white didn't look back.

She realized the person she loved was so heartless. Hugging herself tightly, she wept into the cold night. The surroundings were so quiet, it felt like she was the only one in the world. Her sobs grew louder and more desperate, not caring if anyone saw her.

In the silent night, her crying was interrupted by heavy footsteps. Yufu looked up hopefully, her dim eyes brightening momentarily, only to dim again when she saw it was Luyan, not the person she was hoping for.

Wiping her tears, she spoke with a choking voice, "You… you didn't follow me all this time, did you?" The thought was too embarrassing—if he had seen her in such a miserable state.

"I didn't see much. So you got dumped. What's the big deal? Nothing to cry about," he said nonchalantly, infuriating her further.

"Some people can't be forced. You should cherish those who truly love you, not him," Luyan said, wiping away her tears.

"I know, but I can't let go. It hurts so much here," she said, clutching her chest.

"I don't understand why everyone treats her so well. You all think of her, but what about me? Just because we were born on the same day, people have always compared me to her. I'm not as noble, not as talented. Why do they only see her strengths and my weaknesses?"

"But why must you compare yourself to Zisang? Isn't it better to be your unique self?" he asked.

"It's not that I want to. People always compare us. Her presence feels like a curse to me," she said, curling up tighter. Luyan draped his long coat over her.

"No one's existence is meaningless, not yours, not Zisang's. Every meeting is a unique bond, different for everyone," he said. "No one's presence is superfluous. Look at Zisang—Nan Xianyi and Wuchen appear because of love. Danjun is here because of friendship. And I am here to protect. What about you? Is there really only hate between you and her?"