Chapter Sixty-Eight: Fighting for You

Zisang was on the verge of taking action, wanting to kill the shrewish woman who had insulted her. Since childhood, she had been revered as the princess of the Yao Clan, and even the elders in the Yao Realm had never spoken to her in such a manner. Yet today, she was scolded by such a rude and aggressive mortal.

It made her feel as though, in the eyes of that woman, she was nothing more than a pitiful beggar, dirty and pathetic, someone anyone could kick around.

Despite her reluctance, she ultimately restrained herself and, with her crippled body, dragged her dirty robe away.

After a few steps, she heard the heavy sound of a door closing behind her.


Without turning back, she let out a soft sigh and continued to drag her injured body away.

When Zisang returned, it was noon. Before reaching the courtyard, she saw two rows of white-robed celestial attendants standing neatly in front.

She took a few steps forward, and saw a figure supporting someone coming out from the front.

"Xuanyi!" Zisang, seeing the scene, ignored the pain in her body and rushed forward, pushing the two apart and shielding one of them like a mother hen protecting its chick.

"Who allowed you to take him away? Don't think you can take him away just because there are many of you! As long as he doesn't agree, you won't be able to touch him a single bit!"

"Hmph, demoness! I never thought much of you from the start, causing my nephew to suffer because of you."

The uncle's cold demeanor was rare to see, full of imposing aura. Although he had seen this woman before and recognized her filial piety, born in the Yao Realm, he had some appreciation for her at first. Her sole purpose from beginning to end was to avenge her father, which made him have a bit of goodwill toward her. At least she wasn't detestable.

But since he heard some things later on, even this little bit of goodwill was completely erased.

"I don't care what reasons you have today, don't think about taking him away from me!"

"Not only in the past, but not today either. His injuries haven't healed yet. Without the antidote, he will die!"

"You can't deceive me! I won't be fooled! He can only stay here for now. He can't leave!"

Zisang shook her head vigorously, her steps unwillingly retreating.

"It was I who sent my uncle here. I want to go back now!"

His resistance was like a block of ice. Before she could react, his ice-cold body had already pushed her aside.

Then, his gaze met hers, not as intense as before, nor as cold as last night, but unusually silent, showing no emotion.

"I can't stay here anymore. I want to go back to Fusang!"

Her face was equally pale, devoid of any color. If it weren't for the support of her spiritual power, she might not have been able to stand as he did.

A hint of strangeness flickered in his silent eyes, but quickly faded away. He didn't want her to see it.

"You can't leave, at least not now!"

Zisang regained her senses, still unable to believe the current South Xuanyi in front of her. At this moment, he no longer had her in his eyes. He was like a walking corpse.

"Did you hear that? He already said it himself. I've lived long enough and don't want to waste any more words with you here."

"If you don't behave, don't blame me for not remembering our past friendship!"

He had always lived leisurely and carefree, never willing to deal with trivial matters. But this time, it was about his nephew, whom he had raised personally. Since it was his matter, he naturally wouldn't ignore it.

He had always lived a carefree and leisurely life, never willing to deal with trivial matters. But this time, it involved his nephew, whom he had raised himself. Since it concerned him, he naturally wouldn't ignore it.

Moreover, this matter was related to Nan Xuan Yi's life; how could he sit back and do nothing?

"If you really want to leave, then take this, and I won't stop you," Zisang ignored the fuming elder beside her and handed a white porcelain bottle to Nan Xuan Yi.

"Get that filthy thing away from me!"

Seeing the white porcelain bottle, it was clear what it contained. The thought of seeing a bloody heart in her hand made him feel nauseous.

With a cold sweep of his hand, the porcelain bottle fell and shattered on the stones, the white shards instantly stained red.

"Filthy? So what if it's filthy? As long as it can cure your poison, isn't that enough?"

Zisang, distressed, tried to pick up the fragments but stopped at Nan Xuan Yi's words, angrily retorting.

"I don't need it! Cough, Uncle, let's go!"

"No! You can't leave!"

Seeing Nan Xuan Yi about to leave, Zisang took a step forward and blocked his path.

"None of you will take him away! None of you!"

With that, a powerful aura swirled around her, her loose strands of hair dancing wildly in the air.

In an instant, her dark pupils turned blue, the red mark between her brows accentuating her pale face.

Her eyes were filled with killing intent. The celestial attendants, seeing this, stepped forward, protecting the elder behind them, weapons raised in defense.

"Heh! I only found you interesting back then, just wanted to have some fun. Didn't expect you'd take it seriously!"

Zisang was about to make a move, but upon hearing his words, she froze. It felt like an illusion. How could it be? He had clearly said he didn't want to leave her, so why was he saying this now?

If there was some difficulty, he could have told her, why this? A joke?

Heh, Nan Xuan Yi, stop joking. If you think this is fun, I'll go along with whatever you want in the future. Just tell me the truth now, please!

When Zisang came to her senses, two celestial attendants had already pinned her down, rendering her unable to resist, leaving her to struggle in despair and helplessness.

"Nan Xuan Yi, what are you saying? Say it again, what do you mean by having fun with me? Was everything we went through just a fleeting interest for you?"

Her blue pupils widened, bloodshot. Her eyes filled with tears she stubbornly held back, now only despair and a flicker of hope remained. But Nan Xuan Yi's next words extinguished that last flicker.

"Heh, Nan Xuan Yi has been reckless since childhood, causing much trouble for my master and uncle. Finally meeting someone interesting, I couldn't help but tease a bit. If anything led you to misunderstand, I apologize again."

"I just didn't expect that following you would nearly cost me my life. Ah, thinking back, I should have listened to my master. Now, I've been poisoned."

He forced a smile, but where no one could see, his hand was tightly clenched into a fist.

He forced a smile on his face, but his hand, hidden from view, was clenched into a tight fist. After speaking, he quickly dragged his body away, escaping everyone's sight, never once acknowledging Zisang's desperate screams.

"Nan Xuan Yi, come back! Come back and explain yourself! Nan Xuan Yi!"

The last cry of "Nan Xuan Yi" was shouted with all her remaining strength. Despite the two celestial attendants holding her firmly, she no longer had the energy to break free and chase after him, watching helplessly as his figure disappeared from view.

She felt all her strength drain away and collapsed to her knees, crying uncontrollably.

She had no idea when the attendants from Fusang left, nor did she realize when the two celestial attendants who had been holding her let go. It seemed she cried herself into unconsciousness, with no recollection of what happened next.

When Zisang woke up, she made her way to Fusang, only to find a barrier preventing her from entering. She tried various methods but couldn't create even a small crack.

Despite this, she didn't leave, instead curling up in a corner at the foot of Fusang Mountain, not knowing what she was waiting for.

In her heart, she knew that if he hadn't pleaded with the people of Fusang, they wouldn't have spared her.

Her current concern wasn't for herself but for Nan Xuan Yi. She knew exactly what poison he was suffering from. Without the antidote her mother left, there was no other way to cure him.

Despite that, she still hoped that Lingxuan Emperor's superior cultivation might somehow save him.

She waited for three days and nights without sleep or rest. By then, she was so exhausted that she collapsed beside a tree.

Her scattered hair covered her pale face, and her once bright blue eyes had lost their luster, looking like a night pearl smeared with mud.

Her unfocused eyes stared blankly, motionless like a statue.

Nearby, a cactus flower bloomed and withered, but she paid it no mind. Her heart was elsewhere.

Her hand fell heavily on the edge of the bed, limp like a puppet, yet still tightly clutching a glass bead.

The sound of the bead falling reached Zisang's ears, and her gaze followed it downward. She stood stiffly, moving like a zombie, walking away into the distance. After a few steps, she turned back to look at the now-wilted cactus flower.

With a bitter laugh, she continued walking into the endless distance.

"So, the fleeting beauty of the cactus flower was just a dream..."

As she walked, a sudden gale broke the silence of the night, whipping branches and leaves around, scratching her delicate face.

She neither dodged nor moved, standing there blankly as dead branches, leaves, and sand battered her face.

A bolt of lightning flashed, creating a meter-long streak of light before her eyes, striking the ground at her feet.

She neither retreated nor dodged, staring dumbly at the sky.

The moonlight was obscured by dark clouds, which moved visibly like rolling waves. As the clouds parted, she saw a multitude of figures standing on the black clouds.

Of course, they weren't ordinary people; they were celestial beings from the heavens.

But there were far too many this time. She was just a fox demon from the demon realm—how could she deserve such a grand assembly of immortals?

A bitter smile tugged at her lips.

She thought it unnecessary. Now she was alone, no longer a threat. Why would she stoop to a miserable existence?

A wisp of white smoke drifted out from Fusang, transforming into human form as it landed on the edge of a cliff.

There stood a figure, dressed in white robes that seemed purer than snow. His loose black hair hung down his back in a neat manner. His forehead was partially covered, and under the moonlight, his finely chiseled features, especially his high-bridged nose, were highlighted, giving his face an exceptionally handsome outline.

He stood proudly, gazing into the distance. A single strand of hair was simply tied with a purple ribbon, which trailed down to the tips of his hair. His white robe had simple purple borders, and the purple cloud patterns on his inner garment were faintly visible, partially covered by his outer robe that draped quietly over his chest.

The front of his robe, embroidered with purple orchids, was immaculately straight, as if freshly ironed. His dark purple boots were adorned with golden patterns extending from the front to the back.

His clear eyes looked up at the sky, bright and untouched by the mundane world.

"Welcome back, Emperor Qiyang, from your tribulation!" Though she kept her eyes downcast, she couldn't hide the joy in her heart.

Who was Emperor Qiyang? He was a renowned figure in the heavenly realm, second only to the Celestial Emperor in status and power. Known as the incarnation of the qilin, he had always protected the heavens and was bestowed with the title of God of War. His name was Jun Feng.

"Heh, I've troubled you, Fairy. Without your guidance, I might not have returned unscathed."

"Your Highness, please don't tease me. In truth, Yao Xi didn't do much."

Besides, with Nan Xuan Yi's temperament, how could she have persuaded him? She could only hope for Jun Feng's early return.

Now that he was back, the weight in her heart was finally lifted.

"By the way, when you left, you entrusted me with the care of the Liushang Qin. Now that you're back, it's time I returned it to you."

With a wave of her hands, a qin appeared in her palms.

Lightly plucking the strings, Jun Feng was about to reunite with Liushang, but his brow furrowed as he asked.

"Did you touch my qin?"

"I..." That day, feeling troubled and longing for him, she had played it to soothe herself, forgetting how much Jun Feng disliked others touching Liushang.

"I played it a bit on a whim that day, but I wiped it several times afterward... It was my negligence."

The more she explained, the worse it sounded. She knew how much he treasured Liushang, yet she had played it like a fool on that day.

"No matter, the strings needed changing anyway." Jun Feng took Liushang back and held it to one side. He was about to habitually pluck the strings but paused and withdrew his hand.

Was he really going to replace the strings just because she had played it? Though she knew he disliked it, she had wiped it several times.

In her haste to catch up with him, she hadn't noticed he called her "Fairy" again. Perhaps it was just a habit he couldn't break.

"By the way, what happened to that fox demon? Where is she?"

Jun Feng asked nonchalantly while cleaning the strings, as if it were a casual remark, but Yao Xi's heart burned with jealousy.

"Your Highness, now that you've finally overcome this tribulation, you shouldn't concern yourself with mortal matters anymore."

His offhand question stirred jealousy in Yao Xi's heart. This tribulation was over, and past matters were behind them. Why should he care if she was alive or dead, or where she was?

If he didn't care, why would he mention her? If she wasn't in his heart, why would he care about her whereabouts?

"You overthink. That fox demon and I share a karmic bond. Ultimately, it's up to me to resolve it."

"You misunderstand. That fox demon and I share a karmic bond; it is my duty to resolve it," Jun Feng said, though it was hard to believe that his heart was not affected. At that time, Nan Xuan Yi had been willing to die to save her. Such deep emotions were not easily severed. Not to mention what had happened before, but now, having just returned, he was already inquiring about her whereabouts.

Jun Feng's thoughts were always inscrutable to her. He was not one to voice his feelings often, preferring to keep everything hidden within. Those who knew him understood this; he simply disliked speaking much and preferred solitude. However, to outsiders, these behaviors made him seem deeply calculating, always inviting suspicion about his true intentions.

"Vile demon! You have killed hundreds and stolen hearts. You are ruthless and cruel! Today, I will uphold justice and rid the world of your wickedness!" An immortal officer above declared righteously.

"Uphold justice? Ha! What a joke! My fate is mine to decide. Who are you to preach to me?" Zisang scoffed.

What a farce! These self-righteous beings thought they controlled the fate of others. All this talk about divine will was utter nonsense. Immortals? Ha! Ridiculous!

"You insolent demon! I'll show you what happens to those who defy the heavens!"

This was merely a remnant from the demon realm, yet she dared to laugh in the face of countless celestial soldiers? Clearly, she had grown too arrogant. Allowing her to continue would only invite further chaos.

"Let me teach you a lesson and curb your arrogance!"

With that, he signaled to the front row of celestial soldiers, who immediately launched a bolt of lightning at Zisang.

Zisang, instead of dodging, charged forward as if ready to fight to the death.

The mortal realm had always been under the protection of the celestial realm. Mortals offered incense in worship, and in return, the Celestial Emperor promised to protect their people. Now, Zisang had killed hundreds. Though only the heart's blood of a hundred people was needed to brew the antidote, some hearts were too impure, so she discarded them and sought cleaner ones. Thus, the count rose to hundreds. Zisang's actions had caused the celestial realm to lose face with the mortal realm, and they had come to demand justice.


Weakened by the blood curse that had drained much of her spiritual power, and further exhausted by three days and nights without rest or sustenance, Zisang was already in a dire state. Struck by the lightning, she collapsed to the ground, coughing up blood.

Another lightning bolt followed. She thought she couldn't escape this fate and was prepared to face death, but a black blade suddenly appeared, cutting through the lightning, dispersing it into nothingness.

"Sang'er, I'm back!" She heard his voice before she saw him. Fixing her gaze, she saw...

As the clouds cleared, a tall, slender figure emerged, walking toward her and eventually standing in front of her.

His thin frame was enveloped in a wide, black robe.

"Wuchen! What are you doing here? You must leave; they will hurt you!" Zisang struggled to push Wuchen away, but he pulled her into his embrace.

"You always said I lived a bitter life, consumed by the need for revenge for my mother. This time, I'm listening to you. I will set aside my hatred, and today, I fight for you alone!"


"No, don't!"

Ignoring Zisang's protests, Wuchen charged into the clouds to confront the celestial soldiers alone. She wanted to chase after him, but her body was too weak, utterly exhausted. She could only watch the sky anxiously, praying for his safe return, even though she knew it was unlikely. Her eyes remained fixed on the flashing lightning within the clouds, unable to see his figure through the thick cover.

Occasionally, the bodies of fallen celestial soldiers would drop before her. She would glance at them briefly, then return her gaze to the clouds.

Wuchen was gravely injured. Despite his remarkable skills, these celestial soldiers were formidable opponents. Their overwhelming numbers were depleting his strength rapidly.

As more soldiers surrounded him, Wuchen realized that if things continued this way, he wouldn't last much longer. But if he fell, Zisang would truly be doomed. That was unacceptable; he couldn't let that happen.


A sweep of dark sword energy forced the celestial soldiers to defend against the attack. When they looked up again, they saw a black dragon charging at them.

A dragon! How could this be?

Stunned, everyone stared in disbelief at the black dragon spiraling before them.


The black dragon's roar sent a powerful shockwave, knocking half of the celestial soldiers to the ground. The roar shook the mountains, causing cracks to appear.

"What's going on? Who is he?"

"Could it be..."

"Impossible! Prince Moxuan died long ago. It can't be him!"

Equally astonished, Zisang stared at the black dragon in the clouds, remembering the day she fell into the Sea of Regret.

It was him! Wuchen had saved her back then!

Before she could rejoice, a white light blade shot out from the clouds, striking the black dragon. The night turned to day for an instant before fading.

"Wuchen! No..."

Summoning a sudden burst of strength, Zisang leaped up and caught his falling body before she could check if he was okay. Another white blade came at her. She moved to shield him.


She crashed to the ground, the impact breaking her bones with a sickening crack. Blood spurted from her mouth.

Dizzy and disoriented, her ears ringing, Zisang forced her eyes open. She saw Wuchen, unconscious, being dragged away by two celestial soldiers. She tried to call out, but her throat was too dry to speak.

Darkness overtook her again.

She didn't know how much time had passed when a voice echoed in her ears.

"...Hmph! Foolish!"

The voice was clear and warm, stirring a sense of familiarity within her.

Was it... him?

Forcing her eyes open again, her vision gradually focused on a pair of dark purple iron boots trimmed with gold. Her gaze moved upward to see an exquisitely embroidered orchid on dark purple fabric.

Before she could look any further, the figure coldly walked away, but she couldn't tear her eyes from his departing form, even though she could no longer see anything.

In the haze, Zisang seemed to hear the sound of water droplets falling. Slowly opening her eyes, she found herself standing on a boat.