Chapter Seventy-Five: The Water Realm

The maid led Yunsi around for another lap, and there were indeed many strange and rare treasures inside, most of which Yunsi had never seen before. However, she felt too embarrassed to ask directly, fearing it would make her appear ignorant.

What exactly was dragon scale? What did it look like? What color was it? Yunsi didn't know any of these details. Even Yu Fu seemed clueless. In the end, it seemed like her efforts in the Water Realm were in vain.

Yunsi examined almost every item that looked unusual, but in the end, she couldn't determine which one was the dragon scale. Despite the leading maid's repeated urging for Yunsi to return, she found excuses to linger a little longer.

Ultimately, she was persuaded to leave.

Meanwhile, Jun Feng had been wandering outside the palace for several days. Since his battle with the Demon Sovereign, where the Demon Sovereign fled after being defeated, Jun Feng had been in pursuit. However, he lost track of him due to Night White's interference along the way.

Just thinking about it made him angry. On that day, Jun Feng was determined to break into the palace and confront the Demon Sovereign while he was still weak. But unexpectedly, Night White suddenly appeared and threw himself at Jun Feng's feet, crying and begging.

"Dad! Just come back with me. Mom is still waiting for you at home. Dad~"

Night White's crying and pleading quickly attracted a crowd of onlookers. After hearing Night White's words, the bystanders were indignant and joined Night White, surrounding Jun Feng.

"If you don't give this kid and his mother an explanation today, don't think about going anywhere!" one person said.

"In a big forest, there are all kinds of birds. How can someone who looks so decent not take responsibility?" another added.

"Young man, listen to me. Go back with this kid. Look how sad he is. Here, take some silver coins back and live a good life with your family."

When Jun Feng heard the old man say, "Look how sad this child is," his gaze inadvertently shifted to Night White, who was clinging to his leg. However, he happened to see a cunning smile on Night White's face, which instantly shattered any hint of sympathy he had for him.

As the crowd grew larger, more accusations came his way, and no matter how Jun Feng tried to explain, no one would listen. They just saw him as making excuses. After enduring several rounds of this, Jun Feng finally reached his limit. With a burst of force, he pushed Night White back.

Jun Feng hadn't exerted much force, but Night White, after being pushed, rolled back several times and eventually hit his head on a pillar. A pool of blood gushed out, and his small body lay unconscious in the blood. The scene was horrific.

A brave young man stepped forward to check Night White's breathing. His eyes widened, and he fell to the ground in shock, wailing, "He's... he's dead~"

Within half an hour, the incident quickly attracted the attention of the authorities, and Jun Feng was arrested by the patrol station. He thought he could easily get out of it with just a few days' confinement, so he didn't even bother to use magic to escape. He thought of it as taking a break and resting in there for a few days.

He thought the matter would blow over, until on the seventh day in prison, he heard that he was accused of murder and sentenced to be beheaded in three days. Now Jun Feng couldn't sit still. He hurriedly used magic to escape, and now he's still being hunted down on the streets.

Within half an hour, officials and soldiers were quickly drawn to the scene, and Jun Feng was locked up by the patrol station. He initially thought he could just spend a few days in confinement and then leave, so he didn't bother to use magic to escape, treating it as a break to rest for a few days.

He thought the matter would blow over, until on the seventh day in prison, news came that he was accused of murder and sentenced to be beheaded in three days. Now Jun Feng couldn't sit still. He hastily used magic to escape, and now he's being widely pursued on the streets.

Unaware of the situation, Jun Feng swaggered through the streets. The only discomfort he felt was the countless pairs of eyes he sensed on his back, sending shivers down his spine.

Just then, a voice sounded behind him, "The whole city is hunting you now. Aren't you afraid of being caught again?" Jun Feng could hear the person chuckling.

Without turning back, Jun Feng already knew who it was. "Humph, anyone who can catch me, Jun Feng... hasn't been born yet!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, what a boastful tone. Truly deserving of being the number one War God of the Four Seas and Eight Desolations!" The voice behind him was eerie, making Jun Feng uncomfortable. Yet, he couldn't be bothered and attempted to leave.

"Hey, if you leave now, that little fox will be mine. Then, when you come looking for her, I won't give her back." As Jun Feng was about to leave, the voice behind him suddenly raised its volume.

"How could she be with you? Are you resorting to some despicable means again?" Cang Xuan's words made Jun Feng hesitate. It was clear he cared, but he tried to appear indifferent, which made people worry about the little fox.

But despite that, what did he mean by "resorting to despicable means"? Even if I'm not great, I'm still the best War God in the Water Realm. Why would I do anything underhanded?

"I didn't do anything. If that little fox hadn't blown up my palace, I wouldn't even bother with her!"

"Blown up? What did she use to blow it up?" Jun Feng found it unbelievable. She was just an ordinary mortal now. Why was she still causing trouble?

"How would I know? It was my newly built palace! I hadn't even moved in yet, and it was blown up by that little fox. I don't care; you're responsible."

Apart from his strength, Cang Xuan was also known for his shamelessness. Especially when dealing with someone like Jun Feng, who was both tough and soft, it was even more evident.

"Humph, boring!" Jun Feng left in frustration.

As he took a few steps, he suddenly felt a huge figure pounce on him from behind, grabbing his neck tightly and almost choking him. At this moment, a coquettish male voice sounded, "I don't care. That fox is yours. If it weren't for you instigating her, would she dare to do such a thing?"

Jun Feng thought, if it were Zisang, not only would she blow up your palace, but she might also turn the entire Water Realm upside down!

As if being coquettish, the person hugged him tightly, shaking him back and forth, and called out in that sweet voice, "I don't care; you're responsible. You're responsible." Hearing this, Jun Feng's whole body was covered in goosebumps.

A single utterance instantly attracted countless stares. The interwoven gazes seemed to convey a clear message: Two grown men hugging and cuddling on the street, have they no shame?

Alas! It's a shame. One doesn't know which family's young man, handsome and upright, turned out to be a short-sleeved! What a pity!

Two grown men hugging and cuddling on the street, do they have no shame?

Alas! What a misfortune! Who would have thought that a young man, with such an imposing appearance, turned out to be a coward! What a pity!

Jun Feng couldn't bear it anymore and cursed, "Are you insane? If she caused trouble, go find her. What's it got to do with me?"

"Even if it was her doing, it must have been at your instigation. If you don't give me a reasonable explanation, I won't leave!" Cang Xuan seemed determined to stick to Jun Feng, refusing to leave.

The crowd gathered more and more, but why did they all seem like spectators? Won't anyone step forward to help?

Jun Feng's face darkened, and with both hands exerting force, he pulled the arm hanging around his neck forward. With a cry from Cang Xuan, he fell backward, tumbling to the ground.

Cang Xuan, being a dragon, had scales protecting his entire body. While they protected him, they also caused tremendous destructive force. As he fell, the ground trembled, and when people looked back at him, they saw a crack longer than a person on the ground.

His deep eyes lifted slightly, yet they possessed a lethal gaze as they swept over the crowd, causing those who were sensible to quickly leave. Among those leaving were the soldiers who had come to arrest him upon hearing the news.

"I can't believe you're so ruthless over a joke. I was just teasing you; was it necessary to be so harsh?" Hanging his broken arm, even though half his face was bruised, Cang Xuan couldn't close his nagging mouth. He glanced at Jun Feng's indifferent expression, who showed no concern for the little fox. It seemed he needed to stir up some trouble to get his attention.

"It's your business. Deal with it however you want. I have other matters to attend to and won't argue with you." Jun Feng remained indifferent.

Seeing Jun Feng about to leave, Cang Xuan shamelessly approached, "What important matters do you have? Do you want to ask me for help?"


"Don't stay silent. If you really want my help, it's not impossible. How about this? Let's have a one-on-one fight. If you win, I'll help you. Deal?" Jun Feng ignored Cang Xuan, but Cang Xuan still didn't give up, following him with a smiling face.

Just as Jun Feng was about to leave, he suddenly stopped upon hearing Cang Xuan's words. Cang Xuan thought he had finally persuaded him and wanted to challenge him, but to his surprise, Jun Feng rolled his eyes at him and not only ignored him but also called him a "moron."

Jun Feng couldn't swallow this insult. A moron, huh? Alright, let me show you what this 'moron' is capable of.

With a clap of his hands, he conjured two meteor hammers out of thin air, intending to attack Jun Feng from behind. But just as he was about to aim and throw them, something like a stone hit him on the head.

Cang Xuan cursed loudly, holding his head, "Who the hell threw a stone at your grandpa's head? Want to die?"

Jun Feng was also drawn by Cang Xuan's words and turned to look, only to see another person through him—Yebai.

Yebai sat cross-legged in mid-air, holding up a red flowing umbrella, one hand supporting his face, looking at Cang Xuan with great interest.

Cang Xuan cursed while holding his head, "Who the hell threw a stone at your grandfather's head? Are you trying to get killed?"

Jun Feng, also drawn by Cang Xuan's words, turned to look, but through him, he saw another person—Yebai.

Yebai was seated cross-legged in mid-air, holding up a red flowing umbrella, one hand supporting his face, looking at Cang Xuan with interest.

"I threw it. What's it to you?" Cang Xuan just opened his eyes and saw a bright red blur in front of him. Momentarily stunned, he looked up and saw a delicate little face. Despite the child's small size, he was floating higher than Cang Xuan, forcing the seven-foot tall man to look up at him. Yet, he ignored him and greeted Jun Feng instead.

"Huh? Didn't the county magistrate execute you on the spot?" He smirked meaningfully.

Jun Feng chuckled, "Looks like you've settled your old man. Are you back already?"

"Who said I went to help him? That old man can just die, and it won't matter to anyone." Jun Feng couldn't help but roll his eyes. Who was the one crying and begging him to release the Demon Sovereign a few days ago? Now that he's gone, he conveniently forgets.

"I say, can you two respect my presence? How can you just ignore me like this?" Cang Xuan exploded in anger on the sidelines. He couldn't tolerate being ignored like this, it was an insult to his dignity, and he couldn't just stand idly by.

However, it seemed that his outburst had no effect. They continued bickering as usual, completely ignoring him.

"Regardless, I have to go into the palace to check on things. I don't trust your old man just wandering in there." Jun Feng said, turning to walk towards the palace gate. Seeing this, Yebai followed suit. Only Cang Xuan was treated as if he were invisible, completely ignored.

Shocked and infuriated, Cang Xuan shouted, "Jun Feng, you damn brat, if you don't care about that fox's life or death, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Swish!" A projectile flew towards them, nearly hitting Yunsu's head. As the red cloth covering it was lifted, a neatly arranged set of crimson silk robes lay inside. The fabric looked extremely precious, soft and smooth, adorned with expensive jewels, undoubtedly valuable.

Yunsu hesitated, carefully pushing it back and covering it again, afraid of dirtying or damaging it. "Your Highness, what are you doing? What if this exquisite garment gets damaged?"

"Heh, if it gets damaged, they'll just make another one. Try it on quickly to see if it fits. If it doesn't, they'll remake it." Without hesitation, he picked up the clothes and began gesturing towards Yunsu.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, this won't do. What are you doing?" Yunsu nervously pushed Cang Xuan away, crossing his arms in front of his chest, refusing to cooperate.

"Isn't it obvious? You're lucky enough to be chosen by this prince. How about it? Excited and thrilled?"

"Ah? Ah... Amitabha, this humble monk is a celibate, unable to indulge in worldly desires! Please reconsider, Your Highness!"

"I see you're full of hot air." It seemed that Cang Xuan was genuinely annoyed, without further ado, he tossed the tray holding the wedding garment aside, cursing Yunsu furiously.