Chapter Seventy-Seven: Martial Challenge

The old Dragon King's eyes widened in shock. He never expected his insolent son to do what he himself couldn't: openly humiliate Jun Feng in front of so many people. This was a disgrace!

The old Dragon King's face darkened as he growled in a low voice, "You fool! What nonsense are you spouting? Don't forget why you're here today. The immortals from all over the four seas and eight realms have been waiting for you. Hurry up!"

Cang Xuan ignored his father's anger and addressed the crowd, "Everyone, I am deeply grateful for your attendance at my wedding feast today. I have nothing to repay you with but this drink!" With that, Cang Xuan took a goblet and downed it in one go. The crowd followed suit in unison.

"However," Cang Xuan continued, "I did not invite you all here merely to drink. As you all know, I, Cang Xuan, am the greatest warrior in the Water Realm. Everyone who meets me shows me the utmost respect. But ever since I met him, Jun Feng, people have been saying that he is the true greatest warrior in all the realms. I refuse to accept this! Why? How can we know who's the best without a duel?"

The hall erupted in discussions and debates, except for two people who remained unusually quiet, standing out from the noisy crowd. It wasn't that Jun Feng and Yao Xi were used to Cang Xuan's antics; rather, they seemed to understand what Cang Xuan intended to do next. Yao Xi's eyes were especially filled with unhidden worry as she looked at Jun Feng.

Meanwhile, the object of her concern appeared detached, seemingly more interested in the girl following Cang Xuan than in Cang Xuan's challenge. His gaze fell lightly on the only girl in red, who either shyly or fearfully hid behind Cang Xuan.

Jun Feng had noticed the girl looked strikingly like someone he knew, or perhaps she was that person. He had indeed come looking for her in the end.

"So, what do you say? Will you accept the challenge, or are you afraid?" Cang Xuan's voice rang out again, snapping Jun Feng back to reality. His cold gaze remained unruffled.

The discussions grew louder, with voices of dispute rising.

"I bet the Qiyang Emperor is too scared and wants to hide like a coward! Hahaha!"

"No way, right? The Qiyang Emperor can't even defeat Cang Xuan? What a disappointment. Coward!"

"Nonsense! Cang Xuan is nothing! How dare he challenge our Qiyang Emperor? What a joke!"

Some were even more eager:

"Place your bets! I'm betting on the Qiyang Emperor."

"I disagree. Look at the Qiyang Emperor, he's so frail. I bet on Cang Xuan."

"Ha! You don't know anything. Back in the day, the Qiyang Emperor's battle with the Qiongqi was legendary. Every move was lethal."

"Is the Qiyang Emperor really that strong?"

"Of course, I'm not making it up."


"The Emperor thinks Cang Xuan is drunk. And you lot, on such an important day, how could you let him get like this? Take him back to rest immediately." Jun Feng spoke with a smile, pretending to be concerned and blaming the two carp spirits behind Cang Xuan for not taking care of him. This gave the old Dragon King a way to save face and allowed Cang Xuan to step down gracefully. After all, if he lost the duel, it would be a disgrace not only to himself but also to the old Dragon King, straining their relationship further.

"Don't touch me! I've only had one drink, and you're saying I'm drunk? Are you drunk or am I?" Cang Xuan shook off the two carp spirits' attempts to support him, standing even more arrogantly than before. With his hands on his hips, he exuded an aura of dominance that rivaled the village bully. Seeing everyone intimidated by his demeanor, Cang Xuan raised his voice even more, shouting, "I'm asking you, will you fight or are you too scared? Hahaha!"

His voice cracked from the strain, turning what was meant to be a commanding shout into a rather pathetic sound. This made Ye Bai, hidden within Jun Feng's Luminescent Umbrella, burst into laughter, mocking, "Hahaha! Was your friend an opera singer before? He's hilarious!"

Jun Feng couldn't help but smile at Ye Bai's words, but he restrained himself, covering his mouth to hide his amusement.

To the onlookers, Jun Feng's gesture appeared as if he was mocking Cang Xuan's bravado. This only fueled Cang Xuan's anger. "What are you laughing at? Are you going to fight or not? Give me a straight answer!"

"Do you really want to challenge me?" Jun Feng's smile faded, replaced by his usual calm demeanor. Yet, his simple question carried a commanding presence that silenced the crowd.

"Of course! Enough talking, let's fight!"

"Very well."

With that, Jun Feng flew down from his seat and charged at Cang Xuan. Cang Xuan hadn't expected Jun Feng to agree so readily, nor had he anticipated his swift attack. Before he could react, Jun Feng's white figure had already flashed past him. When he turned around, a sharp, red object was hurtling towards him. Fortunately, he managed to dodge just in time.

As the greatest warrior of the Water Realm, Cang Xuan wasn't someone to be taken lightly. His title was well-earned through his exceptional skills in numerous battles across the six realms. Even Jun Feng's sudden attack couldn't catch him completely off guard.

Cang Xuan quickly regained his composure and prepared to counterattack, but as he turned, Jun Feng had disappeared.

Suddenly, delicate crystalline flakes began to drift down from the sky, resembling snow. Cang Xuan looked up warily, only to see Jun Feng gracefully descending with a red umbrella, appearing like a celestial being amidst the falling crystals. The audience was mesmerized by this enchanting scene, momentarily forgetting that this was a duel.

While everyone was captivated by Jun Feng, a small figure quietly slipped away from the main hall towards the side hall. The figure glanced back at the white-robed figure in the sky before gradually fading away.

Jun Feng landed lightly on a coral reef, elegantly holding the red umbrella. His fair skin glowed with a faint pink hue under the umbrella's cover, contrasting with his sharp, chiseled features.

As the crowd watched in awe, Jun Feng's gentle voice broke the silence, "You're no match for me. Do you still want to continue?"

"You think my words are worth less than crap? Fight! Why wouldn't I? Take this!" Cang Xuan's temper flared even more at Jun Feng's taunt. There was no way he could back down now without a definitive outcome.

Cang Xuan wasted no more words. He grasped the air with both hands, and in the next moment, a meteor hammer appeared, swinging it towards Jun Feng. His figure flickered, and he was already in front of Jun Feng.

In less than the time it takes to burn a stick of incense, the two had already exchanged thirty to fifty rounds. On the surface, they seemed evenly matched, but a closer look revealed otherwise. Although Cang Xuan's attacks were deadly, Jun Feng dodged them effortlessly. Jun Feng, on the other hand, mostly defended and his counterattacks had significantly slowed, indicating that he was deliberately holding back against Cang Xuan.

Unknowingly, almost three sticks of incense had burned, yet the duel continued tirelessly. Not only were the fighters engrossed, but every spectator was also keenly focused on their movements, eagerly anticipating the outcome. Would it prove that Emperor Qiyang was all show, or would it validate Cang Xuan's claim to be the greatest warrior in all realms?

The answer might be revealed soon…

Or perhaps everyone already knew the answer in their hearts…


A loud explosion interrupted the inconclusive duel. The ground shook, and the spectators, who had been watching with rapt attention, scattered like birds and beasts.

"What happened?" Cang Xuan demanded angrily.

"Your Majesty! It's terrible! Prince's Chengyun Palace has been blown up!" A small carp spirit hurriedly reported, shocking everyone.

Who had the audacity to blow up Prince Cang Xuan's Chengyun Palace? Did they have a death wish? Everyone knew of Cang Xuan's infamous temper. If he caught the culprit, they wouldn't live to see another day!

Sure enough, upon hearing the news, Cang Xuan abandoned the fight, rushing forward to get to the bottom of it. "What happened? Tell me clearly! Who the hell dared to blow up my palace while I wasn't there?"

The small carp spirit, eyes full of terror, stammered under Cang Xuan's intense gaze. "I-it was Miss Yun Si!"

Jun Feng, who had been quietly adjusting his red umbrella, turned his gaze towards them, a faint smile playing on his lips.

"What did you say?" Cang Xuan's eyes filled with confusion.

"Where is she? Bring her here!" the Dragon King demanded angrily.

"Please, Dragon King, have mercy! It was an accident. I didn't mean to. Please forgive me!" Before the Dragon King could say anything, Yun Si burst into tears, pleading like she had lost her father.


"So it's you again, you little brat! Are you out to get me? You blew up my palace last time, and I didn't hold it against you. Now you've done it again. Are you addicted to blowing things up?" Before the Dragon King could finish his sentence, Cang Xuan interrupted him with a barrage of complaints, forcing the Dragon King to swallow his words.

"Are you a disaster in human form or what? How…"

"Xuan'er! Stand down," the Dragon King commanded.

"But Father, I…"

"Stand down!"

Seeing the Dragon King was truly angry, Cang Xuan wisely shut his mouth, though his face was filled with displeasure.

"Yun Si!" the Dragon King called out.

"I know you are a mortal who, by a twist of fate, ended up in the Water Realm and formed a bond with my son, Cang Xuan."

As he spoke, the expressions of three people in the audience changed instantly—disdain, scorn, and guilt flashed across their faces.