Chapter One Hundred and Seven: Demon Possession


A dark mass suddenly flew past and stopped not far away. As the black mist gradually dissipated, a clear-faced youth stood there, bright-eyed and handsome, as gentle as jade.

The youth stood straight, bathed in the moonlight that fell upon his golden robe, making him seem like someone favored by the moon. Standing there, he looked like a beautiful figure fallen from the moon, with a faint white glow surrounding him.

"Who are you?" Yun Si hesitantly asked.

"Xiao Chen. I am the Fifth Prince Xiao Chen, whom you have been searching for."

The boy's smile was so enchanting that Yun Si had to pinch her thigh to keep herself calm.

"Then… the person inside earlier… that was also you?"

She couldn't reconcile the gentle, jade-like young man before her with the dark, monstrous figure from before. The contrast was too stark!

"Forgive me for startling you," he said, clasping his hands in a polite gesture, showing the demeanor of a true gentleman.

Yun Si, awkwardly smiling, tried to mimic his gesture but realized her mistake and scratched her head in embarrassment.

Xiao Chen also smiled, a slight smile that felt like a spring breeze, making the world seem warmer with him around.

"I came to advise you this time."

"Advise me? About what?" Yun Si tilted her head, puzzled.

The boy's eyebrows furrowed slightly, filled with concern. "You must have learned about Elder Wen of the Tian Shu Pavilion. In his pursuit of immortality, he has killed countless beings. I discovered his conspiracy that day and was killed by him."

"So it was he who killed you!" Yun Si was shocked, her heart gripped with fear. Wen Shiming, committing such atrocities in the palace, under the Emperor's nose, and even killing a prince, deserved death a hundred times over!

"That's why I'm here to tell you to leave and never return. You are no match for him. Leave this place, as far as you can."

It took Yun Si a while to recover from her shock, her gaze turning sharp. Her eyes pierced through Xiao Chen to the figure behind him, a man with a wicked smile.

"Fifth Prince, it's too late!"

Yun Si's words alerted Xiao Chen. Without turning around, he knew what had happened. Yun Si's eyes had told him everything.

"Go quickly. I will hold him off. Remember, this is not just for yourself but for the people of the world. If he succeeds, the world will never be at peace. Go now!"

Xiao Chen, without another word, turned and blocked Wen Shiming for Yun Si. His white, jade-like figure turned into a black mist under the moonlight, creating a bloody path for Yun Si with his body.

For the people of the world…

She couldn't understand what they meant by "people of the world." Everyone talked to her about the world and its people, but no one told her to live for herself.

She ran, desperately, without stopping, to avoid becoming a sinner of the world and not to let Xiao Chen's efforts go in vain…

She stopped, seeing the triumphant smile on the man's face ahead. Instinctively, she looked back, seeing the weakened youth on the ground, glaring furiously at the scene.

Later, another person appeared and took him away, without sparing her a glance.

Of course, who would care about a stranger's life?

Yun Si coldly laughed, turning her gaze back to Wen Shiming, her eyes serene yet mocking.

"To seek the path of immortality, you've killed hundreds. Want to become immortal? How are you different from a demon?"

Wen Shiming scoffed, indifferent. "Does it matter whether I am immortal or a demon? If I had an immortal body, I wouldn't fear the world's ailments. If I could live forever, what does it matter about life and death? I seek only eternity!"

The pursuit of immortality had driven Wen Shiming mad. His irrational greed was revolting.

"I am just one ingredient away from immortality," his greedy eyes shifted to Yun Si, with a dangerous smile on his face. "You are the final ingredient I need. Your essence is extraordinary. Hahaha, since I took you as my disciple, you naturally cannot be my disciple for nothing…"

Yun Si's eyes dimmed as she took a few steps back. Wen Shiming thought she was trying to escape and laughed, "Do you think you can still run away?"

Yun Si said nothing, pulling out a scroll of white paper from her bosom. She recited a few words and threw it into the air. Countless paper soldiers surrounded Wen Shiming.

Squinting, he studied them carefully, a habit formed over many years. Whenever he saw something strange, his first reaction was to investigate it thoroughly. Frowning and stroking his beard, he muttered, "What kind of nonsense is this?"

The paper soldiers suddenly moved, closing in on him with their spears.

Wen Shiming remained unfazed, his expression unchanged. Despite his old age, he was still vigorous and strong. With a sweep of his dust whisk, the paper soldiers created by Yun Si crumbled to ashes.

She was stunned. How could a mere mortal possess such powerful magic?

"Now it's my turn!" he said with a sinister smile. Each step he took brought an invisible pressure.

He cast a spell and summoned a purple-gold furnace. Though only the size of a head, it contained immense power. The moment it appeared, it pressed heavily on her internal organs.

Yun Si coughed up blood, realizing the dire situation. She tried to use a teleportation talisman to escape, but the furnace drew closer, suppressing her magic and preventing her from using it.

Was she really going to be reduced to ashes today?

Her fingers clawed at the ground, mixing blood and dirt. Despair filled her eyes as she looked at the furnace now before her. The heat began to spread throughout her body.

In her mind, she recalled what Jun Feng had told her when they met in the palace. "Your foundation is unstable. Neither immortal nor Buddhist magic will work for you. The paper magic you display is a forbidden Buddhist technique. You should forget all these things, or else you'll truly fall into demonic possession. If that happens, I will be the first to eliminate you."

He was right. She had indeed secretly learned forbidden Buddhist techniques. She couldn't grasp regular Buddhist teachings, so she had stolen a book of forbidden arts from the library, thinking it was a powerful manual.

"Immortals, forgive me!" Yun Si gritted her teeth and said.

Suddenly, Yun Si, who had been lying down, sat up and crossed her legs, quickly forming a hand seal.

Purple light points formed a formation on the ground. Behind her, six tails slowly emerged, swaying faintly.

Seeing this, Wen Shiming increased his magic power, but Yun Si turned around and formed a massive energy wave with her hands, pushing the purple-gold furnace back.

Purple light from the trees converged into Yun Si's palms.

She absorbed the essence of the trees, converting it into her own spiritual power, effortlessly suppressing Wen Shiming.

A powerful aura completely subdued him. The air pressure began to surge, causing rocks and debris to fly.

The stones striking the purple-gold furnace made a clear, ringing sound.

After a series of chaotic clatters, there was a loud "bang!"

The purple-gold furnace exploded instantly. The powerful impact threw both of them to the ground.

"My elixir! My elixir!"

Ignoring his injuries, Wen Shiming rushed to the rubble, frantically grabbing at the scattered pieces like a child throwing a tantrum, entirely unbecoming of someone his age.

"My elixir, my purple-gold furnace. You... you destroyed it. You destroyed decades of my hard work."

His eyes grew colder, his gaze as deadly as a demon from hell, filled with rage and malice.

"Since you destroyed it, I'll use your life to make another elixir."

As Wen Shiming lost control, Yun Si frantically pulled out her teleportation talisman…