chapter 1

The night air was bitterly cold, each gust of wind slicing through the darkness with an icy bite. A young couple, bundled in heavy coats, walked briskly down the dimly lit street. The remnants of their laughter from the theater echoed softly, mingling with the distant hum of city life.Elena's gloved hand gripped Tom's arm tightly as they navigated the empty sidewalks. Her breath formed small clouds in the air, dissipating as quickly as they appeared. Tom glanced at her, a gentle smile on his lips, but his eyes were shadowed with unease.

"Did you enjoy the play?"he asked, his voice almost lost in the howling wind.She nodded, pulling her scarf tighter around her neck.

"It was wonderful. I just can't shake this cold though. It feels like it's cutting right through me."

Tom's smile faltered for a moment as he looked around. The streetlights cast long, eerie shadows that danced with the movement of the trees.

"Let's get home quickly. This wind is getting worse."

As they hurried along, a sense of foreboding crept in, the chill in the air more than just the cold. The world around them seemed to hold its breath, the usual city sounds muffled as if the night itself was watching.Suddenly, Elena stumbled over something in the shadows. Tom caught her just in time, but as they looked down, their breath hitched. There, half-hidden by the darkness, was a crumpled piece of paper fluttering against the pavement. Tom bent down to pick it up, his fingers trembling slightly.

"What is it?"

Elena asked, her voice a whisper.He unfolded the paper, the words barely visible in the dim light.

"It's… it's nothing," he said, stuffing it into his pocket.They continued their walk, the air growing colder, the wind more relentless. And behind them, the shadows seemed to grow darker, more ominous, as if something or someone was watching their every step. Every single step they took,the atmosphere was becoming more and more tense. The young couple could feel something was not feeling right. They could not figure out what it was though.

"Why are we going this way?" Elena asked. "I do not feel comfortable here,even though you are here with me. It's just that something is wrong." Elena with concern on her face.

"Don't you worry." Tom assured her. "Nothing bad will happen. That is only our imaginations fooling around with us." As soon as Tom stopped speaking thay started hearing footsteps behind them. The young couple look at each other consered but still they don't seem like running away.

"Probably another person who shared the same idea with us." Said Tom. "Why would someone come specially from here?" Asked Elena who was felling anxius. "You are overthinking it." Said Tom. "Besides the person behind us is very far behind,how would they come in front of us?" Assured Tom while he gave her his gloves because she was keeping her hands one her pockets. "Next time take yours from home". Said Tom before Elena giggled on his comment. "I will try better next time". Suddenly a squal started and Elena's flew away. "Oh no!" Said Elena while she tried to keep herself warm with her coat. "Do not worry I will go grab it for you." Tom started running after the hat , but fortunately the stranger behind them grabed it. " Thank you sir,the wind took it. In any case you might give it to me now." The stranger hands the hat to Tom. Then grabs his wrist.

"Hey,what are you doing? Let me go". Said Tom panickly. The stranger remained silent,not even his breath could be heared. The only thing that could be heared is Tom's heartbeat and his and Elena's deep breath ,whom was stunned couldn't move nor speak. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. It lasted a couple moments all in a flash. The stranger finally spoke. "Never go out of your territory, because you have no idea what you might face. Nor if you can handle it." The stranger pulled a knife and stabbed Tom's neck, then drew a smile on Tom's neck while cutting him. Slowly slowly. The cutting echoed through the street. While Tom was chocking on his blood,could not breath nor move Elena was in disbelief and more scared than ever ,not being able to do a thing. She started running away not being able to look behind her. Just then she tripped over something that caught her leg and fell hard on the cold,hard street. She was trembling uncontrollably as she looked behind her ,the stranger was still dealing with Tom. Then she felt her anckle hurting. She looked down and saw a knife stacked in her anckle while she was bleeding. She could not do anything but sob. Knowing that she has moments left to live. Then she stoped hearing splashes of blood and cuts behind her. She turned around and saw the stranger coming closer and closer while singing "World of imagination" and laughing calmly. Elena was losing all hopes she had left,she wanted to believe but knew it would be completely worthless even if she had any hope in her. In no time she looked up and there he was. The stranger was standing right in front of her. He was wearing a black coat and black hat. His face was barely visible. Elena saw a mark on the stranger's face ,he had a white mustache and his eyes seemed like he hadn't slept in a while. She was still sobbing quietly. Untill the stranger kneeled down to her level so they could face each other. He takes out his hand and starts wiping her tears off her face with a gentle touch. Elena,now more terrified than ever before,looks at him with one last chance to save her life as she yelped "Please don't kill me". Nothing left for her to do but try to one last ditch effort.

"Canaries should save their voice for when they sing,the do not disturb themselves with incontinences" Said the stranger before pulling a knife out and killing her.