Chapter 13

Dear Skye

Wow, wow and wow it rough out here. I mean what is my life really. I was happy atleast a version of what the world terms happy. I had class during the week, hate mornings by the way and late night studying. I could hang out with the people close to me without worrying about keeping secrets. Like sleeping with a friend's cousin and having to hid a pregnancy. Working after school and on weekends, making my own money. I liked my life before boring and predictable, safe. 'You have never been normal and you know it'. Ok maybe I was not normal but I was a close uhm... I was close-ish to normal. The most messed up thing is not that I lost my virginity or that I am pregnant but what's f*cked up is that an old decrepit man in the middle of nowhere is trying to use me. I believe I am on a giant alien TV network where everything goes wrong. He sends people my way, who have the nerve to nab me and intimidate 'we try to use intimidation tactics on me'. I am mad that the old coward instead of talking to me or my parents went behind everyone's back and offered me up as a sacrificial lamb to be slaughtered for benefits. Huh pathetic isn't it old as he is with multiple wives and kids and grandchildren. He saves his own close kin and sells outs his brother's grandchild. If he thinks this is the 1800s, he has another thing coming. Senile old goat thinks I will care about him and his people, his head was kicked in by a donkey. The deal to get water to the village from a river in another village's territory. There is municipal water they are registered vipers and tax payers they can head down to the municipality and request to be connected. The man I am being sold to is not even good looking, a rude motherf*cker, sexist pig. He is working but he has a management post in a family company. At over 30 years old with nepotism in his veins he could be CEO or the director of his family business but he is not this shows that he is:

1.not that bright he is lacking Hence the long term post in management.

2. He has not made a significant impact in the company. No big deals, long term lucrative contracts on ground breaking discoveries etc...

3.or he is the unloved child in his family, given a task to negotiate benefits for his family

Come to think of it why would successful family need an arranged marriage for a water deal. They must be after something else on the old goat's land. Interesting development right there I would love to fan the flames and add fuel but I don't have the energy for this mess.

I want to focus myself and the baby

