The Aftermath pt 3


As it would turn out, my wish was not to be granted and my parents were still claiming we were making a fuss over nothing when we arrived. 

"It's only been 4 days, I'm telling you the child will be back tonight or tomorrow. If she isn't back tomorrow then we can start getting worried. Just like when Selina ran away to her friend's house, Adele is just throwing a tantrum." Mom laughed as she snacked on some cookies.

 " You are all going to feel silly rushing here like this. She is going to be so embarrassed she cause such a fuss when she gets back. Just you wait and see." Mom insisted. 

Lina was next to her painting her toe nails on the coffee table. Dad just came back into the living room from helping uncle place our luggage in the guest rooms.

"What is wrong with you? Adele is not Selina. Adele would not just leave without saying anything. If anything Adele would have called for us to come get her if she wanted to get away from you!"Aunt Undina yelled. 

She sat on the coffee table in front of Mom leaning into her face. "Now I'm going to hope you actually have some common sense when I ask you these questions. Did you even check to find out who was the last person to see her? Do you have any proof that she ran away?"

"Her cellphone was found in the park by one of the set people. She obviously left it so we couldn't track her. What more proof do you need?" Mom snapped as she looked at my aunt with contempt.

"When she didn't make it to Zavier in the parking lot, he went looking for her and asked around if anyone had seen her. The last people to see her was the hair stylist and another staff member." Mom continued her explanation but I could hear the drollness of her tone. 

'At least they didn't just write her off like I was first assuming. They did try looking for her.' I felt relief that my faith in my parents wasn't completely misplaced like I had been fearing on the way here. I couldn't help letting out a small sigh of relief.

"When Zavier spoke to the hair stylist, she told us she walked Adele to the trailer but when she came back for her after she was called away, she found Adele was gone. She told us she had asked one of the other staff members to tell Adele she would be right back; so she didn't understand why the girl would just walk off." Mom continued her narration seeming to enjoy having all our eyes on her.

"Another staff member had come forward after Zavier asked around some more. The staff member told him, he saw her walking in the direction of the parking lot but after a few feet the trees obscured his vision and he lost sight of her. So we did initially look for her but we only found her phone. She even took the cooler bag with her. So there, that is all the proof you need to show you, she just ran away and will be back in a day or so." My mother looked so smug, as if she had one upped my aunt.

"If ignorance was a virtue, you'd be a saint by now" Aunt Undina looked at my mother with pity then turned to Dad and uncle. "Zavier, go with Hartley and call Mack. He will need all the information we got so we can find Adele asap." 

Dad and Uncle Hartley nod their heads in acknowledgement. Uncle Hartley started dialing a number as he and dad walked out onto the back deck. Mom just sits there with her mouth hanging open. 

 Apparently Aunt Undina's comment had broken Mom's brain. Kil and Kai snicker before heading to the kitchen with groceries we brought with us. I join them and help put everything away. I just finished putting the cereal away in the pantry when I feel arms wrap around my body in a hug. I turn and give Lina a hug in return. 

"How are you doing with everything, Lina? Do you think Adele ran away too?" I ask wanting to get a read on her thoughts.

"I mean not really but what else could have happened? With so many people around and everyone knowing who she is the possibility of someone taking her just doesn't seem likely. I don't know what is going on. Do you think she is okay out there, Adrian?" She asks with a concern look on her face but her eyes look calculating and watchful.

"Actually, little sis, the possibility of her getting kidnapped in that type of environment is quite high. Someone may have did their research and decided to ransom her. You two are pretty famous." Kai says as he leans on the counter drinking what looks like grape juice.

"Do you think if we tell news people that will help us find her?" She asks innocently.

"It could help but let's let uncle's people work before we go involving news crews okay?" I respond pulling away from her and head back into the living room just as Uncle Hartley comes back in from the back porch. Dad comes in right after him and slides the door closed with a sad look on his face.

"Why the upset look, Zavier? What is going on?" Mom stands up and crosses her arms as we all wait to hear what dad has to say. 

"Mack says the fact we waited so long to start a search will mean that she could be literally any where in the world by now if she was taken. He says just based off of what I told him he thinks kidnapping for ransom or human trafficking are more likely the case than her running away." Dad slumped into a chair and just covered his eyes with his hand as he spoke.

 "The fact that no one saw her even leave the path before she reached me in the parking lot makes him believe she was subdued then carried out in a way that would not draw anybody's eye. He will be looking into all the staff members and will get back to us with results by tomorrow or the day after." Dad said quietly almost to himself

"I still think she just ran away. Either way it's all a waiting game so we might as well settle in and see who was right." Mom grunted as she sat back down and turned on the TV. Lina went over and sat down next to her, getting engrossed in the drama playing.

"Boys, how about you all go get some rest. That was a 3 hour flight. After you have rested, if you feel up to it, log in and do any assignments your teachers posted. Either I or your aunt can check your work before you submit it if you need us too. Go on boys. See you in a few hours." Uncle Hartley hugged us then pushed us in the direction of the guest rooms.

We settled into the room we were going to share. It has two queen beds so I know I'll be sharing with Kai since Kil is a bed octopus who alternates between spreading out or clinging to whoever is sleeping next to him.

'I hope whoever ends up marrying him will figure out a way to tame his crazy sleep habits or he will be sleeping alone for the rest of his life.' 

I chuckle as I undress down to my boxers before pulling out my sleep headphones and queuing up a sleep podcast to help me take a quick nap. 

Before closing my eyes I see Kai setting up his laptop at the desk so I assume he is going to knock out his assignments before taking a nap. I don't see Kil but I hear him going into the bathroom. As my podcast really gets started I hear the shower turn on so I know he is washing off the travel funk before he does anything else.

'I pray Adele is in no danger where she is. I pray we find her soon. Maybe we can work towards being close again like we used to be.' I drift off to sleep with that last thought.