Not Found Pt 3

Killian Samuels- 13 years old

"I mean anything can happen so we didn't want to cross off the possibility that one of the girls was always behind the other perfectly in the womb but didn't really think that was the case. So we waited for them to tell us the truth. We are family and we saw no reason for an investigation so we waited for them to tell us. After almost 10 years and we hear the truth only after they were backed into a corner to explain. Almost 10 years of lies for what? Nothing would have changed. I believe we all would have loved Adele the same. Maybe at this age we would have told her the truth and let her know if she ever wanted to connect with her birth family we would be behind her 100%. But no, we don't even know if we will see her again. Lies told to keep face and sell an idea." Uncle Hartley softly ranted out his thoughts and maybe it's because of the lamp light that I can't see clearly but I think he is crying.

I feel like crying too. So many should have, could have moments come and gone. We barely knew first hand the girl she was growing up to be but I know I had hoped that they would one day come back to our hometown and we could all live as one big family. That would be our chance to really get to know Adele and maybe be friends as well as siblings. That was one of my quiet dreams. Now it may never happen. I feel some tears fall and I quickly wipe them only for more to fall.

"I never told her I loved her. Not since she was 5. It's been 5 years since the last time she knew I cared." Adrian said so softly that I almost didn't hear him.

With sudden realization, "Same, she always kept her distance and then Selina would block us saying she will tell her for us. Chances lost because we were scared to upset Adele or Selina." 

This realization brought everything in me crashing down. Adrian must have seen I had shut down since the next time I'm aware of my surroundings he had gotten me undressed somehow and is prepping my toothbrush.

I'm a little OCD about my personal hygiene so I'm happy he didn't just put me into bed. I brush my teeth then wash up a bit before heading back into the bedroom then getting under the covers.

I look over to see Malachi asleep on the side of their bed closest to me. Noticing the lamp on by the desk I see Adrian is working on something. He must sense my gaze since he looks over his shoulder at me. He nods his head towards the night stand and I see a dose of the sleep medicine Malachi uses when he gets insomnia. I drink it down and place the cup back on the night stand. Adrian gives me a smile before turning back to what he is working on.

I drift off thinking, 'I hope you will have sweet dreams when you go to sleep, Adele. Maybe we will even meet up in our dreams. Then I can finally talk to you about all the . . .' I know Adrian might have seen me smiling in my sleep since I did dream about getting to meet and talk to Adele that night. 

She told me, she was happy and safe. We talked all night and by morning I felt Adele was well on her way to being one of my best friends. 

It was such a good and happy dream. It was a long time after that night, before I had a happy dream like that again and even longer before I dreamt a good dream of Adele. 

When I woke up, I was smiling feeling that the possibility of us finding her had to be good after such a positive dream. My good mood quickly was shattered into pieces. 

It appeared it was later in the day than I expected but then I remembered I had taken some sleep medicine and it always worked extra well on me. Based off the light coming into the room it was close to noon.

'I wonder why Adrian and Malachi didn't try to wake me up. I'm really hungry now. Oh well, I'll get ready then go get something to eat.'

 I sat up and stretched out for a moment before I noticed my brothers were both sitting on their bed facing me as if waiting for me to wake up.

I turned my body to face them as I fully come awake to notice they have been crying. Tears flowed down their faces and the trash can near their feet is full of tissues. 

"I was starting to think you would never wake up, Kil. We haven't been quiet at all since we came back in here to tell you the news an hour ago. I wanted to wake you up but Adrian insisted since you appeared to be having a good dream with all that smiling you were doing that we let you sleep." Malachi teased me with a sad smile. 

"What's going on guys? Did we get some bad news? Has she been hurt?" I stood up from the bed, ready to get dressed if we needed to go somewhere.

Adrian wiped his eyes and blew his nose before turning his attention fully on me. "This morning while we were eating breakfast, Mack called and said they had a breakthrough. They uncovered a glitch in the kidnapper's digital cover up and tracked them to a forest highway in another country. However, it appears there was an accident." 

Everything suddenly sounded like I was under water. 

"The sedan had drifted into the opposite lane of traffic and the semi-trailer truck could not stop in time, hitting them on the driver's side as it appears the sedan tried to get back into the correct lane in time. The male adult and female child in the car did not make it. She is dead, Killian. She died alone in a car with her kidnapper in another country." Adrian informed me but I know I could't have heard him right. 

"No that can't be! No, I just talked to her. She is happy and safe. She is just waiting for us to come get her. She told me all about how she wants to stop modeling and wants to live in Holbeck with us and really build up our relationships! Guys, this joke isn't funny! Stop lying! Stop Lying!" I screamed, yelled and tried to hit my brothers. 

They just held me between them crying, rocking me with them and letting me vent my rage out on them.

I fell back to sleep in their arms. I now dreamt nightmares of the accident.

Adele lying bleeding in the road, reaching out to me calling out for help. I never reach her in time. She died in my arms over and over again. For many nights to come that is what I dreamt of; her dying calling out for us.