Third Encounter and Players gather


After excusing myself from the table, I went up the stairs to the guest restrooms up there out of habit. I've spent many days over the years doing homework, spending family time or coming up with a business plan with my brothers for the company we have grown to be an industry name world-wide on this second dining room floor.

I'm coming out of the men's restroom when I suddenly find myself colliding with a woman who was coming out of the women's.

"Please please please let them be unattractive, please please please don't let them be another sexy man, two has been enough three is a conspiracy. If there are any gods listening, I'm cursing you if this person is a sexy man." The woman muttered with her face down and her eyes squeezed shut as she appeared to be trying to put distance between us without looking at where she was going. 

I can't stop the chuckle that escapes. Upon realizing she is facing away from me she starts to walk away. "Sorry about bumping into you and now I'm walking away because fate is playing with me today and I refuse to be her bitch."

She throws this over her shoulder as she reaches the end of the hallway and is about to head out onto the patio when I speak up.

"I apologize as well and I do find myself curious as to how fate is playing with you today. You have met two men today that you found yourself attracted to so there is pattern, why not see if the trend continues? I would love to know if I meet your standards enough to be a part of the pattern fate is throwing your way." 

I walk closer and tug on her hand to bring her back into the dimness of the hallway. I had gotten a pretty good look at her when she was standing in front of the glass patio doors.

She is a beautiful woman who moves with the grace of a cat. Her dark hair that transforms into a lighter color as it reaches the ends reminds me of the night sky and stars. Her eyes which are now looking up at me bring the image of fresh oven baked cookies to my mind. I realize she is a bit shorter than me but not by much.

She hasn't pulled away from me yet as she searches my face and seems to be examining me as hard as I'm examining her. I find it interesting that her dress is a close match in color to our trio's outfits tonight. 

'I wonder if Kil met this woman earlier today and decided to change his outfit to match her dress or is it just a crazy coincidence?'

Because Kil changed his shirt and for these situations when the media is involved we all try to coordinate our looks, Kai and I added pops of sky blue to our attire tonight. I'm wearing a matching blue tie and pocket square with my black suit and shirt while Kai is wearing a dark grey suit, white dress shirt with sky blue shoes, watch and glasses that had a silver chain attached to them. He was actually thankful to Kil since he informed us he has never had an opportunity to show these accessories off before.

We won't comment on the fact that because he is so anti-social and doesn't like to socialize he stocks up on all these accessories but rarely goes out so he can wear them.

Kil ended up looking sharp in his black vest, dress pants and shoes with the afore mentioned sky blue shirt. 

'If anyone saw us they would think we were on a date with her instead of being here with our family.' I feel a smile creeping up on my lips as I release the woman's hand and strike a relaxed pose. 

"So what do you think, do I fit in with your pattern?" I feel somewhat embarrassed at my attempt at flirting but I'm willing to try if she has as I'm guessing bumped into at least one if not both of my brothers today which would make for a very interesting trend indeed.

"As I told the last one, I'm not going to comment on your looks since I'm sure you are aware of what you look like." She huffed with some amusement as she stepped closer and looked at me with an analyzing eye.

"You look similar to the other two men who stood out to me today. You might possibly be related to them if you have siblings. On top of that I feel like I've seen you somewhere before. I wonder if it was in a past life or this one?" She mutters as she gets even closer into my space. Any closer and our shoes will bump.

"They most likely were my siblings or a cousin if this happened today since we are all in town for my sister's birthday bash." I softly respond wishing to take out my phone and start sketching her.

"Oh so that is you all causing an inconvenience for us?" She steps back with a raised eye brow.

"We appreciate your understanding and hope any inconvenience has been minimum." the words flow out of my mouth before I could process them.

She giggles and I chuckle at the moment.

"Well my experience has been amazing so far and this moment is a lovely highlight of it. I must get back to my table. The first course should be arriving soon. I hope you and your family enjoy your evening." She bowed her head and exited before I could stop her a second time. 

When I walk towards the stairs to go back downstairs, I glance back and I see her watching me before she waves and walked out of sight.

'I will have to get her number before she leaves. Especially if she has met my brothers too. She might be someone we can start something with. I'll have to check in with them before any further moves are made.' I whistle a hopeful tune as I rejoin my family on the main floor.