The Clock Begins Again Pt 1

The Clock Begins Again Pt 1


'This has been a wonderful night. I ate great food and tried some delicious drinks. Now I'm making connections with people I had only heard of in passing or merely had small talk with before. With these new clients, my security business will expand even more into other industries. Bruno will be ecstatic when they contact him about our services.' 

I'm leaning back in my chair listening to Darrell, a C-list actor who is on the rise tell our group of 6 a funny story from his last movie when I hear the patio doors open and a voice I had heard only in fragmented memories spoke a name that had been long buried in my mind. 

"The pictures didn't do you justice, did they? Adele, you have grown into such a beautiful woman."

My breaths started becoming labored as I slowly turned my head and saw an older couple standing there with tears forming in their eyes. My head started pounding and tears started falling down my face the longer I took in their presence.

Fragments of memories started to rise up in my mind. The man asking me about myself and showing interest in my hobbies. The woman giving me the best hugs even when I didn't hug her back. Them always making sure I knew I could come to them with anything.

I wanted to run to them and run as far away from them as possible at the same time. The opposing thoughts and feelings were only making my growing headache worse. The couple came closer to me slowly like they were approaching a mirage that might disappear if they rushed forward. 

" Hey, sweetheart. It has been a long time since we last saw each other. We would love to sit and talk with you. Get to know what you been up to all these years." The woman gave me a hopeful smile as she came ever closer which caused my condition to worsen with the proximity.

"I hope you know we never forgot about you. Even if we did . . . well it doesn't matter anymore since you are back home with us now." 

The couple reached out as if they were going to pull me into an embrace when Darrell stood up to block them. 

"Wait, hold on now; Elaine is obviously in distress about what is happening right now. If what I can assume is going on is a reuniting, wonderful but maybe we can let the reporter and the cameraman be on their way for now with a pause on anything that happened after those doors were opened by your group." Darrell requested in a friendly tone. 

"In the mean time, let us have some space please. Our friend needs to get her bearings so she can decide how she would like to proceed with things." I felt amazed that Darrell who before tonight I had only spoken to a few times was standing up for me and my right to process this. 

I definitely hope he gets that leading role he was talking about earlier tonight. He is a great guy. I wiped my face a bit more with the napkin Lisa, who was standing next to me had handed to me when Darrell stood up. Looking around, I could see that the others had stood up to effectively block me from the camera's and the other group's view. 

I admit that this made me both calm down and tear up a bit to feel this much care from relative strangers. There are truly good people in this world. 

"You heard the man, this has definitely become a very personal family matter that we need to navigate before we invite others into it. Thank you, Anna and Dave for being amazing interviewers today. As you can see we have a family matter that we need to figure out." Hazel eyes speaks up with an apologetic smile as he guides the reporter and cameraman away.

'Oh my god. All three of them are here and saw me freaking out!' I pull my purse to me from where it was lying on the table and pull my phone out to look at myself in the camera. 

'I must look a mess right now.' 

Looking myself in the camera I see that while my eyes are red and puffy I don't look like the disaster I thought I did. Lisa hands me a wetted cloth napkin and I use it to cool my body down. I give her a smile of thanks. She returns the smile then leans back into her date for the night. While I was checking myself out the others had sat back down at the table.

"I ask for your understanding to please sit on this revelation for us at least until tomorrow morning. Our people will be in contact with you so please don't worry that we won't let you have first scoop. Alright? So please head back down and out and we will see you all soon." Hazel eyes hands the two off to the maitre d' before heading over to the group sitting at a large table inside.

 My table and I watched him before they all turned to me with concerned eyes. "Wow, chick you found drama while on vacation. Possibly lost family at that if understand the situation right. We should submit this to a studio to be a TV movie." 

The elite fashion designer, Mario said coming around and suddenly touching up my make up. Where the man pulled a make up compact from I do not know but I do know I can see the compassion for my predicament in his eyes. 

"Yea, I could make a couple thousand off my life drama easy." We all laugh and then Lisa speaks next. 

"So what do you want us to do? We can stick around to have your back. I promise none of us would be here for the drama. You have been blindsided and if it was me I wouldn't want to be handling this alone." 

I grin then lean over to give her a hug then go around and hug the others. "Thank you guys, you are really all the best. But I can handle this alone, I think. If not, I will just leave. As you all know I'm not hurting for family or in need of this reunion but I think I would regret it if I didn't try to figure out what is going on. Either way I will be okay." I shrug hiding how I really wish to leave but I think this might be the surprise Cal and the boys hinted about. 

"I have all the positive energy you all have given me with your actions. So let's take one last group picture and then you all can head out. Mario talked us into this crazy group chat so I'll let you all know I'm okay once I finish up here." The others all reluctantly nod. Cider-eyes overheard us and offers to take our picture. 

After Mario sent the picture to the chat. We hugged once more then they followed the returned maitre'd down the stairs to the first floor.