Family Discussion

Family Discussion

Zavier Samuels (Trigger Warning: mention of spousal abuse)

Keeping Avena supplied with drinks will be the only way we will make it through this discussion before daylight arrives. Over the years, I've just been trying to keep the peace with her. I have learned that keeping her mouth and hands occupied goes a long way to keeping that peace. In the past, I would let her hit and yell at me. After Hartley caught her beating on me one day, he pulled me into his office and asked me if I wanted help getting a divorce. I barely held back crying when he pulled me into a hug. 

I told him I wasn't ready to give up yet. He gave me some advice on how to redirect her since I still wanted to try. He also confirmed that all the things Avena whispered to me when we lived like nomads were untrue. He told me he unconditionally had my back and if I ever wanted out of our marriage he would fight with me to get out and away from her. 

I started implementing the strategies he suggested and they worked enough that she no longer put her hands on me. I can take the yelling and have become well-versed in my redirection methods. I realized after Adele's death I should have spoken up more and protected her better. I shouldn't have turned a blind eye as long as things didn't cross a line. Now that we know she is alive and well; I will build a better relationship with her. This is my chance for redemption and I don't want to waste this gift.

"So to explain things from the beginning, I didn't give up on looking for Adele who now goes by Elaine so let's try to remember to call her by her current name when we speak to her and about her. It's a shift but if we are going to be apart of her life then we need to respect this fact." Hartley looked us each in the eyes. I could feel his silent command to obey.

"I had the team keep looking for her and after 10 years they found her. She was in college getting her Herbal Science degree and a minor in business. She graduated with honors. I didn't approach her. I only had the guys keep an eye on her and send quarterly reports. Eventually though one of the team was caught which led to me meeting with Callum, her brother from her new adopted family." Hartley just swished his drink around in his glass not looking at us.

"This is when I came into the know. I saw on his calendar saying he had a meeting about Adele. After giving him an ear full we went and met with Callum. He was very protective of her and we didn't really know why until now. He never told us she had memory loss. He just insisted we keep our distance, stop the surveillance because it was beginning to become noticeable by the bodyguards working with her. He offered to send us a monthly report and would collaborate with us on her eventually meeting us. Only Callum and two others from her current life know that we found her. Fast forward to this year a month or so ago, Callum informed us that the opportunity to meet up would be coming up. He made no promises but he said he was setting up a birthday week vacation for her to come visit the area so we could naturally meet her. This week comes and we started Selina's birthday celebration trip late so we have been behind Elaine by a day all week until today. Now you all are caught up on the general picture of things." Undina explained to us.

'So that is how things have gotten to this point. I'm happy she is doing well and has had support over these past 20 years.' I cover my mouth in thought and think of a few points I would like clarity on.

"Where does she live normally? What does she do for a living?" Selina spoke up with a contemplative expression.

"Elaine's home is in Othya; so she doesn't live in this country anymore. Her main job is being a bodyguard for her brother and his band when they are touring but she is also the owner of Hael, a private security firm and is working on opening a chain of small herbal stores called Dhara. She is wealthy enough to support herself for the rest of her life and then some." 

I felt my mouth drop at her accomplishments and feel a sense of pride that a child of mine did not let her circumstances hold her back.

"You mentioned a Callum was your contact. Do you mean Callum Tharani of Rogue's Dungeon? The band that is shooting up the hit lists? You have been in contact with that Callum Tharani?" Selina questioned with excitement. Now that she has pointed this out, I realize even I know who that band is and how they are famous for enforcing their privacy.

"Yes, he is that Callum." Hartley admits with a grin.

"Wow do you think you could help me meet him? He could be my foot in the door to expanding my business over there." Selina's excitement increased at the opportunity.

"He has said that he will have nothing to do with us more than he does now until Elaine decides how she wants to proceed. I can respect that he wants to act with her best interests at heart." Hartley disclosed with a shrug.

"I see. I will have to have Julie and Will start coming up with a proposal so if everything works out we can move forward." Selina affirmed as she sipped on her drink. Avena has passed out and is sleeping in my lap by this point. I'm not saying I made her drink strong but I made sure I made it with the intention that she would be as relaxed as possible.

"Tharani's insistence that you keep your distance didn't keep you from being one of her biggest investors in her store chain." Adrian asserted smiling at Hartley and Undina. 

"No, it didn't and it was the only way I could think of to help her. Though I am also working with her security firm about a partnership to expand their organization over here but that is still in the proposal phase." Hartley informed us proudly.

"Wow uncle you have definitely been stacking the deck in your favor that you would cross paths with her eventually." This came from Killian who looked impressed with my brother's maneuvering. I will admit I'm impressed as well. 

'Hartley has always been the type to get what he wanted even if he had to wait to get it. I honestly miss him. I should start making more time to spend with him. He is more busy than I am but over the course of our whole lives he has always made time for me if I needed him. He even took the boys in when I saw that their studies were suffering from all the traveling back then.'

"This has caught us up on the what has happened til now. How do we want to go forward? With her experiencing pain when she starts to remember, we will have to take things slow. On top of that she lives in another country and travels with the band so it will take effort to start building relationships with her. I personally would like to rebuild my relationship with her so I'm willing to put in the effort. What do the rest of you want to do?" I affirm to them. 

The others agreed they would like to attempt to build relationships with Elaine as well. I felt a renewed pride in my family. We will grow stronger from this, I can just feel it.

'Our family is finally really moving forward from that horrible time when we thought she was dead. I won't let this chance pass me. This time we will have a better relationship.' I promised to myself, not knowing that in the future I would break my promise.