Going Home


(Trigger Warning: mentions of manipulative behavior, dominant/submissive dynamics and adult toys)

 As I do one more drive through of the town, I glance over at Malachi upon hearing his question.

"I'm going to the next town over and meeting my brother there. Your sister compromised my privacy and has put me in a very bad mindset so I have no desire to stay in this town anymore. I was going to reach out to meet up with you all later today but after this circus of events I just want to go home and pretend none of this happened." I answered honestly. "Where should I drop you off before I head out?" I inquired as I continued to pretend I was okay when really I was just holding off my meltdown.

"I would like to stay with you. You aren't looking too good and you might want someone to switch out driving with once you start coming down from your adrenaline rush. My brothers are following behind us. I can promise you that once I get you somewhere safe I will get a ride home with them. I just want to make sure you will be okay after the chaos you just went through." Malachi said that in such a kind voice I felt my eyes tearing up. I glanced in the mirror to confirm that it was the other two in the SUV behind me before nodding my head in agreement. 

My passenger let out a deep breath and seemed to sag in relief. "Thank you for your trust, Elaine. I promise to not abuse it. Let me know when you are ready to switch out driving." 

"I hope none of you will betray my trust either. I truly do." I mutter as we drive out of town with Adrian and Killian behind us.



'Everything was going so well. I had the reporters there. Julie was recording for us to post on my social media accounts tonight. It was a bit bumpy there for a moment when Adele refused to just let me handle everything but once I got her alone she was mine again.' We do another drive around the block trying to find my runaway sister.

'Even though her mind doesn't remember, I relish that her body still craves my touch. I've perfected my techniques on others over the years, so I now know better how to keep her compliant. I just have to teach her the right way to behave and everything will fall into place. I thought she understood I am here to take care of her just like how I did when we were younger but she rejected me by leaving like she did.'

"It's okay, I just have to break her and reshape her to my liking. She has grown to be quite lovely. I can't wait to enjoy our time together again." I mutter to myself brightly as we came back around to Main Street. Unexpectedly, we saw her drive by with my brothers driving behind her as we came to the intersection.

"Hurry up and follow her. I'll let the reporters know she is heading out of town and we are in pursuit."

Julie simply nods her head and turns to follow behind. As I text the reporters, I lean over and run my fingers through Julie's hair. She was my first slave. She thought she would top me when I showed interest but after learning all I could from her I turned the tables and now she serves me. We keep our relationship a secret from everyone else and her being my personal assistant makes it easy. She doesn't much like me having other slaves but she knows she isn't enough to satisfy my hunger plus since she is both a relative and my right hand there are certain . . . fetishes I can't act out with her so I need others to help keep my needs satisfied. 

'Though with the return of Adele, I might be able to cut down my harem quite a bit. She looks like she would be able to take a lot of pain. Only time will tell if she will be as perfect as I've always dreamed she would be.' I finish sending out my updates to the reporters right as my phone rings with a call from my mom.

"Hey Mom, I guess you are calling to ask me about making a decision for tomorrow's party?" I lean away from Julie so I can turn my body and place my feet in her lap. She takes one hand off the steering wheel and starts massaging my feet as she has been trained to do.

"No sweetie, I'm calling to find out why you went ahead and initiated an interview about Adele with the news outlets without telling the rest of us your plan." I could hear Mom's displeasure loud and clear.

"Mom, I have handled the media multiple time throughout the year so I figured since everyone else seemed particularly emotional about this situation, I would just handle everything until you all felt up to taking the reins." I say sweetly.

"Oh I just knew you had the best intentions, my child but unfortunately it appears things have gotten a bit out of hand now. We are actually behind you right now. Undina is talking with the boys and they told us that your actions have caused Adele to run. Lina, I know you meant well but I don't think ambushing the girl was the best course of action." Mom chided.

"Well I didn't have her number so I couldn't give her a heads up plus I thought with me there she would feel safe like when we were kids." I complained in response.

"Lina, she doesn't know you or us anymore so it would make sense she wouldn't respond to you like she used to anymore." I heard Mom's sigh as I heard others in the background talking about how maybe they should turn back around and go home. 

"That's the thing, Mom. She did respond to me like she used to. She let me be close to her just like old times."

Mom's silence and the silence of the others made me realize Mom had me on speaker and everyone heard my words.

"What do you mean by what you just said? How'd she respond to you? If she truly felt safe she wouldn't be driving away right now. What you most likely did was trigger her into bad memories. What did you do Selina?" I heard my uncle's demand and promptly hung up the phone.

Silencing then throwing my phone into my purse on the floor, I stretched my body all the way down to my feet. I relaxed back into my seat when abruptly the car started jerking around. Julie was seizing up and could not control her actions which was causing us to swerve in and out of lanes. I could feel a vibration under my feet which made me realize the vibrator she was wearing must have accidentally turned on. 

I got my feet out of the way and was trying to reach under her skirt to remove the toy but it was too late. Julie crashed the car into another car which started a domino effect pushing us all into a car pile up on the bridge. In front of us, I can see my brothers have been pushed into Adele's car. From the side I see the rest of my family have hit our car from behind. I couldn't really move my body and I just laid there trying to breathe. 

I must have blacked out for a minute because next I hear the car door opening and I feel Julie sliding out of the car. My blurry sight catches her pulling the vibrator out and throwing it at me before she crawls away. I was smacked in the face with the toy which ended up knocking me back out.



As I watched and waited in the nearby woods, tears once again streamed down my face. With the help of the others we made this a separate moment in time. We removed everyone and everything that wasn't going on the journey from the bridge. We then pulled all the travelers out of the cars and placed them beside each other in the middle of the now cleared bridge. I walked over to Elaine and placed a kiss on her forehead so I can impart the information she would need once she arrived at her destination. Zane and Jacob gave her kisses too.

We stepped back and joined the others back in the woods near by. The stage was set so that once we initiated the transfer everything else would correct itself and time would resume.

"All travelers have their artifacts on and are ready for transfer." Rudy announced. 

I nodded my head before bringing my hands together in a prayer position. I felt his descent into my body and my body felt like it was burning up.

'Thank you, young one for caring for her. We will take care of her well over there.'

I felt power flow through me then away from me to surround the unconscious group in the middle of the bridge. A swirling star filled portal under the travelers manifested. Each one slowly started to sink into the vortex. Once the last person disappeared, I could feel him slowly withdrawal from my body. I'm soon left panting on the ground with my lovers holding me in their arms.

"It's done and time has started up again. Let's head into the city and party the night away. We will get out as much of our grief tonight then we will move on tomorrow okay?" Jacob comforts me as Zane just hums.

"Yes tonight we grieve and rage then we will continue our climb to be number one just like we promised her. We will get married and name our first daughter after. She will live on in our hearts just as I'm sure we will live on in hers. Plus in a way we will still be with her so I guess that satisfies my heart in a way."

"Very true, I wonder if my doppelgänger is as charming as I am." Will jokes trying to lighten our somber mood. We all laugh as we head back to our cars and then into the city to celebrate my sister's life on earth.

'Good luck, Elaine. You are going to need it.'