New World pt 3


"Will you come off the platform and allow us to examine you to confirm the truth of your words?" The man requests with a hopeful look in his eyes. I nod my head and was about to step forward but Adrian and uncle are suddenly standing in front blocking me from the group before us. 

"We would like an explanation of things before we come any closer to you. Why do we need to come off the platform? And why do you need to examine my sister? You summoned us where? Why should we help you?" Adrian questioned and uncle nodded his head in agreement. 

"Family, I truly did speak with a god and I was told that she wanted us to help the humans of Hadar and to reunite all of Baozhai into one country." I feel strong enough now to stand on my own so I step between Adrian and uncle to face the group of people in front of us. "I assume we have arrived in Baozhai and you are representatives of the humans the god wished for us to help bring a new era of prosperity to you all and to make her the primary god of this nation correct?" 'The god told me I must start off strong so that I can begin doing her work as soon as possible. So I can't hide behind my well intentioned family if I am to be her chosen.' I put my arms behind my back just like I would when I stood before my kitchen staff back home. 'Got to show them I am their leader and they can trust me to guide them.' 

"Yes, chosen. You have arrived in Hadar where the majority of the population are humans. We are honored to hear the god has heard our prayers and will be guiding us through you. We merely wanted to confirm the mark so that we know you aren't an agent of the enemy who somehow intercepted our ritual and planted you here. We can't be too careful. War hasn't started yet but it is on the horizon." A woman came forward this time and she walked onto the platform despite the protests of the other priests until she was a few steps away from me. 

'I guess my word isn't enough for them to immediately trust me and that makes sense if the demons truly have the power to intercept a summoning. It appears I will truly have to work fast and hard to take the reins of this country so that I can accomplish both the god's and my own goals.' 

"I don't mind showing you the mark of the chosen. However the god did not tell me where she marked me and I do not feel comfortable undressing here." I explained still in my ready stance.

"I can take a brief look under your clothes, Lina and then if it is not too inconvenient a spot we can show her." Mom proposed as she walked forward smiling. I nodded my head and she started at my back by unzipping my dress a bit to determine if the mark was there. When she stepped back my aunt came up behind me to hold my dress together while my mom looked down the front of my dress. 

"There it is sweetheart, on your collarbone. Unless you got a tattoo I don't know about there." She said tracing the marking a bit in wonder at whatever the mark is. I can barely see flower petals and an oleander flower in the middle of my chest above my breasts now that the dress is gaping a bit but I can't see if there is anything else. 

"No I haven't gotten a tattoo there. I can feel my stigmata on my hip so that must be the mark. Come forward and confirm the mark so that we can move this whole event forward." I call out to the woman and she does as I requested. She looks over the mark and tears fill up her eyes and relief appears on her face. She bows to me which causes the other natives to bow as well.

"I, lector priest Brina, have seen and confirmed the mark of Hesione is upon the chosen. We have achieved our goal, my fellow priests, in summoning our chosen. We will celebrate and show them the hospitality of the Main Temple of Hesione. We can let you all rest for about 8 hours before we will give you an orientation of Chiasa and other related matters. Follow me please." Brina stood up right then walked off the platform. The other priests filed into two lines on either sides of the steps. I look over my shoulder at my family, who all nodded their heads at me, I followed Brina and they followed behind me. 

As I walked back each priest they bowed with their hands crossed over their chest and softly chanted "Praise be to the god and her chosen priestess." I made sure I walked with as much grace as possible while still feeling the pain of my stigmata. I kept a gentle smile on my lips and nodded to each person I walked past. 'The trial to become more than a figurehead and the leader in truth has already begun. I will need to learn fast and either gain or create powerful allies as fast as possible. I have played the submissive then became the dominant when others least expected before so I can be the supplicant now so I can be the one in charge later. I feel like my whole life has led me to this moment where I can finally possibly actualize my secret dream of becoming the ruler of a domain. I am the best and I will settle for nothing less. These people won't even know that they are already under my control until it's too late for them to back out. I pray to you, Hesione that the skills the system offers will be what I need to subjugate these people to our will. That they will know true peace and unity under the loving gaze of their god and her chosen.' I prayed my prayer and I felt my mark warm for a moment then returned to normal.

'I'll take that as your assurance that everything is going according to plan and you knew my true nature when you chose me. Let your and my will be done as we will it.'