New World pt 4

Undina ( August 24, 3035)

After getting some rest and talking about our situation with Hartley for a while before eventually falling asleep, I felt as ready as possible to face this situation. Even with 8 hours to rest and the light meal brought to us, I honestly am still feeling overwhelmed and out of my depth. 

'We are on a whole new world, with gods and systems very much a part of our reality now. On top of that it appears Selina is the chosen of a god, the rest of us were brought along somehow and we still don't know if Malachi and Elaine have arrived in this country or even on this world. For all we know they may still be back on earth dealing with the aftermath of that horrible accident Julie caused.' 

A little while ago, we had been woken up from our sleep by a messenger coming to announce it was time to hear what they wanted to tell us. So with Hartley in the bathroom getting ready, I decide to start getting dressed here in the bedroom. I walk back in from the balcony and start pulling out the clothes provided to us from the basket. I have to say I love the light but durable feel of these robes. They remind me of the ancient garbs worn in hot desert movies yet also somehow remind me of the ages ago attire of warm coastal regions. 

I first step into the crimson and gold dress and pull up the straps to realize the finished look will be an off the shoulder look. I connect the ties on the sleeves before going to look for my husband. When I find him still in the bathroom, I almost want to delay meeting back up with the others just so I can take him back to bed. This world's clothes took an already attractive man and makes him look like he needs a warning label. From the black high boots to the billowy crimson pants that pair well with the warm cream high collar open chested tunic secured closed by a roped belt just makes me feel like I got the scent of an alpha and I'm getting hot for him. I know he heard me come in but he does not acknowledge me yet as he finishes putting his clothes on with a cuffed jacket that matches the pants and tunic. After examining his completed appearance in the full length mirror, he turns to me and appears to freeze. 

"My heart, do you not want us to leave this room? You look good enough to devour and I just finished getting ready. Why do you tempt me so?" As he softly spoke, he came ever closer then he pulled me into his arms and gave me a kiss that reminded me of when I finally accepted his marriage proposal all those years ago. Pure lust, love and reverence are the feelings I get from his kiss. He begins to kiss all over my face and down to my neck. I almost let him continue as he pushes my dress down to get to my breasts.

I snap out of my lustful trance when his ring grazes my nipple. It's the new ring Callum gifted him along with my new earrings. I gently push Hartley back and then I take a step out of his arms. 

"As much as I would love to do this right now, we need to be there to get all the information about our situation and to support Selina in what will be expected of her as the chosen priestess. Help me with the corset lacing in the back so I can finish getting myself ready." Hartley stares blankly at me for a moment before seeming to shake off his lustful trance and getting to work lacing me up. Once finished he places a kiss on the back of my neck then holds up the back of my dress so I can walk back into the bedroom without tripping.

I slid on the high heeled sandals and Hartley kneels down to help secure the clasps. Now that I'm a bit taller the dress no longer drags as much so Hartley will be free to properly escort me and not hold my dress. I adorn myself with some of the provided bangles, a beaded headband and a gold collar necklace like I've seen some of the priests wear.

With us both ready we walk out of our rooms and down the corridor into the main hallway. Soon after us the others emerged in similar attire to Hartley and I. Selina's is slightly different and is clearly of better quality than our clothes but that is to be expected with the whole chosen situation we have found ourselves in. 

"I was told we are to walk back the way we came and someone will meet up with us in the central lobby." Selina informed us then led the way with Hartley and I behind her, then her parents and lastly the boys following. Before we even cleared the wing, we found a delegation of priests and people in armor waiting for us on the open arched pathway.

"I greet the chosen of Hesione and her family. I am High Priest, Priamos and would be glad to guide you all to my personal dining room so that we might share with you some basic information you will need to know so to better orient yourself with our world. Also I would like to share with you why the priestess was summoned and also guide you all on how our Chiasa system and artifacts works here in Baozhai. If you all would follow me, please." The man turned and started walking away with some of the priests and guards. I do not care for how the High Priest did not ask and just assumed we would want to eat with him. I notice that Brina has a frown on her face before she turns to us with a smile and follows the group ahead of us. She walks beside Selina and makes small talk with her.

 The remaining priest and guards walk beside us and behind us in a protective manner. The priests were kind and answered any questions we asked as we walk through the temple. Everything here is a strange mix of familiar and exotic. For every familiar thing there was a twist to it. They have for the most part the same months as us but instead of just 12 months they have 14 months. 13 months of 28 days with 14th month that could have 1 or 2 days depending on if the year was a leap year. Also the year here is a 1,000 years ahead of the year we were in when we left earth so it's 3035 here. 

For each question answered another forms. I look forward to this discussion about the Chiasa system, our classes, the awakening, artifacts, why Selina was summoned and just a general explanation of everything about this country. 

'Hopefully, my choice of the Chef (Rare) class, will bring some more familiarity to my life when choosing skills. I certainly need some more stability if this is going to be our world from now on as I suspect it will be.'