Chapter 16: Family Trip (Part 1)

Eadlyn had got he had worked on even summer vacation, yes the finally awaited family trip with his lovely grandparents. They had given him the list of places they'll be visiting and seeing it even lit up my eyes as an author. Ehem ehem...

The list was quite big, because this list they had made consisted of many places including many different shrines, many parks with some unique and distinct features, some focused on flowers and art, some focused on cultural heritage of Japan, whereas the other contents were also consisting of places like Hokkaido, Tokyo etc...

Thus they made a plan, that if Eadlyn would work in his studies, and be a good boy, they'll take him for all of the places mentioned and they mentioned that they'll be adding some surprises to make the future trips a little more interesting. Eadlyn was confused but also excited about what things will they be adding to make them interesting, but u will know that soon enough.

Despite that, well and good day of writing and perseverance paid off, and it was the beginning of the first day if family trip. Unlike usual, he got up early, and he took out his travelling bag started packing his clothes, brushes, towel soaps etc to fulfill the three day trip they had planned together, after he had freshened up. After being done, he went down and saw his grandparents actively, packing away things for their trip, it seems as if it had been quite a while since they had travelled long distances.

They had nice little morning get together, packed things, had a little chat about the trip, packed things together a little quicker with the help of Eadlyn, and they were ready to set sail.

So there journey began with first visiting some near by shrines that they had on the list. Even though there were countable on the hand, they were scatered around in all directions. So there first family trip, that included only his grandparents and Eadlyn himself, began.

They took the train to visit the nearest shrine to them. Grandla was apparatly a traveller too in his youth, and had visited many places and some special places together with his grandma, and one of them was the first shrine they were visiting. This was special because, this was the shrine they had grown up near and visited many times together. And it was where, Eadlyn's grandpa had proposed his grandma. The memories flooded the couples eyes, and they became a bit emotional. Eadlyn seeing this had a warm smile on his face, so to commemorate the occasion he had brought a camera with him, so he took the camera and took the couples photo.

Eadlyn saw the photo, and saved it in his phone's folder with folder named "Family" and then continued their tour around the first shrine which apparently is for worshipping the God who is response for love. Eadlyn had also parayed that he had a romantic love too.

Later they visited the next after next shrine which were quite near by to the first shrine. Through the route, they had a park with a pond nearby and they all sat there to have their lunch. Eadlyn helped his grandma to unpack, and watching the food, Eadlyn was ready to pounce on it, when he felt a **tap on his wrist. His grandma reminded him and his grandpa whose reaction was quite similar, to first wash their hands. They apologized and went together and returned instantly after washing their hands, not thinking to miss chance to miss such a luxurious food.