Chapter 21: Camping(Part3)

After watching the night sky with the telescope, and looking at photos taken by the camera, they all ended their day, and went to their camps separated by gender, to take good rest. Tomorrow they were coming to head towards the rock climbing spot, which they wanted to try before heading back home.

The sun started to rise from it's slumber and the first to wake up this time was Eadlyn, and after getting up he got up and freshed himself by going to the water fall. Then he decided to wake everyone up, so they'll fresh themselves up. After they all got freshed up, they started unpacking the things, and all the things were taken care of and arranged. Then they headed to their last destination of their trip which was the rock climbing spot. This place was a opposite direction to waterfall, and hence they started moving. After walking a considerable distance, Ken started removing his rock climbing gear, Ken said it was important for the hikers to establish safety first, so since he was an expert he decided to deploy safety ropes, so there was no chance for an unwanted accident.

Ken started buckling up, he started rock climbing by placing his body skillfully, and since the top of the rock wasn't very high he reached it easily there. Then he deployed the ropes and as adviced they tied the ropes to their suits, after that after a few stretches, they started climbing, first both the girls started climbing and they were quite flexible due to club training, and after sometime they reached the top of the cliff, and then it was Eadlyn's turn, though at starting it was very easy for Eadlyn, after moving u little up, he started to feel a little anxious since he had fear of heights, bht not to extreme, after calming his mind he started climbing again, but suddenly, he lost his footing and was falling down, but since the ropes were attached, he wasn't hurt badly, he had just got few scratches.

After reaching at the top, Manami took out the emergency medikit, and applied the bandage to the injuries. And after that was done they took some pictures together, and later they started heading towards the station since their trio was complete.

They reached the station and all the four were quite happy, the trip gave them some memories together, and after reaching the station all the four said their good byes and left.

Eadlyn was walking down the streets, when he observed that few adult men surrounded a girl who looked like of Eadlyn's age, so he went closer to what the situation was about. After getting closer, he listened to what they were talking about, there were 3 men and the girl was actually very pretty girl, and they were trying to force their way through, although the girl was reluctant, they were stubborn. Eadlyn not wasting anytime wwent near the girl, and asked her, "Oh, hello guys, she is my girlfriend, and we are in but hurry, and seeing towards the girl, he caught her and started walking. Seeing the girl already had a boyfriend, they didn't want to involve themselves in trouble, since the police station was quite near.

After walking a considerable distance toward the station, Eadlyn looked back and seeing that no one was following, he left his hand that was holding the girl's hand.