Chapter 25: Festival Vibes (Part 1)

Guys, I know laast two days I couldn't upload the chaoters, I was thinking about the content, and i decided it will have 6 seasons, with each having 50 episodes. Although initially I was hell bent on posting content as early as possible,but now I am thinking about writing a new book, and have already come with the plot for it. So I hope you guys support me for posting the content on this novel. I'll be posting 6 chapters a week from now on. Please help me rise the charts with power stones, and comment if you like the story.

Eadlyn and Sayaka both had entered the entrance of the festival. Eadlyn was instinctively walking towards the festival, that he didn't notice that he was holding her hand. Sayaka didn't look at Eadlyn, but Eadlyn stopped holding her hand and took few steps side wise.

Not trying to make it awkward, Sayaka suggested that they both start moving, so they can enjoy the festival, since the surprise was also in Sayaka's mind. So they both started walking, they found many stalls. Since it was still day time, they thought of visiting a dhrine first. They both went to the shrine, apparently this was similar to the shrine Eadlyn went to first with his grandparents, but is for young couples. Although they were a bit shy, they both still went and prayed. Then they went to most cliche scene, we see often the couple in romance anime do, yes to check their luck in love for future. Sayaka and Eadlyn both rolled and both had got the same thing, that said that their future will have problems, but their love life will br successful.

Although they didn't know what type of problems will come, they were happy that all in all their future love life will be successful, this made Sayaka a little more happy than Eadlyn since she can make more clear advances towards Eadlyn. Eadlyn was thinking about the thing about the troubles, but didn't think too deep, and they both started to move towards the stalls.

First they came across, a traditional dance if the neighbourhood, which seemed to be done every year by the local residents. Then, they came across many games like fish scooping, drop the price and get the price which of course was done by the gun with rubber bullets. There, there was a large fluffy toy, and Sayaka tried many shots but couldn't drop it. Eadlyn tried and only in his first he scored it. But Eadlyn gave it Sayaka without any thoughts, because even if he wanted the tour, it would be more reasonable to gift it to Sayaka. But he said that to keep this as a momento for their first visit together. Sayaka was very happy, and thanked Eadlyn for it.

During their good time, some boys had observed Sayaka and saw her roaming with a boy, and they wanted to know who was the boy that scored a date that to, to make her go with him for a festival while wearing a godly looking appearance of the yukata. But the boys left, as they didn't want to confront him in front of their idol.