Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Voice in the Dream

Pointing at the two small balls, Yushi said, "These two spheres are the inner cores of spirit beasts that have lived for a hundred thousand years. I personally killed them during the spirit beast unrest in the west."

"What use do these inner cores have?" Su Xue'er asked.

Yushi smiled, "We spirit masters can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth through our spirit bodies for cultivation. We can also consume spirit beast inner cores to cultivate. The higher the cultivation level of the spirit beast, the stronger the effects of the inner core. However, one can only absorb one spirit beast inner core in a lifetime, otherwise, the soul will be eroded by the spirit beast."

Su Xue'er nodded, "That's why they fought so hard during the continental competition."

She took one of the inner cores and placed it in her spatial ring. Seeing Su Xue'er leave the second core behind, Yushi picked it up and put it into her spatial ring as well.

"Yushi, one is enough."

"The other one you can choose to give to someone else. Leaving it here is useless."

"You could give it to Yuke."

"He has already used one."

Su Xue'er thought for a moment, "Alright, I'll keep it."

"By the way, Xiaoxuan came to see me recently."

Su Xue'er asked curiously, "Why did he come to see you?"

"He needed money."

"Did you give it to him?"

"I gave him a hundred thousand."

"A hundred thousand!!" Su Xue'er looked at Yushi in shock. "Isn't that a bit too much?"

"Too much? Don't worry about that. You should be more concerned about Tang Ruoyu. Shen Zixuan bought so many things for her that they filled her room."

"Uh... Yes, I should be worried about Ruoyu."

"How about this, since we have nothing else to do now, I'll help you integrate the inner core into your body."

Su Xue'er bit her lip, "Alright."

Yushi led her to the adjacent training room.

After Su Xue'er sat down, Yushi sat behind her. "Xue'er, give me the inner core."

Su Xue'er handed it to Yushi. He wrapped the inner core in his spiritual power, compressing it to a size that could be ingested and leaving a layer of his own spiritual power on it.

"Here you go, Xue'er."

Su Xue'er looked at the inner core in surprise, "Why is it so small now?"

"If it didn't shrink, you wouldn't be able to swallow it. Plus, I've coated it with a layer of my spiritual power to suppress its violent energy, making it easier for you to absorb."


After swallowing it, Su Xue'er suddenly felt a violent energy rampaging in her abdomen. Just as she was about to suppress it, Yushi reminded her, "Xue'er, don't resist it with your spiritual power. Let it slowly integrate into your spiritual power. I'll help you."

Yushi immediately activated a mysterious array around Su Xue'er, which would help her better merge with the violent energy in the inner core.

Moments later, Su Xue'er felt comfortable all over and smiled, "Yushi, I feel like it has already become part of me."

Suddenly, Su Xue'er felt a splitting headache and screamed before losing consciousness.

"Go to Luo Shen Valley."

Su Xue'er looked around the desolate landscape and shouted, "Who are you? Why do you want me to go to Luo Shen Valley?"

The voice did not respond to her, only repeating the phrase, "Go to Luo Shen Valley, go to Luo Shen Valley..."

"Who are you?"

Suddenly, Su Xue'er woke up with a start, "Who are you?"

Yushi quickly asked with concern, "What's wrong, Xue'er? Who are you talking about?"

Su Xue'er panted softly, looking at Yushi nervously, "I just dreamed of someone telling me to go to Luo Shen Valley."

Yushi pondered for a moment, "I will send someone to investigate the situation in Luo Shen Valley."


"How are you feeling now?" He asked as he began to examine her.

Su Xue'er looked at the anxious Yushi and couldn't help but smile, "Alright, alright, you're making me ticklish with all this touching."

Yushi remained calm, but it was a calm like a volcano about to erupt. Seeing this, Su Xue'er put away her smile and said, "I'm fine now. Nothing's wrong. My cultivation has reached the peak of the Spirit King stage."

Seeing that Yushi was still silent, she stood up slightly and extended her hand to him, wanting to pull him up. "Come on, my dear leader."

Yushi took her hand, and she pulled him up. As they walked, she asked, "By the way, where did you set up the houses for the groom's and bride's families?"

Yushi looked confident, "I've already built the groom's house. It's not far from the hall where we got engaged, at the end of the Yuxue Tree path. In terms of location, it's northwest of the Spirit Master's Hall. It's called Xueshiyuan, our new home."

"And the bride's house? It can't be at the leader's residence, can it?"

"No, it's at the Tang family's place."

"Why is that? Did Clan Leader Tang agree?"

"We discussed it, and I think it's quite fitting."

Su Xue'er nodded thoughtfully. Yushi continued, "According to tradition, our wedding is in fifteen days. During these days, you need to stay at the bride's house and not go out."

Su Xue'er smiled and nodded, "I'll be waiting for you."

At the Tang family entrance, Su Xue'er saw the festive decorations and felt very gratified. Tang Mingyuan was already waiting at the door, as Tang Ruoyu, Su Xue'er's bridesmaid, had also returned.


"Clan Leader Tang."

"Ruoyu, come here. Miss Su, please come inside."

In the Tang family hall, Tang Mingyuan was explaining why the bride's house was set at the Tang residence. "The former leader, the father of our current leader, was a close friend of mine. But the most important reason is the relationship between Tang Ruoyu and Shen Zixuan. I understand the leader's intention."

Su Xue'er couldn't help but smile. At this moment, Tang Ruoyu, sitting beside Su Xue'er, blushed slightly.

"Let Ruoyu accompany you these few days. According to tradition, five days before the wedding, the groom's family will send betrothal gifts. I'm afraid the Tang mansion won't be able to hold them all, hahaha."

Su Xue'er responded with a smile. Tang Mingyuan also stood up, cupped his hands, and said, "Let Ruoyu accompany you. I have some matters to attend to and will take my leave."

"Thank you, Clan Leader Tang. Take care."

"Goodbye, Father."

After Tang Mingyuan left, Su Xue'er sighed deeply, looking worried.

Tang Ruoyu noticed and asked, "What's wrong, Xue'er? Are you feeling unwell?"

"No, it's just that the wedding is approaching, and I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed."

"Pfft~ Haha~" Tang Ruoyu couldn't help but laugh at Su Xue'er's words.

"Hmm? What's so funny?" Su Xue'er said coquettishly.

"Xue'er, I understand your feelings. It's a big life event, after all. So, tell me, do you truly love the leader?"

"Of course I do. How could I not?"

Tang Ruoyu pursed her lips, thought for a moment, and then said seriously, "Xue'er, do you know the purpose of a spirit master's cultivation?"

"The purpose is..." Su Xue'er couldn't finish her sentence. She didn't know. She didn't even understand the purpose of her own cultivation now. Was it to repay Yushi? Or to regain her memories? But what would be the purpose after regaining her memories? A series of questions lingered in Su Xue'er's mind.

Seeing this, Tang Ruoyu chuckled lightly, "You see, Xue'er, what is the purpose of our spirit master's cultivation? Is it to protect the country or to explore the unknown? I don't think so. I believe the purpose of our cultivation is to protect the people we love and cherish from harm."

"To protect the people we love and cherish from harm..." Su Xue'er repeated the phrase, and the first person that came to her mind was Shen Zixuan, followed by Yushi and Tang Ruoyu.