Chapter Forty-Six: Shen Zixuan’s Internal Conflict

In the days that followed, Su Xueer noticed that Shen Zixuan was no longer the same as before. He got up very early every day, first paying his respects to Su Xueer before heading to the training ground. Su Xueer found this odd and asked Yu Shi, "Yu Shi, have you noticed that Xiaoxuan has become very obedient recently? Could it be that Ruoyu's scolding really woke him up?"

Yu Shi thought for a moment and explained, "I think there are two possibilities. The first is that he has indeed become more obedient and no longer plays around. The second, which worries me the most, is that he has developed a twisted mindset, forcibly suppressing his playful nature and using the most exhausting methods to forget it."

Su Xueer was worried. She held her book tightly and looked out the window, fearing something might happen to Shen Zixuan.

Seeing Su Xueer in deep thought, Yu Shi tapped her on the forehead. "You're still worried about him? He's a hundred-thousand-year-old spirit beast; there's no need to worry. You should be more concerned about the child in your belly. Don't let your emotions affect the baby."

Su Xueer blinked and lowered her gaze.

A month later, Tang Ruoyu and Su Xueer were walking in the garden when Su Xueer brought up Shen Zixuan.

"Ruoyu, do you dislike Xiaoxuan now?"

Tang Ruoyu pursed her lips and slowly said, "Him? He's alright. If he can change his old habits, that would be great."

Tang Ruoyu didn't directly answer Su Xueer's question. Her response was meant to convey to Su Xueer that she was willing to give him one last chance, which Su Xueer understood.

"Have you seen him recently?"

"No, he usually returns very late. I remember when I was helping the Grand Commander with some documents late at night, I saw him walking back here very slowly."

"Slowly? Xiaoxuan never walks slowly," Su Xueer pondered.

"Xueer, what are you thinking?"

"Nothing. Let's go on the swings."


Su Xueer sat on the swing, looking down at her slightly large belly, and sighed. "I really don't know if it's a boy or a girl. Ruoyu, do you prefer boys or girls?"

"Of course, I prefer girls because they're obedient. Unlike boys, who are hard to manage."

"Pfft, hahaha." Su Xueer laughed heartily.

At this moment, Yuqi came running in a panic.

"Aunt, Aunt…"

Seeing Yuqi so flustered, Su Xueer felt a bad premonition. "Did something happen to Xiaoxuan?"

"Shen Zixuan overtrained and suffered a backlash from his spiritual power. He's at death's door."

"Where is Xiaoxuan?" Su Xueer urgently asked.

"Yuno has already carried him back to his room."

Su Xueer quickly walked over, moving fast, and Tang Ruoyu followed, hurrying to support Su Xueer and reminding her, "Xueer, be careful of your body."

Entering the room and seeing Shen Zixuan lying on the bed, his face pale, Su Xueer's tears fell down her cheeks.

"Did you call for a physician?"

"My brother has already gone to get one."

"What exactly happened to Xiaoxuan?"

"After that day, we went to train with Brother Zixuan in the Yu team. Brother Zixuan said the training intensity was too low, so he increased his own training to become stronger. We tried to stop him but were scolded by Brother Zixuan, so we didn't intervene. Just now, he suddenly suffered a spiritual power backlash, vomited blood, and collapsed. We checked and found his pulse very weak, so we rushed over."

Su Xueer sat by the bed, stroking Shen Zixuan's cheek, sobbing, "Why are you so foolish? I don't need you to be very strong; I just want you to live well."

At this moment, Yu Shi came in with the physician and ordered, "If you can't heal him, don't think about leaving alive today."

"Yes, yes, yes."

Seeing Yu Shi enter, Su Xueer turned and leaned into his embrace, crying. Yu Shi comforted her, "It's alright. This kid won't die so easily."

After a while, Yu Shi looked at the physician, who was sweating profusely from his efforts, and asked, "How is Shen Zixuan?"

"The Young Commander has just overtrained, causing an imbalance in his spiritual power. I used acupuncture to forcibly restore the flow of his spiritual power. He's out of danger now, but he must not engage in any martial arts or training for the next six months, or it could be fatal."

Upon hearing this, Su Xueer quickly thanked the physician, "Thank you, physician."

"No need to thank me."

Seeing Shen Zixuan's complexion improve from its pallor, Su Xueer felt a bit happier. "Yu Shi, Xiaoxuan is going to be fine."

Yu Shi, watching Su Xueer's excitement, also felt a surge of happiness within him.

"I'm sorry, Xueer. I'm sorry, Grand Commander," Tang Ruoyu said with guilt. If it weren't for her, Shen Zixuan wouldn't be in this condition. Yu Shi and Su Xueer shared a secret satisfaction, thinking that they had finally reached this point.

Su Xueer and Yu Shi had been playing a subtle game, with the clear intention of making Tang Ruoyu feel guilty towards Su Xueer and Shen Zixuan. They wanted to use this guilt to foster a sense of affection in Tang Ruoyu towards Shen Zixuan.

"It's alright, Ruoyu. See, Xiaoxuan is fine now."

"I still feel a bit guilty…"

"How about you make some congee for Shen Zixuan?" Su Xueer suggested.

Su Xueer poked Yu Shi with her finger and whispered, "You really know what you're doing."

"Alright, I'll go make it now," Tang Ruoyu replied.

She hurried out and soon returned with a bowl of congee. As she entered, she saw Su Xueer talking to Shen Zixuan.

"Mom, I'm not useless, I'm not…"

Su Xueer tried to hold back her tears and comforted him, "Xiaoxuan, you're not useless. You're my proudest child. Don't do this again, okay?"


Tang Ruoyu lowered her head, knowing she had been too harsh. Forcing a smile, she gently said, "The congee is ready."

Yu Shi, sensing the moment, moved aside. Su Xueer took the congee, and though Tang Ruoyu seemed a bit dazed, she followed Su Xueer's hint and personally served Shen Zixuan a bowl.

Tang Ruoyu scooped a spoonful, blew on it gently, and brought it to Shen Zixuan's mouth. But Shen Zixuan didn't open his mouth. He didn't look at Tang Ruoyu, his gaze fixed on Su Xueer instead.

Su Xueer nodded, signaling to Shen Zixuan. Though reluctant, Shen Zixuan finally opened his mouth.

Tang Ruoyu fed him the bowl of congee with difficulty, and Su Xueer clearly saw the beads of sweat on Tang Ruoyu's forehead. She nudged Yu Shi, signaling him to notice.

Yu Shi glanced at Tang Ruoyu but didn't say anything or show any expression. He just thought to himself, If only this child would lower her head for once.

Shen Zixuan's expression didn't change much, but inside, he was overjoyed.

After Tang Ruoyu left, Yu Shi followed. Su Xueer gave Shen Zixuan a reproachful look and said, "Ruoyu has already humbled herself. Why can't you acknowledge it? Are you trying to frustrate me to death?"

"Mom, from today onwards, I'm no longer the old Shen Zixuan. I am the son of the Grand Commander of the Spirit Master Mansion, Yu Shi, and the Young Commander of the Spirit Master Mansion. I will reach the Spirit God level within ten years."

Su Xueer felt gratified. Though unsure if Shen Zixuan could reach such heights in ten years, she believed in him.

"Don't push yourself like this anymore. Mom believes you will succeed."
