Chapter Fifty: You Led Me Here, Didn’t You?

"I agree, but you must swear that if there is something in the secret realm that I need, I can take a bit without interfering with what you need. I can also swear the same," Su Xueer said.

Seeing her straightforwardness, Jiang Yu readily agreed.

"I need a sword. I lost my weapon during a fight on my way here."

"Of course." Jiang Yu retrieved a mid-grade sacred weapon from his spatial ring and handed it to Su Xueer.

"Thank you."

"Please, Miss Ning, rest well. We will begin opening the secret realm tomorrow."

During their conversation, Jiang Yu's subordinates had already prepared a tent for Su Xueer. Inside, she found a small space with only a bed and a small table by the bedside. Su Xueer immediately sat down cross-legged and began her cultivation. She discovered that the spiritual energy here was much denser than outside, prompting her to practice fervently.

The next day, Su Xueer and Jiang Yu, along with a group of sixteen people, arrived at the stone gate. Originally, there were seventeen, but now only sixteen remained. The group started setting up the formation, while Su Xueer and Jiang Yu stood nearby to protect them.

Watching the intricate formation, Su Xueer couldn't help but feel a sense of awe.

The group used the formation to bombard the stone gate, but the effect was not significant.

"What is the main reason for your visit to this secret realm?" Su Xueer asked.

"The Space-Time Array and the Space-Time Keystone," Jiang Yu replied.

Su Xueer was delighted. This was exactly what she needed. But what was the Space-Time Keystone?

"What is the Space-Time Keystone?"

"Miss Ning, you don't know? The Space-Time Keystone is essential to activate the Space-Time Array. Although the current formation doesn't require the keystone, most arrays need it for activation."

"To be honest, one of my tasks here is also to find these two items."

"Well... that's fine. When the time comes, you can take what you need."

"Thank you, Brother Jiang."

Looking around, Su Xueer saw nothing unusual and asked, "Brother Jiang, are we expecting other factions to interfere?"

"I'm not sure, but it's best to be cautious."

Just as he finished speaking, a group emerged from the dark valley.

"I've waited for this day. Today, the spiritual energy here is at its peak. I knew you would set up a formation to open the secret realm," a voice boomed.

"You're bold, Lin Qian."

The newcomer was Lin Qian, a talented disciple of the Divine Fire Sect.

Lin Qian pointed his sword at Su Xueer, asking, "Who is this person beside you? Looks like you've brought some help."

"I suggest you leave. If I return, my faction will not spare your Divine Fire Sect."

"Hahaha," Lin Qian laughed, his expression wicked. "You said it yourself—if you return. You just have to not go back." He then ordered his men, "Attack, leave no one alive."

"Miss Ning, it's time to fight," Jiang Yu said.

Su Xueer and Jiang Yu were surrounded by dozens of peak Ling Emperor experts. The battle began instantly. Jiang Yu, being a peak Ling Emperor himself, handled his opponents with ease. Su Xueer, however, was struggling.

With a grim expression, Su Xueer realized that her current level couldn't defeat these opponents unless she used the Blood Fury Technique, which would reveal her identity. She came up with a plan.

As she fought, she retreated. Several attackers unleashed their skills simultaneously.

"Earth Splitter."

"Wind Stab."


Su Xueer hastily blocked, but was still forced back, spitting blood. Using the momentum, she retreated further, her pursuers closing in.

Now far from Lin Qian, Su Xueer saw her chance.

"Who are you to challenge Brother Lin Qian…"

Before the attacker could finish, he noticed Su Xueer had vanished. Panicking, they looked up to find her above them.

"Illusion Sword Technique."

With the boost from the Blood Fury Technique, Su Xueer's speed was unmatched. After a fierce struggle, her opponents lay defeated.

Clutching her chest, Su Xueer muttered, "I must raise my level, or I won't survive in Fallen God Valley."

Meanwhile, Jiang Yu, now wounded, was still fighting off several attackers. Despite killing three, he was hurt.

Su Xueer arrived to assist, equally injured.

"Hahaha, today is your end," Lin Qian laughed. He ordered his men, "Disrupt the formation. I'll kill them myself."

As Jiang Yu tried to intervene, Lin Qian struck him back.

"Worry about yourself."

Just as Lin Qian's sword was about to reach Jiang Yu, Su Xueer activated her Space-Time Domain—Time Stop.

Lin Qian suddenly found himself moving sluggishly, his men frozen as well. Su Xueer grabbed Jiang Yu and fled, leaping into the air as Lin Qian's sword finally struck where Jiang Yu had been.

"Space-Time Annihilation."

A white light exploded between Lin Qian and his men, reducing them to dust.

Su Xueer sat down to recover while Jiang Yu stared in disbelief. He hadn't expected Su Xueer, a mid-level Ling Emperor, to possess the rare Space-Time Domain.

"She's a true prodigy. I must visit her faction once we leave," he thought.


After a moment, Su Xueer's injuries had mostly healed. Seeing her improvement, Jiang Yu hurried over and asked, "Did you just release a Space-Time Domain?"


"Could you do me another favor?"

Su Xueer grew impatient. "Hey, hey, hey, what do you take me for?"

Jiang Yu quickly apologized, "Sorry, just consider it a favor I owe you, how about that?"

Su Xueer sneered, "Is your favor worth that much?"

Seeing no other way, Jiang Yu resorted to his last option. "As long as you find me after we leave, I can guarantee your safety for one year, starting from the day you seek me out."

Su Xueer thought it over, "This could be a useful bargaining chip. But what does he want me to do?"

She then asked, "What do you need my help with?"

Seeing her agreement, Jiang Yu was excited. "It seems Miss Ning has agreed. It's simple, just activate the Space-Time Domain to help me open the gate to this secret realm."


Su Xueer leaped and activated her Space-Time Domain, injecting its energy into the formation. Moments later, the giant gate of the secret realm began to tremble and slowly opened, leaving an entrance about a meter wide.

Jiang Yu was overjoyed. "Thank you, Miss Ning, you've saved us a lot of time."

"No need to thank me. Let's go in."

Jiang Yu and Su Xueer led his numerous disciples and elders into the secret realm. Once inside, they heard a loud "bang" as the gate closed behind them. Just as Jiang Yu turned to check, Su Xueer reminded him, "Don't bother. Since we got in, there must be a way out."

They continued walking, the path gradually widening until they reached a stone door. Su Xueer touched the door's surface, then shattered it with a single palm strike, revealing a glowing palace beyond.

The group was overjoyed and rushed in to search for treasures. Noticing Su Xueer's stillness, Jiang Yu asked curiously, "Why aren't you looking for treasures, Miss Ning?"

"I just scanned this place with my domain. There's a cave at the far end, but it's not an exit, so this palace might be our tomb."

Jiang Yu's expression turned serious. "This secret realm was provided by someone special, but that can't be. There might be another exit."

At that moment, a chest about a man's height began to materialize in the center of the palace hall, drawing everyone's attention.

"Miss Ning, what is this?"

"Not sure."

"Who cares? Let's open it and see." One of Jiang Yu's junior brothers shattered the chest. Inside, they found many milky white glowing stones and a scroll.

Jiang Yu was ecstatic. "These are the Space-Time Keystones and the Space-Time Array."

As they reached for the items, a ring floated out of the keystones. Su Xueer was startled; this ring looked exactly like the one on her left index finger.

"How can this be? An identical ring? That's impossible," Su Xueer thought.

While everyone was puzzled, a red-robed beauty emerged from the ring. She spoke with a murderous aura, her voice full of authority, "You all have a lot of nerve, disturbing my cultivation. Are you seeking death?"

The group retreated in fear, even Jiang Yu backed off, but Su Xueer stood still. The red-robed beauty floated toward Su Xueer and, seeing her unwavering gaze, asked, "Why aren't you afraid of me?"

"Afraid? Why should I be afraid of you?" Su Xueer replied disdainfully.

The red-robed beauty didn't get angry but instead addressed Jiang Yu, "Take these keystones and the scroll and leave the way you came, or I'll kill you all."

"No, Miss Ning can't stay…"

"When I say go, you go. Why so much nonsense?" The red-robed beauty was clearly losing patience. Su Xueer told Jiang Yu, "Brother Jiang, you go first. I'll follow shortly."


"Don't worry. You go ahead with your people."

"Alright. Miss Ning, be careful. I'll be leaving now," Jiang Yu said, cupping his hands in a salute.

After Jiang Yu left, Su Xueer sneered, "You led me here, didn't you?"