Chapter Seventy-Five: Unity of the Four Symbols - Birth of the Moon's Lament Sword

After Yao Wu entered, she saw Yun Chuxue holding the Snow Moon Sword, waiting for her. Yun Chuxue's eyes were filled with killing intent, sending shivers down one's spine.

"The Snow Moon Sword, ranked first among the supreme swords on the continent. Is that all?" Yao Wu sneered. "What about the Skybreaking Spear? Why don't I see you using it?"

"The Skybreaking Spear is lost, but killing you is enough," Yun Chuxue retorted.

With a cold snort, Yao Wu retrieved a blue long sword from her spatial ring, emanating waves of chilling aura. "Recognize this sword?"

Yun Chuxue's pupils dilated. It was the object of her dreams, the leader of the Four Divine Artifacts—the Water Kan Sword.

"Today, you'll meet your end here," Yao Wu declared as she charged forward with the Water Kan Sword. Yun Chuxue met her head-on.

The two battled fiercely within the formation, trading blows for three hundred rounds without a clear winner.

At that moment, a cold smile crossed Yao Wu's lips as she unleashed her exclusive spiritual technique. Her speed skyrocketed.

Yun Chuxue already bore several sword wounds on her body.

Taunting Yun Chuxue, Yao Wu said, "Is this all you've got? Despite activating the Bloodthirsty Berserk and reaching the pinnacle of the Spirit Realm, you're struggling against someone in the Spirit Realm's later stage."

Indeed, Yun Chuxue lacked speed-enhancing spiritual techniques. She had always focused on strength and hadn't prioritized speed. In this battle, it was evident that Yun Chuxue was struggling.

"Divine Retribution Descends."

Countless thunderbolts surrounded Yun Chuxue, halting Yao Wu's attacks.

"Yun Chuxue, do you only know how to hide?" Yao Wu sneered.

Without responding, Yun Chuxue sought an opportunity to seize the Water Kan Sword.

After Divine Retribution ended, Yao Wu resumed her fierce assault. Yun Chuxue found an opening to repel her, then leaped forward, launching a massive white beam of light towards the formation.

Yao Wu would surely defend, giving Yun Chuxue a chance to strike. Indeed, seeing Yun Chuxue use her spiritual technique to attack the formation, Yao Wu intended to counter.

"Shadow Blood Hand."

A huge blood hand surged forward, and the two entered a standoff.

"I don't believe I'll lose to you," Yao Wu exerted all her strength, and Yun Chuxue began to falter. Perplexed, Yun Chuxue thought, "I'm at the pinnacle of the Spirit Realm, while she's only in the later stage. How can she be stronger than me?"

Yao Wu sneered, "Yun Chuxue, you must be wondering. In my eyes, you're just like a lamb to the slaughter."

Yun Chuxue inwardly thought, "I can only use my domain now."

"Temporal Domain."

Instantly, Yun Chuxue enveloped the formation with her domain, using the first skill of her Temporal Domain to freeze time. However, for Yao Wu, it only slowed her speed. Yao Wu now confirmed Yun Chuxue's strength and was confident of killing her.

The two resumed their intense battle within the temporal domain. Despite Yun Chuxue's Bloodthirsty Berserk nearing its end, she couldn't find a way to break Yao Wu's defense.

Yun Chuxue panted lightly; her spiritual power was now less than half, making it difficult to sustain the Bloodthirsty Berserk. She stared at Yao Wu, puzzled by Yao Wu's apparent lack of fatigue.

"Temporal Annihilation."

"Moonshadow Shatterspace."

The collision of the two techniques produced a powerful shockwave, forcing Yun Chuxue to retreat repeatedly.

"What's wrong, Yun Chuxue? Out of spiritual power, aren't you? Prepare to die," Yao Wu taunted.

With that, she wielded the Water Kan Sword, generating a powerful force in the air. "Yun Chuxue, let me show you the difference between the supreme sword and an artifact. Torrent Pierces the Void."

In an instant, Yun Chuxue was enveloped by the aura generated by the surrounding Water Kan Swords, unable to move.

"Yun Chuxue, meet your end."

Yun Chuxue desperately released her domain skill, Temporal Cage, but Yao Wu effortlessly broke through it.

Yun Chuxue could only block with her sword, but she was impaled by Yao Wu's sword and pinned to the wall like a nail.

Seeing Yun Chuxue's agonizing expression, Yao Wu mocked, "Yun Chuxue, this is the difference."

Seeing Yao Wu deceived, a cold smile crossed Yun Chuxue's lips as she grabbed the Water Kan Sword, blood flowing from her wrist.

"What?" Just then, Mo Xi possessed Yun Chuxue, kicking Yao Wu's wrist and then kicking her away. Mo Xi then pulled the Water Kan Sword out of Yun Chuxue's shoulder and stored it in a spatial ring.

Blood flowed slowly from Yun Chuxue's shoulder, staining half of her body red.

"Just you?" Mo Xi controlled Yun Chuxue, speaking with disdain.

Yao Wu couldn't believe it. Just moments ago, Yun Chuxue was on the brink of death, yet now she was so strong.

"Impossible! Weren't you heavily injured by me? How could you still have strength?" Yao Wu exclaimed.

"Heavily injured? Watch closely."

A clear stream floated above Yun Chuxue, flowing down her body, healing her wounds at a visible rate.

Yao Wu's eyes widened. "You tricked me?"

"Trick or not, who cares? Need me to give you face?"

"Die!" Yao Wu charged forward with her sword, but Mo Xi remained still. When Yao Wu was less than a step away from Yun Chuxue, Mo Xi casually struck Yao Wu's wrist, then kicked her away. Mo Xi then leaped into the air, gathering energy to release the Moon's Lament Dance of Heavenly Requiem, a mysterious white beam aimed at the formation.

Seeing this, Yao Wu tried to stop Mo Xi, but it was too late. The formation was instantly shattered, causing the eighteen black-clothed individuals maintaining it to suffer backlash. Mo Xi fled northward.

Trembling with rage, Yao Wu commanded, "Damn it, immediately send reinforcements to Yun Chuxue. She's injured and can't have gone far."


Yao Wu glared angrily in the direction Yun Chuxue had left, saying viciously, "Your technique can't possibly heal all your injuries. I don't believe you can run far."

Indeed, as Yao Wu said, Yun Chuxue's technique could only heal external wounds; internal injuries were impossible to fully recover from. Now, under Mo Xi's control, Yun Chuxue flew rapidly northward until they reached the depths of a mountain range, where they found a cave entrance and stopped.

"Now, what do we do, Mo Xi?"

"Now that you're injured, if I continue to control your body, your body might not be able to endure it. So, to prevent any accidents, I'm going to merge the Skybreaking Spear with the other four divine artifacts. This can indirectly enhance your strength."


With that, Mo Xi detached from Yun Chuxue's spiritual sea, appearing before her.

"Yun Chuxue, lie down. I need your body as a medium for the fusion process. It will allow you to better resonate with the fused weapon."


Following Mo Xi's instructions, Yun Chuxue lay down as Mo Xi began the weapon fusion process.

First, she activated the Skybreaking Spear using Yun Chuxue's blood, discovering to her surprise that the Skybreaking Spear seemed quite excited.

Placing the Departing Fire Bow above Yun Chuxue, Mo Xi activated the Skybreaking Spear's devouring ability.

Mo Xi slowly placed the Departing Fire Bow over the Skybreaking Spear, which began to devour it.

With each consumption, Yun Chuxue felt the endless burning sensation, causing her to grimace in pain. The process was excruciatingly long, and after several hours, Yun Chuxue was drenched in sweat, her lips pale, her face extremely ugly, but she persisted.

Seeing Yun Chuxue's terrible condition, Mo Xi felt worried. "Yun Chuxue, are you okay? Can you hold on?"

"...I can."

For the next half-day, Mo Xi devoured the Zejin Qin and Xunxian Fan. With each consumption, Yun Chuxue underwent the painful transformation of bones and the forging of her soul.

After the consumption was complete, Mo Xi became even more concerned about Yun Chuxue's condition. Seeing Yun Chuxue weakened, she said, "Yun Chuxue, there's one more artifact left. If you can't endure it, we'll stop temporarily."

"...No, ...there are... powerful enemies outside, ...I can't give up."

"Alright, let me know if you can't hold on."

With that, Mo Xi began the consumption of the final artifact—the Water Kan Sword.

As the Skybreaking Spear began to devour it, Yun Chuxue felt her spiritual sea shatter. She clutched her head, curling up in pain. As time passed, Yun Chuxue let out a scream and fainted.

"Yun Chuxue, Yun Chuxue, what's wrong? Yun Chuxue." Mo Xi then examined Yun Chuxue's condition for a day and found her vitality very weak. She hurriedly used her spiritual power to surround Yun Chuxue, attempting to revive her weak vitality, but to no avail.

As the Skybreaking Spear began to crack, a faintly visible sword emerged, surrounded by mysterious spiritual energy. The sword was inscribed with the words "Moon's Lament," emitting a faint blue light along the blade. On one side of the hilt was the imprint of a snowflake, and on the other was the imprint of a flame. The shape of the sword's spine resembled the protection of a lotus, making it quite beautiful.

Mo Xi examined the sword, sometimes delighted, sometimes frowning. "This sword can only be used by you when I empower it. Otherwise, you'll suffer backlash."

At this moment, a very cute spirit emerged from the Moon's Lament Sword. Mo Xi could tell it was the sword spirit. It glanced around, then jumped onto Yun Chuxue's body, staring blankly for a few moments before entering Yun Chuxue's spiritual sea.

Mo Xi followed and was surprised to find Yun Chuxue's spiritual sea damaged beyond ordinary comprehension. How did she endure it?

The sword spirit began repairing Yun Chuxue's spiritual sea. In no time, the repair was complete, and Mo Xi discovered that Yun Chuxue's strength had advanced to the later stage of the Spirit Realm. However, her spiritual sea was now comparable to that of a peak Spirit Realm expert.

After the sword spirit finished repairs, it stretched lazily, returned to the Moon's Lament Sword, and disappeared inside.

Moments later, Yun Chuxue regained consciousness, seeing the Moon's Lament Sword emitting a faint blue light before her, she asked in amazement, "Mo Xi, did it succeed?"

Mo Xi sighed lightly, praising, "Yun Chuxue, in the thousands of years I've lived, you're the first person to truly impress me. Enduring your spiritual sea in that state is remarkable."

Yun Chuxue, hearing Mo Xi praise her for the first time, was somewhat at a loss. When she picked up the Moon's Lament Sword, she didn't notice anything special about it. Mo Xi explained, "Your spiritual techniques have also undergone changes. Go to your spiritual sea and feel it."

Yun Chuxue reached her spiritual sea, where several lines of text appeared above it:

"Instant Flash Technique, Celestial Moon Star Shatter Slash, Moon's Lament Dance of Heavenly Requiem, Four Symbols Protective Chant, Lament of the Moon's Four Quarters, Bloodthirsty Berserk."

Yun Chuxue sat down and soon became familiar with the usage of each spiritual technique. However, she found that these techniques were derived from her previous ones, making them relatively easy to learn.

Looking back, Yun Chuxue noticed Mo Xi's soul faintly visible. "Mo Xi, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just need to recover my spiritual power. I'll go out later to stop Yao Wu and then flee. Both of us don't have the spiritual power to continue fighting."


After Yun Chuxue left the cave, Mo Xi controlled her body, wielding the Moon's Lament Sword, and rushed out.

At that moment, Yao Wu's subordinates in the Spirit Saint Realm were searching for Yun Chuxue in the mountains.