Chapter Eighty-Seven: Reclaiming the Source

Over the past few days, it was clear from Muya's behavior that she did not treat Yun Chuxue as a mere servant. Muya, a leader known for her strictness, often berated her subordinates and maids, but reserved her gentle side for Yun Chuxue. Whenever she encountered Yun Chuxue after a bout of shouting, she always softened.

One day, Yun Chuxue was in her room when a woman wearing a beast-shaped mask and holding a long staff walked in. Yun Chuxue stood up and asked, "Who are you?"

"Greetings, miss. I am the high priestess of the tribe."

Seeing the high priestess's courtesy, Yun Chuxue returned the greeting, "Please, take a seat."

"Thank you, miss."

After the high priestess sat down, Yun Chuxue offered her a cup of tea.

"Thank you, miss."

"I wonder if you came to see Muya?" Yun Chuxue asked as she sat down.

"No, the high priestess and the other elders are meeting at the altar. They sent me to inform you," the high priestess said calmly.

"Does Muya have anything else to say?" Yun Chuxue asked.

"The leader asked if you would like to explore the tribe. I can guide you."


Without hesitation, Yun Chuxue donned her cloak and followed the high priestess outside.

When they reached the small stream, Yun Chuxue paused, remembering it as the place where she was bullied by those soldiers.

"What's wrong? Are you familiar with this place?" the high priestess asked.

"A bit," Yun Chuxue replied.

Of course, she was very familiar.

After crossing the stream, they walked a few hundred steps to see houses standing close together, tightly packed like leaves with only a narrow path between them.

"The gaps between the houses are very small. Is land scarce in the tribe?" Yun Chuxue asked.

"Yes, the tribe lacks land. We have roughly divided it into four parts. Half is for residential use, and half is for growing crops. There are also warehouses and training grounds," the high priestess explained.

After passing through the residential area, they saw watchtowers standing on the city walls, with soldiers patrolling constantly below.

At the city gate, the soldiers greeted the high priestess respectfully.

When Yun Chuxue reached the gate, she was stopped.

"Stop. Residents are not allowed outside. Please go back," a soldier said.

"She is with me. I am showing her around the tribe," the high priestess said.

Seeing the high priestess speak, the soldiers exchanged glances and allowed Yun Chuxue to pass.

"Thank you, high priestess," Yun Chuxue said politely.

"No need to thank me. This was arranged by the leader."

Outside the gate, Yun Chuxue thought she had left the tribe, but it turned out to be just the inner circle, surrounded by an even taller wall. Between the inner and outer walls were training grounds and barracks, where the sounds of training soldiers echoed.

"I didn't notice last time how grand this place is," Yun Chuxue said in awe.

The high priestess smiled slightly at Yun Chuxue's admiration.

The high priestess led Yun Chuxue around the inner city, explaining as they walked, "The tribe is divided into five sectors. The front gate area is my responsibility. The upper left and right sectors are managed by two generals, and the lower left and right sectors by two elders. Each of our sectors commands one-seventh of the total troops."

"What about the remaining troops?" Yun Chuxue asked.

"They are naturally with the leader. We form a pentagonal defense. If any point is breached, at least three forces can quickly come to its aid. This is the advantage of the pentagon formation."

Yun Chuxue marveled at the strategic layout and was curious who designed it. The high priestess's answer surprised her greatly.

"The leader created this formation at the age of fifteen. She is a genius, the brightest in the tribe for a millennium. It is our honor."

"Can you help me break the seal? Once I regain my strength, I have a way to defeat the Cangming Poison Wolf."


"Why not?"

"When the time is right, you will naturally know."

"How many years will it take?"

"The leader will tell you these answers. For now, just do your part. When the time comes, I will lift the seal."

Yun Chuxue lowered her head. She was indeed anxious now, but she also thought that perhaps this was fate—an opportunity to change her temperament. Reflecting on her previous arrogance and impatience, she found it quite amusing.

The high priestess took Yun Chuxue on a tour and then returned her to Muya's residence before leaving. Yun Chuxue sat by the window, looking outside. Birds occasionally landed on the branches, then flew away without a sound.


Yun Chuxue remembered the "Heart as Still Water" technique she had practiced before. It was the only mental cultivation technique she had learned, the foundation for her other sword and body techniques, which she had overlooked.

"I've been relying on the techniques of the Yueyin Sword to fight, neglecting my original mental cultivation method. To rebuild my meridians, I must practice the 'Heart as Still Water' technique again. But... where can I find a sword?"

The next day, at the same time as the day before, the high priestess came to see Yun Chuxue. Officially, she said she was visiting Yun Chuxue, but in reality, it was to prevent her from escaping.

After chatting for a while, Yun Chuxue made a request, "High Priestess, could you give me a sword?"

"What do you need a sword for?"

"Nothing much. I'm bored and want to practice my sword techniques."

"'Heart as Still Water,' right?"

Yun Chuxue pressed her lips together. "Yes."

"'Heart as Still Water' is both a sword technique and a mental cultivation method. Very well. What grade of sword do you need?"

"A low-grade treasured weapon will do."


The high priestess then took out an ordinary sword from her spatial ring. "This is a top-grade spiritual weapon. Use it well."

"Thank you, High Priestess."

Yun Chuxue excitedly took the sword and went outside. She stared thoughtfully at the few small trees in the courtyard.

"Ahem... The leader doesn't like decorations in the courtyard, that's why..."

Yun Chuxue found a random spot to sit down and began to calm her mind and spirit. Although there were only a few small trees around, they provided Yun Chuxue with an extremely quiet environment to concentrate on her cultivation.

The high priestess sat in the courtyard, quietly watching her.

Time passed, and before long, it was dusk. The high priestess sighed, "She truly is no ordinary woman. Knowing the impossibility, yet she still persists."

Just when the high priestess thought Yun Chuxue was about to give up, Yun Chuxue stood up, closed her eyes, and began practicing the sword techniques from the "Heart as Still Water" method.

The "Heart as Still Water" method required the heart to be as calm as water. Stillness implied no movement; in stillness, there was movement; in movement, there was stillness. It could break mountains and rivers, and shake the heavens and earth.

After practicing, Yun Chuxue walked over, pleased.

The high priestess was puzzled. "Yun Chuxue, are you happy?"

"... It's okay. Mainly, practicing the sword techniques calmly made me realize how arrogant I was before."

"Heh..." The high priestess chuckled. "Arrogance requires capability. It's good that you understand now."

That night, Yun Chuxue went to sleep with a smile, as this was her most meaningful day since coming here.