Chapter One Hundred and Twelve: Departure of the Old Man Jing Shui

In the evening, Old Man Jing Shui prepared a table full of delicious dishes for Yun Chuxue. Despite her attempts to help, he refused, so Yun Chuxue could only sit helplessly in the courtyard.

During the meal, Old Man Jing Shui was particularly attentive to her, helping her with the dishes and pouring soup.

After dinner, Old Man Jing Shui pulled out two beds and asked Yun Chuxue to lie down on one while he lay on the other.

"Xiaoxue, look at the moon. Is it round?"


"Yes, it's been a long time since I've seen such a round moon. I remember the last time was when you first arrived several years ago."

Yun Chuxue stared straight at the moon, feeling a sudden pain in her chest, and blood slowly trickled from the corner of her mouth.

She turned away, wiped the blood, and seeing her abnormality, Old Man Jing Shui patted her, concerned.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

"No, no." Yun Chuxue turned back and smiled at him.

"You girls eat so little, unlike us, we eat a lot, hahaha."

Yun Chuxue smiled along. Soon, Old Man Jing Shui fell asleep, and Yun Chuxue got up and walked a short distance outside.


She vomited black blood one mouthful at a time. Yun Chuxue patted her chest, took a deep breath, wiped the blood from her mouth, and went back to sleep.

The next morning, Old Man Jing Shui stretched and saw Yun Chuxue still sleeping. He didn't disturb her, got up, and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for her.

Little did he know, Yun Chuxue had been poisoned overnight, suffering unbearable pain and struggling to suppress it with her magic.

Yun Chuxue opened her eyes, struggling to get up, and murmured,

"Is it this difficult to stand up now?"

With a bitter smile, Yun Chuxue shook her head. When she turned around, she didn't see Old Man Jing Shui. Walking to the kitchen door, she saw him preparing breakfast. She sat on a bench in the courtyard.

After breakfast, she chatted with Old Man Jing Shui, read books, and played the zither.

Days passed in a flash.

One noon, while Yun Chuxue was sleeping, Old Man Jing Shui took a walk outside and found a pool of black blood. Stooping down, he realized it was vomited by someone poisoned.

"Is the girl already at death's door? Oh dear..."

At night, Yun Chuxue knew she couldn't hold on anymore and asked Old Man Jing Shui to have a drink with her.

Two hours later, Yun Chuxue put down her wine glass, vomited blood all over the floor. She knew this was the last time she would drink with Old Man Jing Shui, there would be no next time.

Old Man Jing Shui hurriedly helped Yun Chuxue up, asking,

"Little girl, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm poisoned, beyond saving."

"Poisoned? What poison?"

"Hundred Flowers Powder."

"Hundred Flowers Powder? I've heard of this poison, they say there's no antidote for it."

"It's okay." Yun Chuxue patted her chest, trying to ease the pain.

"Grandpa, you know, I have no family left. My husband and children are dead. I have no attachments now. I just want to spend the remaining time with you. Nothing else."

"Yun Chuxue, hold on. I'll find the antidote."

Old Man Jing Shui was grateful for Yun Chuxue's kindness. "It's okay, rest. Maybe tomorrow morning, you'll feel much better."

"Okay..." Yun Chuxue lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

Old Man Jing Shui got up, his face grave. Then, he formed seals on his chest, transferring all his life force and spiritual power to Yun Chuxue.

"Little girl, this old man came here. You're the kindest girl I've ever met. Don't blame grandpa."

The next day,

Yun Chuxue felt a little relieved. She wondered if heaven was kind enough to let her live a few more days longer? If she had known about the events of last night, she wouldn't have thought so.

Old Man Jing Shui brought a bowl of soup to Yun Chuxue, saying,

"This is the antidote I brewed. It might work."


Old Man Jing Shui hoped to get away with it.

One month later,

During this month, Old Man Jing Shui had been brewing soup for Yun Chuxue. With each passing day, Yun Chuxue felt lighter, believing that the soup from Old Man Jing Shui was the antidote.

One day, while Old Man Jing Shui was moving things, he suddenly collapsed. Yun Chuxue hurried forward to support him.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with you?"

Using her spiritual sense, Yun Chuxue found no trace of spiritual power fluctuation in Old Man Jing Shui's body. Just as she was about to infuse him with her own power, Old Man Jing Shui stopped her weakly.

"Little girl, it's unnecessary. My time is up. The day I learned you were poisoned, I used a secret technique to suppress the toxins within you. Since then, I've been extracting the toxins from your body every day, at the cost of depleting all my spiritual and life force. Now, there are no toxins left in your body."

Upon hearing that Old Man Jing Shui sacrificed his life for her, tears welled up in Yun Chuxue's eyes.

"Little girl, don't cry. You are the kindest person I've ever met. In you, I see someone from my past. I hope you'll live well... live well..."

Before Old Man Jing Shui could finish his words, he disappeared from this world, leaving Yun Chuxue crying out in pain.

Mo Xian witnessed everything Old Man Jing Shui did for Yun Chuxue and also felt regret at his departure.

Yun Chuxue, in a daze, walked out, turning back at the door to look back at the house, reminiscing about everything.

In the courtyard, she erected a monument for Old Man Jing Shui and knelt down, bowing three times. Tears welled in her eyes as she said,

"Grandpa, rest assured, I will cherish this life you've given me."

With that, she stood up, intending to leave, but before she did, she glanced back at Old Man Jing Shui's residence, filled with nostalgia.

Inside the old room, everything remained unchanged, dull and monotonous. Yun Chuxue noticed an old and thick book. It seemed ancient.

Flipping through it, she found it was about alchemy, formations, and refining techniques. She couldn't understand it fully. Turning to the last page, she found a message addressed to her.

"Little girl, if you're fortunate enough to see this book, then I'm no longer here. I know you're alone, so in the future, make friends and don't remain alone all the time. I know you're solitary by nature, but you're kind and loyal. I hope you'll change your solitary nature, become kind, and make genuine friends. I haven't left much for you. This book contains everything I've learned in my life. I hope you'll study it diligently. Farewell, Xiaoxue."

Tears streamed down Yun Chuxue's face as she closed the book and looked out the window.

"Grandpa, rest assured, I will not disappoint you."

After leaving the house, Yun Chuxue asked Mo Xian,

"Mo Xian, can you create a prohibition formation? I don't want anyone to disturb Grandpa."

"Yes, provide me with eight huge stones to surround the area, and I'll carve the formation."


Yun Chuxue used the Moon Chant Sword to engrave eight sturdy boulders in the surroundings.

Mo Xian spent a few hours carving the formation, then casually activated it.

"This is the Eight-Circle Banishing Formation. Inside, there's a circulation of spiritual power. Besides you, no one else on this continent can enter."


With one last look back, Yun Chuxue reluctantly left.