Continental Event (3) Play

As they took a bow, Augustus sat back in his chair.

"Tsk..." He spoke in a low tone, "That peasant still isn't here... bastard." Augustus suddenly gritted his teeth in anger.

The other emperors faced him.

For a few seconds, there was silence.

And then, Karax Haou of Zasea said something:

"Don't spoil the surprise... soft skin." He said in a deep and calm voice, facing forward.

Augustus raised a brow, looking toward Karax with an offended look on his face:

"What did you just call me? You dare wish to speak like that again, you savage brute?" Augustus retorted in irritation.

This prompted Karax to slowly turn his head toward the emperor of Rock Saelfine, a hint of malicious intent unable to help but leak out of him.

Syelthus shook his head in disappointment on seeing this.

"Fools..." Dhum said under his breath, equally disappointed.