Devastating Ancestral Aura

As Tyr made his way through the room, he noticed a group of bullies on his left who were searing hot letters into another Hunter's back.

"Ahheeeeekkrgh!" The Hunter's piercing screech blended into the rest of the loud exclamations of pain.

Other Hunters were being stripped of all of their clothes, completely naked and made to dance on top of tables.

"Yeah! Turn around!"

"Do that one move from yesterday! Hahaha!"


Others were tied up and ganged up on, brutally beaten to the point of being a bloody meatbag.

"What did I tell you about late payments!?"

"If you don't want to die, stop resisting!"

Through all of this, Tyr's vision remained locked onto Race.

The other bullies and Hunters in the canteen also seemed to notice Tyr as he walked through. He stood out since he was the only one to encroach on other people's so-called 'territories' without warning.

"Hey... that's fresh meat."

"Yeah, dragon meat!"