Chapter 1 Reborn as a wolf.

 The Arctic is a cold place.

  The arrival of winter makes the world silent, and makes the already snowy Arctic even more silent. The animals that were rare before are now nowhere to be seen.

  In a cave somewhere in the Arctic, a young Arctic wolf is sleeping in the arms of a strong female wolf.

  The young Artic wolf turned over and felt warm all over. It felt this is really a good place to sleep.


  Su Lin, who was half asleep and half awake, wanted to twitch his arms and rub his eyes.

  But he suddenly woke up completely!

  Wait, where are my arms!

  And what happened to my voice?

  Su Lin was horrified to find that he had no arms or hands, and his voice turned into a wolf howl!

  "Am I dreaming?"

  Su Lin thought so in his heart.

  But when he twisted his body and looked, he was horrified to find that he had really turned into a little wolf.

  A little Arctic wolf with a white body and a length of only about 30 cm.

  "Oh my god, what's going on?"

  Su Lin felt his mind buzz and go blank.

  After he calmed down, he quickly recalled what happened before he fell asleep.

  Su Lin was a rich second-generation, who

 likes adventure.

  As for his parents, they are busy with the development of the company and never care about him.

For more than 20 years, he has been facing the ups and downs of life alone.

  And yesterday he went to a mysterious cave for exploration.

  In that cave, he found a crystal coffin engraved with complex text and pictures!

  A crystal coffin, let alone in ancient times, even in today's technologically advanced society, it takes unimaginable expenses to build such a coffin.

  So Su Lin was very curious and studied it closely for a long time.

  Because he has a lot of experience going on adventures, and his university major is archaeology, he vaguely understood some of the words on the coffin.

  But they are all some meanings that don't make sense. What kind of words are "Ice Age", "Great Changes in the World", "Evolution of Species", "Resurrection of Gods and Demons".

  But perhaps studying the coffin text consumed too much brain power for Su Lin, so when he was about to leave, he suddenly felt dizzy, and then he fainted and fell to the ground.

  But he didn't expect that he would be reborn after falling asleep!

  And reborn as a wolf!

  He raised his snow-white wolf claws and gave himself a claw.


  It hurts.

  This real pain made Su Lin cry.

  "Did I really become a wolf, a little Arctic wolf? God, don't tease me like this, my life hasn't started yet!"

  But even if Su Lin shouted in his heart for a long time, there was still no change.

  He really became a wolf, a little Arctic wolf.

  Fortunately, Su Lin, who has lived alone since childhood, has a strong ability to adapt. It didn't take long for him to adapt to his new identity.

  But just after he adapted to his identity,

suddenly a light gray wall appeared in front of him, and only he could see it.

  Name: Su Lin.

  Species: Arctic Wolf.

  Level: Level 0 (10 evolution points are required to upgrade).

  Qi and blood: 10.

  Endurance: 1.

  Strength: 1.

  Defense: 1.

  Speed: 1.

  Evolution value: 0.

  [Successful activation of swallowing evolution, the host obtains activation rewards: ten potential potions (can be used to develop their own potential).]

  "What is this?"

  Looking at the light grey wall that suddenly appeared in front of him, Su Lin was stunned at first, and then a glimmer of joy flashed in his eyes.

  Fortunately, it was not too tragic.

  Although he turned into a little Arctic wolf, the golden finger appeared.    

  Let alone evolving back into a human, at least trying to survive in this icy and snowy Arctic shouldn't be a problem.

  "Evolution by devouring means that I can grow by devouring other things in the future. As for Qi and blood,"

  Su Lin began to analyze the various values ​​on the attribute panel.

  Qi and blood on the attribute column are equivalent to life value.

  If Qi and blood are reduced to 0, it probably means the end of life.

  Endurance is equivalent to physical strength.

  Strength is determined by the attack and destructive power of the creature.

  Speed ​​is naturally the speed of running and reaction.

  These things are generally easy to understand.

As for the potential potion, there are also detailed notes.

  It is a good thing that can develop the potential of one's body after taking it.

  Su Lin analyzed these things, and his heart was completely out of the frustration of being reborn as a wolf.

  After waking at this time, he slightly raised the cute little white wolf head and looked at the wolf mother who was holding him with a paw beside him.

  Suddenly, the attribute panel of the wolf mother also appeared in front of him.

  Race: Arctic wolf (female).

  Level: Level 4.

  Qi and blood: 432.

  Endurance: 42.

  Strength: 39.

  Defense: 37.

  Speed: 35.

  It must be said that the attributes of the wolf mother are much stronger than his current attributes.

  It seems that this is the general level of female Arctic wolves.

  Su Lin struggled to break free from the claws of the wolf mother, tremblingly climbed onto the belly of the wolf mother, and looked at the rest of the cave.

  He found that there were several Arctic wolves lying around to sleep and recuperate.

  It seems that wolves are indeed social animals.

  The closest to the wolf mother is the wolf father.

  After taking a look at each wolf, Su Lin found that the wolf father still has the highest attribute in the cave.

  In addition, judging from the position of the wolf father and the wolf mother in the middle of the cave where the sun can shine, it is estimated that the wolf father is still the leader in the wolf pack.

  Race: Arctic wolf (male).

  Level: Level 6.

  Qi and blood: 589.

  Endurance: 68.

  Strength: 59.

  Defense: 57.

  Speed: 60.

  Gazing at the attributes of the wolf father. Such attributes also surpass the wolf mother by a lot, and it can be regarded as the top among male Arctic wolves.


  When Su Lin was about to use his tender little claws to crawl off his mother and out of the cave to see the outside world, the wolf mother was awakened.

  She looked at the little cub crawling on her body, growled in dissatisfaction, and used her claws to pull Su Lin back into her arms.

  Su Lin then discovered that there was a little female Arctic wolf in his arms, who looked smaller than himself.

She was probably his wolf sister.

  Currently the wolf sister was eating from the nipple in front of her with relish.

  Seeing the wolf sister eating so deliciously, Su Lin also felt the hunger coming quickly.

  Although he was very reluctant in his heart, he still couldn't suppress his body's instinctive desire.

  He leaned over and started eating like the wolf sister.

  "Ding! Eating Arctic wolf breast milk, evolution point +0.1!"

  The system sound that rang in his ears, coupled with the sweet taste from the taste buds on his tongue, made Su Lin's little wolf eyes light up!